General Discussion

General DiscussionArc warden

Arc warden in General Discussion

    The build is Aquila boots Midas maelstrom travels sb into stuff like orchid nullifier right?
    Also once u have travels should u use ulti every time it's off CD to farm or save it for fights
    I feel useless in fights without ulti so I get nervous using it to farm cuz I won't have it to fight.
    What are his good and bad matchups?
    Mid better or safelane?
    If you don't play arc Warden don't bother answering.

    Yung Beethoven

      I usually go: wraith band + 3 branches + 2 pulled tangos. Into aquila, brown boots, midas, maelstrom, travels. After that its situational. sometimes Sb, sometimes dagger, sometimes mjolnir etc.

      I should use your ult if midas is rdy to be used + a wave can be pushed. Otherwise dont use it.
      Obviously if you can predict that a fight is about to happen dont use ult (for example if they go for roshan or a push or smth.)

      Bad matchups are ppl that fuck with his last hits and harrass a lot (tinker is my least favourite matchup)

      Always mid, he is not a decent safelane hero


        i like mjollnir straight after mael
        also following jdf's advice and delaying travels until lvl 20 is a good idea i believe


          Always mid, he is not a decent safelane hero



            i forgot to ask for counters
            ik aw is a situational hero but who rlly counters him
            ik pugna or smth like dp who can push towers through bubble are nice
            not sure abt other things
            maybe am can jump on him?
            not sure

            死の恐怖 Haseo

              If you don't play arc Warden don't bother answering.

              why you can share your very insightful opinion on every single thread but i cant share mine in yours !!!


                because this isnt a discussion, i want answers not theorycrafts
                make a different thread for it and idc

                死の恐怖 Haseo

                  oh is it!?!?!? oook oook aaak :axe_laugh::bc_ok::axe_laugh::bc_ok::axe_laugh::bc_ok:


                    yes, playing aw against antimage is only slightly more pleasant than stabbing yourself in the dick

                    Bill Cutting

                      Don’t forget brood and storm

                      U guys ever go straight shadow blade if u stomp your lane?

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        i presume the other topicstarters also want to hear actual answers and not some "theorycrafting" of a crusader individual who hasnt even played the hero hes talking about

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          *anchor individaul, my bad

                          anyway heres my totally legit non-theory craft: pos1 arcwarden with manta radiance octarine mj aka discount naga siren!! enjoy!


                            Wait ur right I shud phrase and say differently
                            Obv anyone can comment but im rlly looking for more higher skill answers


                              I usually go: null talisman + 4 branches + 4 pulled tangos. Into aquila, phase boots, midas, maelstrom. After that its situational. sometimes Pers into aghs, sometimes battle fury, sometimes refresher etc.

                              I should use your ult if midas is not rdy to be used + a wave can’t be pushed. Otherwise dont use it.
                              Obviously if you can’t predict that a fight is about to happen use ult (for example if they don’t go for roshan or don’t push or smth.)

                              Bad matchups are ppl that don’t fuck with his last hits and barely harass (arc warden is my least favourite matchup)

                              Always offlane, he is not a decent mid hero



                                Usually if the midas cooldown is still higher than tempest double cooldown, i use it to push other lane, more gold gained. And during early to mid game you should avoid teamfight if your ult is on cd. And remember that arc warden is really good on solo pick off, if u see an enemy alone and your ult is not on cd, go kill him, mostly guaranted kill unless the enemy is really tanky or have great escape skill. Thats why you should build orchis and nullifier/hex


                                  If youre playing mid, you can kill your enemy as soon as you reach lvl 6 without needing help from your support. Just pay attention to the creep wave, and make sure that your enemy isnt close to their creep. If your opponent is taking rune and your ult is up, dont be afraid to fight because 80% of the time you will kill your opponent, unless he got blink or something (qop, storm, puck etc.).
                                  As for counter i think its sniper for late game, you can wreck him during laning stage but as soon as he got mkb then it will be really hard to siege highgroun. Storm is pretty easy to counter, if you see him flying toward you just pop ult and fight

                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                    arc warden fucking SUCks dont play him bro


                                      what koda said, there's so many better heroes than arc right now

                                      casual gamer

                                        where did the damage talent go :(


                                          I'm just bored and want to learn
                                          I'm not looking to climb with him


                                            Well obviously cookie is the Arc Warden Pro and the most reliable source of information you might get so ask him directly


                                              well if you're not looking to climb, then why do you care if you optimize your gameplay?

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                i dont want to climb =/= i am okay with losing hundreds of mmr. also, if you dont have any helpful advice, just dont say anything. you are just wasting everyone's time, including yourself.


                                                  Because losing isn't fun?
                                                  I'll climb ranked with my better heroes for this patch, I just want to learn arc on the side.
                                                  Kinda like how I learned rlly basic invoker on the side before. Took a lot of games but had fun.

                                                  Story Time

                                                    then go dagon on Arc, coz DAGON is always fun :D


                                                      aw has no inherent escape and bad armor, so physical nukers with gap closers can be hard to deal withg in the early and midgame (like pa, ck, void to some extend or a bara+naix combo). Considering you only meant lane matchups i'd say Nyx is hard to deal with (super high regen, can globally stun you with carpace on and running into sw) and brood, because any decent brood will make your laning a living hell.

                                                      imo aquila, boots, midas and from there on what the matchup needs you to get, it always depends on enemy- and your teamcomposition. And once you reached lvl 20 and/or got an octo core you got your tempest close to 66% of the time fighting with you, so dont bother using it. Before that time -> always make sure to use midas before tping your tempest to the fight (i usually dont fight with the real aw early).

                                                      making him work in the midlane has become harder, but its possible (still like him more on safe lane with an aggressive support).

                                                      casual gamer

                                                        i cant decide if im a retard for delaying travels or not

                                                        i dont do it every game anymore but i was definitely crushing some games but idk

                                                        either way i do not play arc waldo in this patch very as often

                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                          nah bro travels dont give u shit
                                                          i always get them 2nd to last item or someshit fam
                                                          phase or treads sometimes even instead of bots, brownboots are perfectly fine


                                                            is shadow blade worth?


                                                              shadowblade is the only way to play arc


                                                                travels make you able to be in the fight no matter where you are farming at that moment.
                                                                Shadow blade is good if you can get it really early and invade the enemy jungle solo (with tempest) and get kills on enemy farmer, otherwise its a situational item vs heroes that you need the brea of silver edge to deal with (like dk).

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