General Discussion

General Discussionnormal skill.

normal skill. in General Discussion

    ive gone from high skill when i use core but when i start using support heroes because of the limit of heroes, i go to normal skill and i recenly have 4 good games but normal skill again. why is this happening? what is wrong in my game?

    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      Remember that the skill level is based on the average mmr of the team and not yours
      Maybe you got a lot of games where you had the lower end of the mmr and now you get games where you are on the higher end


        It doesnt matter what you pick, you play in normal skill because you are, simple as that


          did you understand my question or are you just bitter @kormoranas ?

          so what shall i do to get to high skill again? because my gpm is 500+ already.



            mid or safe farm

              Pick core


                You just described your own problem and it seems as you understand your problem so stop picking support and pick core instead


                  And you dumb fucks fall for it.. sigh..


                    Oo B-God posting on this thread. We should be blessed for his time.


                      maybe up ur gameplay with support, i play a support all the time, it makes no sense u down skill brancked when u play as a good support :D


                        or maybe its not ur role

                        Mode : TOPSON

                          lol that sound good for me... why u want highskill when u can stomping ns with supp
                          i try mantaining to normal skill but damn system always make me highskill


                            50% of my role is supp and 50% is core....and i never goes back to normal skill for now i dont know what happen in the future :)


                              Yea I think valve calibration really favors cores


                                its just more difficult to be good support player.

                                I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                                  who the fuck cares


                                    Do not rely on your team much . It does not mean u do not join the teamfight.
                                    Just pick the hero which u can play well .etc 3 or 4 heros and keep playing them and get hero damage as much as u can . Forget about KDA ratios.
                                    You can see how i smurf my account too.
                                    Best ot luck


                                      YOUR NOOB SAVAGE STRANGER STRIKES AGAIN XD

                                      Herald Pride

                                        if your mmr around 3.4 k that will be high skill


                                          They need to change MMR skill levels... 3k needs to be Normal skill, and 4k+ is High and 5k+ should be VHS. Otherwise "VHS" games are full of people who don't even know how to play or what to do on the map...wandering aimlessly...


                                            ^ Agreed

                                            When someone try to troll on db with a smurf account I always see such person as:

                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!