General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me please.

Help me please. in General Discussion

    How do I avoid getting picked off when aggressively splitpushing? How do I force the enemy to show up on the map so I can do it safely? I know shoving waves works, but how do I shove waves without getting killed, and what do I do if the enemy shows up to a wave I am shoving with an illusion before it's at the point I can use that information in order to get something done on the map?


      just win games


        Very helpful, please explain how in detail. As I seem incapable of doing so given my winrate.


          the information you need to get better cant be compromised in a post.

          dota takes thousands of hours to get to a level where you can call yourself "good" or knownledeagble.

          its all tiny details

          im 3k, at 1k i can play heros i dont know and outfarm any other player in the game and win. a 4k player does the same in my mmr.

          when you are this low you dont have to improve on a special hero or a specific detail, you need ro improve overall, in everything.


            Yes, and as you said, "The information you need to get better cant be compromised in a post.". The concept of "Everything" is a really huge thing, especially when it comes to dota. So instead of giving up and saying "oh look, dota is too huge" I ask, I attempt to learn, and I ask people better than me. I know how smurfs work, played a game at 1k and stomped everyone absolutely(24-1). But telling me to stop asking because dota is huge isn't very helpful. I came looking for help, not demoralization. And note that yes, I am trying to improve at everything. I play TB because I like him.


              have you tried destroying enemy ancient? that got me greens instead of reds


                if no one is showing on the map, then just send ur illusions to push out the lane. if a fight breaks out then u know u can start being more aggressive.

                ill give u an example of how u shd be thinking

                say tier 1s are all down, and u start from your offlane and start pushing enemy safe lane. ur gonna being showing on the map for about 3 waves when u get to the enemy side. thats a lot of information u give to the enemy team. if nothing else is happening on the map, u can be confident they are moving to gank u if u continue.

                dota is about information, so after the second wave (or even the first wave) and u are near the enemy side of the map but no one is showing, just back off to jungle or wait in the trees.

                micro things like knowing how far u can push it depends on knowing what heroes can stop you. if its just a solo hero that cant really kill u in 3 seconds u always have the option to TP Out.


                  Lol at retards who take cookie challenge


                    You have a better resource?


                      A better resource than hitting creeps in an empty lobby? Literally anything else.

                      Find a match. Insta-lock TB. Make mistakes. Do it on purpose. Push a lane until you dont feel safe. Then push more. Push until you see a tp or die trying to see one. Respawn. Do it again. Maybe you win maybe you lose. Do it again the next match. Sooner or later youll come to some sort of realization, be it major or minor. Thats a promise.

                      Fucking up can do wonders for self improvment.

                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                        In a sub 2k games, it's very hard to pick carry. Coz most of the time, the 2k scrub are rushing picking those core heroes to make them feel good player

                        Learn how to play a support. A good carry on 2k bracket is common, but a good support is very rate. Learn the art of baby sitting, harrassing, bounty rune snatch, proper warding, tp back up, etc. If you sucessfully baby sit a strong hero (AM, Spec, Sven, etc), he can carry you to victory.


                          Agree with Junsui Yea that's a pretty good method for practice that BSJ will approve. U don't know if a play will work till u try it. And u don't get better by staying safe rather by knowing what u can get away with

                          Овај коментар је измењен
                          chicken spook,,,,

                            if item builds aren't going to do it, then what does?

                            space creating capability
                            team fighting properly
                            knowing which teamfight to take

                            Also 2k bracket is easy in general so it doesn't really matter what you play (doesn't mean you should 5th pick core on a 4 man core lineup, duh)

                            chicken spook,,,,

                              Pretty much what junsui said

                              I don't go around pushing solo without any vision and get away with it consistently for no reason


                                @Ayase Tried that, always got cores that tried to go on the enemy offlaners with 25% HP and I couldn't bail them out. :( Or they got ganked even though I warded the gank path they used, managed to get reported 7 times for that. Or they get 20 last hits in 10 mins and start flaming me for asking in the first place, or the anit mage that wins his lane, but wanders down the midlane 8 times feeding his entire advantage and then reporting me for telling him he will get picked off/not coming with him, or rotating mid to gank their midlaner, and then the invoker not casting a single spell in order to get the kill(the enemy was a sitting duck too). I like supporting sometimes, but I don't feel like I can trust carries enough to not feed(every single game I have supported, someone went at least 2-10, and that wasn't for lack of trying to prevent it). So I carry instead.

                                @jinsui Thanks.

                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                    Low priority match, only because I accepted a game, and then had to go after that.

                                    Dumb though, power outage on first abandon, second one I legitimately had something come up, and only during picking stage. got low priority for 2 matches that I had to leave, after years of consistency.

                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!