General Discussion

General DiscussionPositions of new heroes?

Positions of new heroes? in General Discussion

    Thoughts? As of now the willow feels like she has a lot of ganking potential with her nukes and disables. Mid maybe? Or can she get away with roaming and still be as relevant? And the pangoleir seems pretty hard to kill and has some pretty good disabling skills as well, but can’t scale as well as other carries, but that damage reduction is pretty nice, I’ll try running him offlane or roam maybe, but safe seems like a waste of resources for him. Thoughts?

    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      I can see pangolier work as an offlaner with swashbuckler. But I think that he would prefer to be safelane, he seems like an early game power spike for a team, so he can disrupt a teamfight with his ult and deal decent damage with the right items. But we still haven't discovered what build really fits him

      Ir possible that he would actually be some kind of support with his ult, but it is the ult so you need level 6, so it is probably out of the table

      I think that willow is a support, and an aggressive one

      She can initiate a gank with shadow realm, and she can disrupt a lane with bramble maze into cursed crown. And she doesn't need to much items to be relevant
      I do see how movement speed can work on her, but that's about it

      My guess that she is actually a really aggressive babysitter, maybe she can excel in an aggressive tri lane on the offlane

      casual gamer

        pangolier offlane

        dark willow roaming 4


          about viper: he will be semi-carry or speller


            is viper a 4 too now? he doesnt seem like a 1 or 2 anymore really maybe a 3


              but he doesnt seem good as a solo offlaner either he just dies

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Dark Willow is something like pos 4 Earthshaker than can be a god in fights later
                Or you can just play her mid like Zeus and Sky

                Pangolier looks confusing
                I think he should build tank or steroid items because people just pop him when he's rolling

                casual gamer

                  u cant hit pglr ult as melee, he perma stun

                  the only reason ppl are popping him is that they cant use shield crash right i think

                  im pretty sure the pango build is something like vanguard mael bash mj diffu, mj bash and diffu proc on every hit of his Q


                    vipers new position will be semi-carry or speller bois, you read it first on dotabuff lmaoo

                    did the patch include new positions that im not aware if?

                    pangoling is a tanker onviously lulul


                      As I said in the other thread and was mocked the fairy is a good support in a trilane.

                      The pangolion is pretty much built for the offlane and sooner he is run in that position the sooner his winrate will rise (people are taking him mid and safelane as well atm).

                      Centaur seems the most broken. Massive strength gain means stun/silences etc last half the normal time on him. Add the aeon disk and you have a hero who blinks in, stuns, gets off a 400 damage nuke and then ignores all the damage thrown against him in response as well as breaking any counter stuns.

                      Then deals 90% of his 200 strength back in damage each time he is hit.

                      Oh and soul ring is the perfect early item for him too now since it both solves his mana issue while improving his return damage, which by the way can be buffed even further and then applied to everyone on your team.

                      Probably worth considering giving him position 1 farm. You can even take a +75 damage talent instead of extra return damage if you want him to right click better.

                      6 slot recommendation: BOTs, Aoen Sphere, Heart, Satanic, AC, with either either radiance mjollnir mkb or abyssal as the final item depending on what you most need.

                      Gab Nuwoll

                        thanks i'm gonna spam centaur.

                        why is CK's WR so high?

                        AM I think his WR is partially inflated as a counterpick to willow.