General Discussion

General DiscussionAntimage- cutting waves or getting towers

Antimage- cutting waves or getting towers in General Discussion

    during a situation where your team has a wave clear, the threathening heroes showing on map trying to push, other 2 lanes creepwaves are far fro my part of map, and you can down a tower, should i push the tower, or cutting crerep waves to slowing enemy push?


      Leave both farm jungle.

      死の恐怖 Haseo

        it's always better to hit tower, i assume both team trying to take tier 2 . if your team can stall them / you can push faster than enemy , hitting tower will force enemy to tp and you will have 2 choice either kill the tp-ing enemy or tp and 4v5 them


          Depends on the trade. If they push t2 and I can take t2 it's better. But if they push t3 and u can only take t1 or t2 it's often better to cut a wave or 2.


            That is a very hard question and even good players often make the wrong choice.


              in low mmr just tell your team to not chainfeed defending the tower and take your own tower

              also check enemy inventory for tps when they show, if they dont have it, you trade t2s and threaten hg.

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                In some cases you want to farm as fast as possible & hitting tower might slow your farming speed by a lot. It really depends on the game. I would say - take towers whenever possible, but if the enemy is close to raxing u & u are not far from the item to be able to fight them it's better to cut waves & farm as much as possible.


                  i notice when i cutting waves in my mmr, opponent just spend 5 minutes hitting my barracks without creeps and no one tp to stop me lul...... just manta and blink to cut 2 waves at 30 and 00 and blink to another lane... cutting all 3 lanes


                    If u are pushing t2/t3 and can force them back push.If you cant force them back and they can go t3,go cutwaves.If they cant go t3,no need to cutwaves.


                      Farm hero


                        Im for the towers at any stage of game if u see enemie on map or if only miss 1 or 2 heroes who cant do shit to you

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