General Discussion


TIPS ON HOW TO BE A GOOD SUPPORT in General Discussion
inza #HowlGG

    Thank you


      Just play core who even plays support in 2017, especially in your bracket it's 5 carries vs 5 carries.

      profesionel fouri retardist

        Check " Mute all incoming chat " in options


          Sometimes there are some people that actually say something worth listening to so mute all incoming chat is not always the best option.

          Story Time

            Three words for being a good sup: harass, vision, rotations

            Riguma Borusu

              If you mute everyone as a support and play accordingly, you are going to fuck up a lot of shit and still blame your teammates, do not do that. Mute people who just keep flaming but give everyone a chance at the beginning. The last game I abandoned was because jakiro said "all muted" at the start of the game. If a support decides they do not want to listen to their carry or offlaner, I do not care enough to win or even play the game, either.

              profesionel fouri retardist

                Communication in pubs is over rated. Pings and chat wheel are more than enough. Even if it is not flaming, a lot of people just say a lot of silly and/or retarded things that will have an impact on your decision making and focus, especially as a support, in situations like a necro wants help in his safelane against some weak offlaner he would wreck anyway, whereas the right move would be to gank mid and offlane non-stop. Or to not go into a badly taken fight even when your teamates are spamming vocal asking for you to come.

                In my opinion, it's just useless distractions. Sure, sometimes someone might say funny things, but we're here to play dota, so it's best to focus on the game and improving. With chat muted, that ensures this focus.

                Like, what kind of useful stuff would a team mate say that you wouldn't know anyway? You can alt ping items, hero levels, ping towers, etc...

                But that's just my opinion

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                one-man bukkake

                  Play high wr supports and supports whit saves

                  At start of the game tell your team you are supporting. Pick and if theyre planning on have sum uselesd jungler you tell him to go roam/off or you arent supporting. For me it always works.

                  Farm jungle wenever you can, never go deep warding alone, think the match up for your most important lanes, mid and safe. If mid is facing a tinker then you need to deward your mid hill. If is something like bh+something get a cent and put it in the river.

                  Always warn your teammates about a missing support in wichever lane, ping lvls 6 and keep an eye on your wards so you can see the items their courier is carrying and you can ping then.

                  Stack for your retarded sven or luna, pull the big camp wenever the lanes are on the river, ALWAIS carry a tp scroll to countergank or to rotate for a gank.

                  The thing is not being passive. Always do something and dont stay on lane when creeps are dying, dont let the offlaner get ahead of your safelane and dont force things. Sven for example is better off not losing lh than going for a min2 dive for a kill.

                  Dont tilt, dont say anything on all chat because if you go full rage you bs will drop and you will start getting am firstpickers and retarded injokers so whytf would you want to support that kind of players.

                  Also gl.

                  Hatrið mun sigra

                    Do not, DO NOT, support dumbshits. As soon as you realize the core you're supporting is a fucking idiot leave the lane immediately and stick to the one guy that you think has brains. Or stay but steal his farm, I'm not even joking. Improve map awareness to inform your team about possible rotations and incoming ganks, provide vision and get utility items like mek, force staff and such. Stack when you can, don't leech exp from your carry if he's doing fine in lane, instead rotate where the team needs you, go get the bounty rune or pull/stack. Learn to understand who to prioritize during fights.

                    Riguma Borusu

                      @Gartor: This is dunning kruger at work right there. And I don't mean the "knows little, assumes he's good kind", I mean the other kind of dunning kruger - the "is too good, doesn't understand how people who are way worse struggle".

                      If you are a low MMR support you will basically have no idea when to pull and whether your carry wants you to, if my support mutes me and I tell him "please do not pull, wait for lvl X or wait for the lane to push out" or whatever, it'll fall on deaf ears, and he'll continue pulling like a retard without any purpose. And that's just pulling. Sometimes they'll camp mid and accomplish nothing at which point "please go somewhere else" is something they have to hear. In low MMR people often do things without realizing the context they are in. This is just supports, but cores need to be told things too.

                      Getting direct information about enemy's items and your allies' cooldowns is also indispensable especially in low MMR where people can't even mechanically check everything they need to know in time.

                      Don't assume that just because you're 5k+ everyone is equally as good at identifying what they should be doing. If someone is a low MMR support, they are just a bad player in general, and they should take as much input as possible. The same goes for cores who want to build retarded items, if you're advised to build a BKB by your support, and instead you want to finish that AC just to get stunlocked, you need at least consider it. There have been games when I was on the fence with my greediness but my teammate would tell me man please make BKB I am pretty sure you don't need more damage/armor/survivabilty/whatever, and at that point I'd decide that if I was already 40% sure I will get a BKB, now I am 80% sure.

                      OP is 3.2k, he obviously has a lot to learn about the game and sometimes his equally or slightly more skilled teammates might tell him something he needs to know. Or he will get bad advice and learn it is bad advice. Any influx of new ideas is useful to him.

                      Also assuming that everyone is going to use chat wheel for everything instead of talking into the mic or writing things down is hilariously and insanely presumptuous, especially in OP's bracket.

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                        - Ensure lane safety of cores. Don't stagnate to a lane. Move from safe, to mid, to top. Don't just hang around in one area and don't leave an area for too long.

                        - Expect the unexpected, have a TP always at the ready and don't TP unless you know you can turn, or save a core.

                        - Recognise that you hold the early game, while cores scale. Be more active early game, and more cautious late. If you over-extend early game you can usually survive cause overall damage output isn't enough to drop you. Later you're 100% dead if you over-extend. Know your limitations on each hero, understanding game stages.

                        - Don't over purchase. Buy the smokes when you need them (mostly early) don't over ward places where having vision is negligible.

                        - Use scans predicatively and get good at it (Most of mine reveal ganks, learn to read the map, and point of game)

                        - Don't starve. You're not a martyr and no one cares about whether you have items or not. The onus is on you to get the correct items for the correct game and to farm them efficiently. Participation is the easiest way to achieve this.

                        - Buy consumables earlier on (lots) they save lives and allow you to stay on the map longer.


                          Also adding to top know what supports to pick and when. Some examples below but not in detail.

                          Lich/Jakiro/Veno are good supports when picked in conjunction with another. You can make it work but these as solo supports are pretty shit. Would argue CM fits here as she's not durable enough to frontline.

                          Venge/Lion/Rhasta are you friends in solo support. They can usually get their own farm and harden up faster than others. Caveat that with lion being a good hero but seems to falter a lot.

                          Rubick, Wisp, Oracle, Winterwyvern are very situational but are still useful heroes to have around if you can master them. Greed is good with Rubick and the other 3 are natural healers so good with heroes that can stack heals, or benefit from the buffs they provide.

                          ...hard to say further just get good on reading games and i dunno, play better I guess.

                          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                            What if I'm a solo bane with a mid right-click mirana in my team?

                            profesionel fouri retardist

                              Not that your points aren't valid, as said earlier, this is just a personal opinion.

                              Back when I was at 1k, and after around a hundred games, I decided it was better to watch streams, look up tutorials and mute everything to focus on improving. And yeah, I know the struggle of that kind of bracket, I spammed dazzle and heroes like that back then.

                              If you have no idea how to pull, watch a tutorial. Watch tutorials about lane equilibrium. It's not your 2k teammates that will teach you how to, I believe.


                                Solo bane with a RC mirana sounds like a dream. Depending on gimmicky sleep/arrow combos to win you games is why you're 1.8-2K rating.

                                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                  I actually never comboed that
                                  I was just asking if it sounds like a decent solo support (assuming you already have been left with the solo support job)

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    Not that your points aren't valid, as said earlier, this is just a personal opinion.

                                    Well, as is everything in this thread, obviously, I am just saying you're projecting your 5k+ mentality too much onto a much lower bracket (which is bad in my opinion, but can also be good since you are forcing people to play like a 5k instead of relying on bad teammates).

                                    Back when I was at 1k, and after around a hundred games, I decided it was better to watch streams, look up tutorials and mute everything to focus on improving.

                                    You can do both, and sometimes you can even convince a teammate that would otherwise be muted to do something good, using your superior knowledge. Won't always work but you can carry the gained knowledge over to your teammates as well.

                                    And yeah, I know the struggle of that kind of bracket, I spammed dazzle and heroes like that back then.
                                    If you have no idea how to pull, watch a tutorial. Watch tutorials about lane equilibrium. It's not your 2k teammates that will teach you how to, I believe.

                                    Yeah, but if you are playing a hero without sustain and your support keeps randomly pulling when the creeps are already at your tower just asking him not to pull unless you explicitly tell him 20 seconds before might be good. Won't always work, but it also won't always NOT work. I mean, my post is all about taking chances at communication, that have more than 0% chance of working - if you don't say or don't hear anything, the possibility of relying useful information that can't be carried over a chat wheel or a ping is 0%.

                                    Still I agree that learning how to play the game before coming into a ranked game is better, but I also consider that to be an idealistic scenario because aside from the fact not everyone has the time to watch games (since they'd rather use the time to play some), it's also about how your teammates approach the matter, not just how you do it.

                                    When I was grinding my mmr from 1k to 3k I didn't give a shit about what my teammates were saying because I was already VHS in unranked and I was so superior to everyone on the map (unless it was a 5k+ booster) that I just went through the bracket without giving a shit. But when I am similarly skilled to people, considering my game knowledge is around the bracket I reside in, I just don't think that muting others is a good way to do better. Maybe if I had already learned way past that skill bracket (like when I went from 1k to 3k), but in general, when I have about 50% winrate in a bracket (-+2%) I just don't think it's wise to mute people who are on average at the same skill level as I am, but with, say, 33% chance that they are better than me and about 20% chance they might give me some useful insight on that specific game.

                                    All I am saying is, try to improve at the game as much as you can afford to (in terms of time), but at the same time don't discard communication with people who are similarly skilled as you are because chances are, they know things you don't and they can tell you useful information. If you're boosting past a ton of brackets and don't give a shit, obviously you don't need communication. Or to pick a specific hero. Or hotkeys. Or visual feedback.

                                    My game awareness is fucking shit, having 8 more eyes watch the map is really important to a shit player like me.

                                    Овај коментар је измењен
                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                      Listening to what shithole bracket people say lol
                                      Whatever right thing they can to tell you, you can learn them all from guides, high mmr insights, replay analysis, etc, and whatever info they can give (missing hero, enemy item timings, cooldown, etc) you can check them all by yourself

                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                        If you want to win consistently in dota be a fucking reliable player and don't rely on teammates
                                        Playing as a team have doesn't mean giving your team all your trust
                                        Know the limits


                                          Lmao communication is overrated? Dude, even 6ks in 5k games communicates well with us shit 5k

                                          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                            I understand your point, but I simply can't enjoy playing that way
                                            Dota clearly ia built to be played as a team, and is much more fun like that

                                            When I queue, i agree to devote the next 20-120 minutes to serve a team of 5 i have been assigned to. I think that this is an important value ti have being able to trust someone for the same cause

                                            And if we lose, we lose together, as a team, everyone is a contributor to the results, and it's everyone fault

                                            profesionel fouri retardist

                                              Just what FX said, really. "If you want to win consistently in dota be a fucking reliable player and don't rely on teammates "

                                              And don't pretend pubs are meant to be played as a team, most of the time it's just full of ego people who think they're above everyone and want to play core at all costs.

                                              Go and find some people to play 5 stack games if you want real teamplay and dotes.

                                              And the ratio of flaming to nice things and nice communication is ridiculous.

                                              But if you can take all the negativity, go ahead I guess. If the players were acting nice, I'd not be muting chat. But that ain't the case, sadly.

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                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                whatever info they can give (missing hero, enemy item timings, cooldown, etc) you can check them all by yourself

                                                Theoretically, yes. In practice, even pros don't do that, they communicate important things all the time. Why? Because while theoretically you can pay attention to every hero, their position, buffs and debuffs, item and ability cooldowns if you can see them on the map, this is rarely what is going to happen or what is ideal at the moment. As I said, having 10 eyes on the map beats 2 eyes in 100% of scenarios. It is just better to have 5 people keep track of things, than relying on yourself at all costs. I mean sure, if something is important, you keep track of it yourself, but if you didn't see the start of the fight or are unsure if the hexed unit was hexed by OD or lion, and you were split pushing but are now TPing in to help your team, having the information of "lion no hex" after your teammate dies to it is way more valuable than muting everyone and not knowing if you can jump the OD or not (if you are in a situation where you can kill him if he doesn't have the hex available, for example).

                                                Sometimes you can be occupied doing something (chasing a hero, watching another part of the map) and then an enemy hero picks up an invis rune, and you didn't see this for the time you've had to notice this. Having the information "pudge invis" is way better than muting people, because if there are 90% of situations where you notice this, you're going to die in the 10% of situations that you don't.

                                                This is all nuance, but I will repeat myself - 10 eyes watching the game, no matter how subpar some of them are, is always better than 2.

                                                You should just mute people who start flaming and be done with it. If one guy is left unmuted, so be it. That's still 4 eyes watching the game, 2x as many as you have.

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                                                chicken spook,,,,
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                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                    Chatwheel and pings is enough for info

                                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                      Communication gets more valuable the higher the MMR and probably a necessity at some point. But if you're in a trash tier it's not gonna be pleasant so it's not worth it.

                                                      Understand your hero's perk and make full use of it with your team
                                                      Don't roam into a lane where you can't get kills//Don't stay in a lane where you can't get kills and your carry is gonna do fine


                                                        I climbed outta 3k by conserving tp. As a support u don't have to tp back to lane every time this allows u to have a tp available when u need to save allies in other lanes


                                                          i realised my mid and pos 4 were total apes last lion game. my PA was alright, but I could do nothing to help him win the lane against bristle+1 as a solo lion, so i just farmed min 10 midas in jungle (while ganking whatever was possible) and just won in lategame when my PA farmed his stuff. pogchamp.

                                                          Овај коментар је измењен
                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                            ^at least you didn't have a feeding nightstalker offlane Kappa


                                                              I think before we talk more about mechanism or whatever else, first thing is about support mentality. If u play supp, especially solo supp, brace urself that u wont play your usual fun dota where u can kill everything and grab the glory by yourself. Brace urself u are going to be very poor that force staff seems very hard to reach. Hold urself from stealing lh from carries at early, focus more on harassing opp. U will sometimes paired with some dumb carry that cant even lh properly but u just need to deal with it. If u cant deal with those conditions, u wont be matured as support player


                                                                I've been a support player all my life. Just this last week I decided to spam some core. The biggest thing I notice about supports is they don't ward objectively. Figure out where you want to push next scan that area and get a ward up there before you guys even push. Or convince your team to smoke with you to get that ward up. Smoke and objective gaming.


                                                                  Agreed Jack. Most of the times support has to take command and see your team more thoroughly. Your team need farm and avoid tf? Do defensive ward and provide vision to prevent gank. Need push? Command which lane, and put offensive ward. That is actually thing that I still struggle on. Do ward but team choose to jungle or push another lane, yea something like that, I suck at giving command

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                                                                  ez Art

                                                                    Analize replays. Look forward to watch rotations, and analize them, also ward placements etc. That would be my advice. Good luck


                                                                      stku and buy wards
                                                                      Gut Git no Git Gud


                                                                        Camp mid and u are already better than most 4ks


                                                                          Dont afk sap xp and u 5k


                                                                            Then make thinga happen and u 6k


                                                                              i play pos 4 mostly and 9/10 games i end up being the only person buying wards or dust

                                                                              i know that 3.2k people say they play "support" but end up not buying wards and ditching their safelane without zoning the offlaner, they dont carry dust, they dont buy smokes.

                                                                              - buy smokes this item is the most OP thing at 3k.

                                                                              people love hitting jungle creeps, when suddenly someone convinces the team to smoke up and invadd jungle they enemy team breaks apart because they cant deal with it lul