General Discussion

General DiscussionThug life

Thug life in General Discussion

    I was born in a family that's stuck between poverty and sufficient wealth. I developed a belief that if poor people want to get rich, you either stealth it or scam it(Gorge fucking Washington). I've done quite a few illegal activities for a 18 year old teenager. The first big event that lead me to this patch happened, when I was in middle school. I lived in an apartment that's not monitored in the hallway, one day we had a fire drill, when everyone went outside, I stayed. I stole stuff from some random people who's too lazy to lock their door, I got a 3 laptops on 3 different floors, I sold all of them on craigslist, made about $1000.

    A month ago, I stole someone's credit card info online, I tried buying amazon gift cards with it, so my shipments can't be directly tracked, I got locked 4 of my amazon accounts due to amazon scam protection. Then I tried buying expensive pc parts on an online computer store, I bought the parts for a gaming/workshop setup that's worth $4000, I chose in store pickup, So my address won't be easily found. I'm getting the pc this week. I wanna try to stream some dota, and potentially start a youtube channel, so I can start making money legally. I think that would be nice. Mostly for myself, I really don't give a shit about our pathetic society.

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    Riguma Borusu

      Can you steal some money and invest in English courses, thank you.

      chicken spook,,,,

        Who needs English courses anyway as long as your sentences are understandable you're fine


          US WEST


            The funny thing would be that the one you stole the credit card from is actually an active member of the dotabuff community.

            Riguma Borusu

              an even funnier thing would be if this guy ended up in jail ahahahahahah


                Dude i can for sure tell you i had much more criminal activity some years back this shit Sounds like Kindergarden. Im pretty rich for my age now already, on legal way ofc, with just Hard work.


                  I actually wrote this in an English class, class was almost over, I rushed it, on a shitty keyboard, forgive me for the errors.


                    You mean, what if someone actually saw this post and, for some reason, decided to report it to the police with all the dota account information of the criminal?
                    There's no way it happens, right?

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                      my friends acully stole 3 laptops from apartment whsn they were mid teenagers and i wasnt good also
                      ur not even concious what u write imagine me ransack ur house which could be very posible back then , u would next time think about ur posts xd


                        @recovrry yea the guy probably never seen criminal ,not did it

                        @ op or how about i went on and almost beaten her ? :D


                          so what your saying is, "I am too fucking dumb to make money in a functioning society so I steal it cause im on the low end gentically."

                          I grew up in worse poverty than you, and instead of stealing like a complete piece of shit, I worked really hard and started my own business, soon I will be making a great income. its people like this guy who should be sterilized so they cant breed.

                          Pale Mannie

                            Einmal wurde ich beim Bäcker klauen erwischt und habe nicht geweint

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                                all corrected, I was really typing gibberish there, I was still hung over from last night. It's partially auto spelling correction's fault as well,


                                  @DI-Wicked as if you started your business when you're 18,


                                    I have a secured ip address, I have no problem posting this.


                                      Did I just read a post about someone bragging about criminal activity on a gaming forum.
                                      Probably 50% of the people reading this were poor growing up, using this as an excuse for criminal acts is just pathetic.
                                      Bragging about it has to be the dumbest thing I can imagine at this point.
                                      I am just shaking my head in disbelief about how dumb you have to be to write something like this, even taking into count that you might just be trolling.

                                      Mods, spare the rest of the Dotabuff community from this nonsense please.


                                        what makes you think I'm bragging? what I just wanna get these feeling out of my chest, what if I'm trying to make myself recognized so I can get a bigger starting audience when I start streaming? You can't simply assume everyone is as one dimensional as you.

                                        I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                                          na dota


                                            I just spent $3 for a bottle of coconut water from CVS and it tasted like cat piss (not like I ever drank cat piss, but I bet it'd taste no worse).

                                            So OP I know exactly what you're talking about.

                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                              yesterday i found a 5 (five) turkish lira banknote on the ground and despite the high chances of somebody there recently dropping it, i didnt ask and just put it in my pocket! darn im such a dirty burglar :blush:

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                                                Bro 1000$ is shit, if you steal - steal fuckin 7 digits amount at least


                                                  yall are retarded


                                                    how can you know that? like how can you know , ' if rain is created by clouds, it will fall down into earth? how can you know that? waht kind of genius are you ? jsut cause you not named tripple retard doesnt mean you genius brah lol.


                                                      I swear, each day it's less and less worth it to browse this shitty forum.

                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                        ^^where does that pasta actually originate from?


                                                          as always i love your copy pastas @afeect

                                                          you are the new gotvet


                                                            Are you confessing cuz we ain't no priests


                                                              try to imaginate 2 planktons 1 is bigger and 1 is smaller, how much difference in size they might have? now try to think 2 " whales" 1 is 30 m long, another is 15. even if the planktons are 10 times bigger than some others , they differences can never be as high as between 2 whales are, i did not do that boys, is mothefucking nature XD. that being watched from neutral perspective , cause watching from smaller plankton personal perspective yeah he looks so small to other that is 10 times bigger lul. you learned the lessons kids? or shouldi illustrate with some anime pictures you fucking weebs XD

                                                              1st class tourist

                                                                Calls pathetic society when he lives other peoples wealth, I think you are the lowest shit lmao


                                                                  uuh started my business when i was 20, with no money and no car, I rode the god damn bus to my clients.


                                                                    wow im so cool i steal
                                                                    fuck society haHAA
                                                                    im too lazy to work so ill steal my way from rando people xD

                                                                    ur literally the reason people think poor people dont deserve welfare
                                                                    cuz u end up doing retarded shit like this


                                                                      still poor and now a criminal


                                                                        Yeah, and when you go to the store a security cam will record you. Gl with that.


                                                                          Ok, a year ago, my parents had about $200k, then they bought a $400k house, now they are $200k in the red, they can't even pay off their monthly debt, with all their salary. Guess what, they are taking away my college founds. Am I suppose to give up my straight A grades and find a minimum wage job? To those of you who succeeded only with hard work, congratufuckinglations.


                                                                            tell ur parents to take a loan
                                                                            ur education = more $$$ in the future, its a super dumb idea to take shit away from that when ur already in college
                                                                            and yes u can find a decent job, and get good grades, itll be fucking hard, but many many people before u have done it and many will after


                                                                              Fortunately, most of this is made up. I'm working on a psychology project about people's unconscious prejudices. You guys fucking killed it, except ywn who didn't fall into that category at all. Hope you all had a great time proving you being so much better than the fictional me. One thing that's true: I am going to build a gaming setup and stream some dota in the very near future. Looking forward to seeing you guys on stream!


                                                                                gj if thats true

                                                                                ywn just doesnt take anything here seriously, maybe if u said this to him irl he might be different but right here he doesnt give af soooo
                                                                                also ur setup is believable (if its true, at this point anything u say can be a troll), since u look like an asshole in all ur threads anyway


                                                                                  asshole is a strong word, but you might be right.


                                                                                    I should be able to stream after mid turn, which ends this week.

                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                      psychology project? yeah right, good luck telling that to the jury


                                                                                        Manipulating this forum is my favorite activity. I do this all the time when I procrastinate. Also, do you think stealing credit card info is easier than making this up? This will be the only post where I spoil the truth, I don't wanna ruin my reputation.

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                                                                                          Also, you are right. Sorry about lying about "psychology project", I'm just doing this for fun as usual.

                                                                                          1st class tourist

                                                                                            U r autist

                                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                                              Manipulating this forum is my favorite activity.

                                                                                              I get that but I'm not feeling it here, this whole thing is kinda mediocre in my eyes, I guess I just prefer some hardcore deadpan trolling instead of just simply lying about a situation.

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                                                                                                teach me, I'm a quick leaner

                                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                  You can lean on me.

                                                                                                  Well, I think the best way to shitpost is to write something that might seem legitimate to an untrained eye, but is actually just horeshit. Additionally, you do not want to just make up a story and lie to people and then have the "haha you fell for it, it was not true" as a punchline, it's probably better to make it really vague whether you really mean what you're writing so that there is no punchline - it just becomes a slow burn instead.

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