General Discussion

General DiscussionOnce and for all, tell me how to deal with that midget's shrapnel

Once and for all, tell me how to deal with that midget's shrapnel in General Discussion
Palmen aus Plastik

    I am so TIRED of zero skill players picking Sniper and dominating mid lane. Do I retreat out of its range every time it's cast? I lose so much cs by doing that. It's not even like Acid Spray where you can man up against pre-6 Alchemist. That shrapnel hurts, along with the headshots. I know pushing waves is the answer, but what if I'm Invoker? I can tank that thing as DK, I can maintain my distance as Lina, but I struggle so much against a Sniper as Invoker. I don't want trash like that beating me in lane with such a braindead move.

    white boy summer

      level 1 shrapnel can be outregened by tango if u only go in for LH. also just harass his ass when he doesnt have any points in take aim


        early levels u can tank it a bit, later just let him kill ur creeps and the rest will run to you and u kill them

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          dont pick invoker is a good start. but if you are committed to invoker, just dont stand in it. i mean, he will push the wave yeah, just try to deny your creeps.

          Palmen aus Plastik

            and i will end up losing the tower eventually? that's fine in this matchup i guess as long as i get cs?


              u will lose the tower cause sniper hits it like once every shrapnel ? XD

              Palmen aus Plastik

                he's going to hit way more than that. while i'm last hitting under tower (because he pushed the wave there) he is going to hit the tower slowly but surely. Think of a 1v1 mid mode matchup. In fact, ywn do you have any matches where you laned against Sniper as Invoker, and a replay is available still?

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                  Voker with Ex should be able to stay away and get last hits from far when Shrapnel is cast. You won't be able to trade hits, but should be able to cs.

                  Palmen aus Plastik

                    That is not possible when that sniper casts shrapnel on top of my head, and squarely in the middle of my Highground. Only way is backward, since if I go forward he'll cast another shrapnel, trap me and right click me to death. If I go backward, he hits away at my tower with impunity, while I try to cs. I get doublewaved frequently, and if a siege creep enters the equation, half my tower is just gone.

                    I am sure I'm missing something, dota cannot be designed in a way that allows a simple cast and forget spell to be so powerful. :/ You getting my problem? If any of you have matches dealing with this problem as Invoker please drop a link, I'd like to study the replay.

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                    Player 345996680

                      i guess you can meteor the double wave or some shit?

                      Palmen aus Plastik

                        i guess i can. But should I? I'm left with almost no mana after that in early levels. I guess I could, at the expense of clarities. Even clarities are so easily cancelled by sniper. I should buy 3 mangoes instead xD Bloody hate sniper pickers.


                          just right click lol


                            I'm 2k trash and Sniper is one of the easiest mid hero to gank. If anyone pick Sniper is for sure that the enemy team is going to pick Pudge, Pa, Sb. Sniper oop is food.

                            Palmen aus Plastik

                              Okay ywn, my friend. I will stop worrying about mana and sunstrikes and just right click. I'm not being sarcastic. I'm probably overthinking this. i never have trouble against any other hero in lane, just this one, so it is kind of frustrating. I'll focus on nothing but cs, wont even bother trading with him, stay on my HG, look for sunstrikes and call it a day. At lvl 8 maybe I can catch the little squirt with a cold snap-tornado-meteor thing.

                              @Thrice - You are correct, of course. But I was thinking a 1v1 mid mode matchup.

                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                invoker has good damage and you can almost always deny the ranged creep. Just focusing on that i think is a great advantage. along with that if you get a extra deny then he almost gets nothing out of the wave. If you do this efficiently in the early games then you can snowball with just 1 support helping you to kill him at 6 -7 lvl . Sniper is always going to get safe farm with his range and sharpnel.
                                The important thing is how you can get more.

                                low prio master

                                  Yeah i made post like this while ago,it was much better when this skill was just not so powerful,hero have a fuckin zero skill cap and its too strong,for example i know i would climb mmr by spamming sniper but its so boring to play this slow cun.t,it was same with viper but he got hit by icefrog.

                                  Chao Vritra

                                    play agro against him early if you can. walk up to his HG and right click him when you are not last hitting. Abuse his weak early game. Also instead of retreating to your tower run towards him/into his high ground when he uses shrapnel.

                                    Also call for ganks mid. A competent roamer will usually obliterate a sniper. A good pudge or spirit breaker or any roamer really and his laning phase is over.


                                      Idk why you're thinking about this in the context of the laning stage. Invoker is picked for his mid to late game so having the Sniper push the wave for you to safely farm under the tower is fine.


                                        the lesson is dont first pick invoker thank me later

                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                          if he is spamming shrapnel to last hit, he is wasting the ability. wait for him to use it all then kill him. or else just farm


                                            Creep aggro the creeps out of sharpnel. U can get 2-3 without entering.


                                              Try to bait him to use more than one. It has crazy long cd


                                                U just hit him before he has take aim
                                                U can depush fine with alacrity and a couple levels.


                                                  From levels 1-5 just focus on your cs, and bait him into using shrapnel as it's way easier to deny atleast 2 creeps including the ranged creep. Yes you will most likely get a double wave and your tower will take damage but no worries. Once you hit lvl 6-7 and have a point in wew, run around the river (assuming he doesn't have a ward) and cold snap meteor his tiny ass to death.

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