General Discussion

General DiscussionMana Void cooldown talent

Mana Void cooldown talent in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    When do you take it over +25 agi? I guess when you play against bloodstone heroes AND have a mana sustain hero (that is somehow conveniently close to you when you're level 25) or build linkens/skadi or something, but I just don't see AM spamming mana void all the time because he has a pretty meh mana pool, mana void costs a shitton (for an agi hero who doesn't build up a huge mana pool, and it has a 20 second cooldown), and AM already has a bunch of ways to spend all of his mana with abyssal, manta and blinks. And obviously, +25 agi is just too freaking good.

    I mean, the thing is, enemies are gonna be low on mana when fighting you most of the time, and it kinda sounds good being able to blow up or deter people from coming close to the target you initiate on, but I just don't see how you can sustain doing that.

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    Fee Too Pee

      As AM you want to kill people when you are finally online with right click only anyway

      mana void is like only to finish up or a final touch when u online , no need to spam it

      meteor hammer

        when they have someone running around missing a shitton of mana and not dying quickly, and also you have to win teamfights to win and can't just rat

        generally though, never

        it'll probably get buffed once mroe and become op as fuck

        O.J.'s Juicy Bag of Nuts

          Never. If you ever decide to pick mana void cd then you should have not picked am.

          The mana void cool down is garbage anyways. You're still not going to cast it more than twice in a fight and you shouldn't needed more than one mana void

          Only way I see it being used is if they decreased cool down to like to 5 seconds or maybe no cooldown at all.

          That or make it 3 seconds stun

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          Riguma Borusu

            So I guess my hunch was right. Thanks for answers.

            it'll probably get buffed once mroe and become op as fuck

            Only way I see it being used is if they decreased cool down to like to 5 seconds or maybe no cooldown at all.
            That or make it 3 seconds stun

            Valve WOULDN'T do that, RIGHT?

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            O.J.'s Juicy Bag of Nuts

              I dunno. I would only get it if it was the stun. I wouldn't get void if it had no cooldown

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              meteor hammer

                heroes that die within 3 seconds of being damaged by mana void spawn an anti-midget, which deals 65 manaburn and 100 damage with a 1.1 BAT


                  i've never found a game where the the meme cooldown talent is better than stats


                    it's very good against storm with his low death cooldown from his bloodstone charges


                      In the rare situation u find yourself where every fight lasts the same duration as the cd and allows u to use it twice to great effect.


                        When ultra behind I say

                        Story Time

                          i do this in dota 10v10 coz of aeo damage and sometimes linken/ministun




                              Hmm maybe half mana cost is better than CD reduction

                              white boy summer

                                when enemy has storm, OD, invo, sky, pugna in one team then void cd. its fun to spam when u are so far ahead too, or if enemy has so much channeling spells and your team has no stuns. maybe if it was a 20 talent it would be more useful

                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                  I ALWAYS take mana void cool down it's fucking good.


                                    +25 agi better.

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