General Discussion

General DiscussionAsking about skill bracket hmm..

Asking about skill bracket hmm.. in General Discussion
Melodic Star

    I Play in SEA sometimes in Japan i got high skills then suddenly become normal skill but in my main account i can play good and have VHS. what can i do? they match making me in low total matches. but at first i can play with high levels..

    im not smurfing >_< i just want to have ancient 0 medal... because my other account got legend medal too low right?

    Melodic Star

      what max mmr now? 3.5k - max legend 2? at 10 games calibration


        u r noob normal skill, cant get ancient.

        juneteenth enjoyer

          I get HS even when I play support....


            "I get HS even when I play support...."
            Supports get the same MMR not really seeing your point.

            Melodic Star

              I can get VHS playing support or carry in my main account. i just thinking is there smurf detection? put you in bad team matchmaking. because sometimes i can play with high levels with really good team.

              Melodic Star

                xoid your toxic player normal skill bracket.


                  offlane wk

                  desolator jugg

                  pls stop posting, you are 1k, thats why you get normal skill on this account

                  the more i read such posts the stronger i believe that the avg IQ in SEA is probably 20 points lower compared to the rest of the world

                  Melodic Star

                    are you saying im 1k? wanna try 1vs1?

                    Melodic Star

                      Archon? wanna try

                      Melodic Star

                        3.2k mmr awwws always quit game..

                        wake up :)

                          ^oh shiet boi. Picking a fight on dotabuff


                            come i will 1 v 1 u because u are noob.

                            Melodic Star

                              46%win rate? lol u will end up lose :p he's talking but that guy never accept challenge. scared cat because he will know the difference of core and support. XD


                                Hansolo is Back ?


                                  bro u are 1k trash.


                                    Where's your main acc op?

                                    Melodic Star

                                      Your name G sause seriously? XD tsk


                                        Waow "1v1 me irl brah I rek you" xaxaxaxa

                                        Melodic Star

                                          Crusader? You looks like a power ranger xD lols Archon Legend above maybe...


                                            axaxaxaxax ^ yous looks likes as powers rangers xds lolss archons legends aboves maybes


                                              your DK game on HS you ended up 4/10/3 so for that your HS reduced to NS ,this is the main reason.

                                              Melodic Star

                                                I don't use DK that much lol. Then i will stomp my enemy more and previous game so fun.


                                                  I think op is trying to make everybody hate him


                                                    deso on jug... shadow blade on sven.... vlad as first item on PA.... don't know where to start but I assure you the highest you can get is archon, maybe legend....

                                                    If you're claiming to be playing on a VHS on your main ( 3.8k and above/legend5) , all you gotta do is win 10games and get that sweet ancient0 . what's the point of making new account and play hundreds of games, only to be calibrated at maximum of 3.5k(legend 3) ?

                                                    Melodic Star

                                                      My Best Hero SF QOP Tinker Mirana AA Huskar TA Puck I'm under 25 games still. That's why i still picking them. There's no big deal using shadow blade or vlad. It's how you will use it. Meta? What ever dota 1 players know.
                                                      Sometimes i build mask of madnes on PA so many negative thinking now they see it's good to build lol and nullifier. Some pro use deso Vlad and shadow blade or why not? You can make your own build why not? Even I.O can build Deso? Dota 1 players know it dota 2 good players. What's the point? 6 months for new seasonal rank. I don't want to argue just explain it. Your name too RORL

                                                      Melodic Star

                                                        Onni chan don't look my recent games haha that's a pervert. Lol not even serious playing that much ya know =^.^=


                                                          If your claim to be playing at a VHS on your main(Legend 5 / 3.9k~) is true, all you gotta do is win 10 games to get that ancient 0.

                                                          It is not rational to start a new account only to be calibrated at 3.5k MAX. What's the point of wasting hundreds of game to get a lower medal than your main account?


                                                            Because he is normal skill lying about being VHS lul


                                                              dont play on a lot of accs just focus on 1 acc dont create more accs just because you want high mmr just play and get good

                                                              Melodic Star

                                                                No i still using it to play with my friends. Just wanna see if ancient can get after that 10 games. I read some update they match you in players with the same total match you have. That's why not having vhs or vs i think because of strict solo match making in option too? They solo and no team work but good and just have no team play or tp back up or slow response. They play and do what they will want and solo end up feed. I can play good support buy a lot of dust and wards, smoke. But still not enough to win sometimes -_-

                                                                Melodic Star

                                                                  I just have 2 account :) if u want i give you my other acc. And gift me ancient xD

                                                                  Melodic Star

                                                                    Legend 2 so low hard to win :(

                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!