General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat are the best attack speed items for pa?

What are the best attack speed items for pa? in General Discussion

    jugg: no natural IAS

    Drow: Not that good, amazing with aghs.

    Sniper: no natural IAS, hg defense with shrapnel. Uses mj for farm

    Bloodseeker: no natural IAS, not that good but has some synergy with rage

    Medusa: No natural IAS. Needs MJ because she has pathetic damage. Uses it to farm.

    Wraith king: Same as dusa, gets the most value out of mj active of any hero except arc maybe


      What has become of this game T_T

      Totentanz to The King: M ...



          When God was putting brains inside humans maybe he forgot to put it in those two xD

          ure legend 5 LMAO. congratulations on finding the only 2 accounts in this game with lower mmr than you


            Who said I was finding accounts having lower mmr than I do?


              Looks like u need one too


                How is no natural ias, or uses mjol for farm, a valid argument for why it's good on them and not pa? You just explained it provides damage. It lets you farm. And as I explained, you are less dependent on w where you would normally hit really slow in between cd.


                  i find it funny that noone mentioned how good ac is on pa if you are the only hero who should get one and you need to siege. -5 armor on buildings and stuff.
                  And for the theory-crafting: eblade gives 40 agi (40 atkspd, 40 dmg, ~5-6 armor, 200 hp from the str). you are against a ck without a purge on the team, item seems viable :-D

                  Also in the early game maybe consider a diffusal (20dmg/atkspd, also active is super useful)


                    Manta is actually so goodon pa, especially with battlefury. Makes ur split pushing a lot better, for example you can leave an illusion in trees to blink on later. If u dont need the dispel, you can leave an illusion behind to escape later. And its stats are also fine.


                      pa is a hero with 3.3 agility gain and an ability that gives her 120 ias

                      comparing this to wk or medusa is disingenuous at best

                      yes it’s nice to have some attack speed so you can hit buildings and chase people past 4 hits. not worth spending 5800 gold on

                      rain markcawat

                        Eblade on riki have good synergy with his cloak and dagger , 40 agi per eblade + backstab multiplier talent hurts alot , as you can see i win that game


                          Who will win in the battle of 1k's? Let's find out after an endless debate of pure nonsense!


                            Why bother arguing with them jeff, when you see that they don't use logic to dish out criticism. They are just lashing out at whatever stands out from their shallow analysis of end game stats. Nor are they interested in anything actually constructive, but rather to belittle someone with a lower rank than them as soon as they have the chance.

                            If names were changed to EG.rtz you can be sure the critics will be silenced and thinking will ensue - The kind of deliberation that's actually beneficial for a healthy forum, even if there was no real reason for whatever was the build.

                            Овај коментар је измењен

                              Riki a hero that relies on agi multiplier, building multiple eblades which is an item providing the most agility, perfectly reasonable but called out for whatever reason (mockery probably). It's clear that this is the quality of legend players. Zilch.

                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                First of all rtz would never do that 2nd nobody cares about ur opinion u just keep posting shit here and loosing whatever dignity u got left and honestly u and ur friend just suck!! And u will get 5k soon if u keep playing with these kind of built and mentality


                                  U guys are like jokers of dota xD


                                    Speaking on behalf of pros? Are you sure that you can do so when you fall under the group of players who blindly worship item builds like religious scrolls, I challenge you to argue your case for Your build and against mine in the same way another poster has bravely done so (and we had a fruitful discussion). Or are you just going to hide behind your medal and behave like you know it all because you copy a pro players build?

                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                      I guess dotabuff is becoming reddit tier autistic shithole


                                        mkb butterfly, AC


                                          can you stop insulting 1k players please?

                                          this dude is below 500 for some reason and he should have negative mmr imo


                                            U know HanSolo is always right no matter what it's the other people who disagrees with him(99% dota players) who r retards like me


                                              Players like rtz n miracle should learn from these jokers


                                                Who said I worship their builds? The builds made by pros most likely work in all situations while ur build require like 60+ min and makes no sense 60+ min is cancer


                                                  Building multiple eblades on riki, ZULUL

                                                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                    Maybe I should bring MoM again?


                                                      earlier you complained about someone not having enough weaver games to say your build is shit. So take it from someone with clsoe to 70 games and a 70% winrate. Your build is fucking awful, even for someone just messing around.


                                                        It's funny how you talk about doing different builds to that of pros when you just barely win your games, that spectre game of yours for example @HanSolo

                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                          did you guys really didn't read anything about their discussion or wat
                                                          newsflash:blue is divine 5 rank 2000

                                                          roshan killerz

                                                            Thx for the advice and the hilarious argument going on here i guess

                                                            ㄚ- 天照`

                                                              Oh BF gives damage,lets buy BF instead of linken while facing LC


                                                                That spectre game? I won that game btw because of a clear game plan I had and farming to win it. Don't tell me you're one of those kda types. i haven't lost a game recently too, for those who are bringing up my games for some weird reason. If you want to see good kda, look at my tinker game and you might learn a thing or two. That was a 3v5 game too.

                                                                Linkens for LC? Buying an item I don't want for a spell I can dodge (because he casts his horn right before trying to duel me) just because pros tell you it blocks single target abilities. Wow. Way to show the world how right and how wrong I am. If I need damage instead of the stats while sorely needing the sustain, I would go for the logical next-step. Battlefury provides good damage. And it's not just a cleave item. I've already explained this many times. It's not for you rigid types and faint of heart, who cry abuse and heresy whenever your beloved pros/gods' builds get trampled on.

                                                                Explain to me with a coherent argument why I should get linkens if I don't need the useless stats or for blocking any single target spells. Of course I won that game so I know what I could play around with. But of course you guys know better, those who haven't even seen the game. Okay.

                                                                Disturbed Jawker

                                                                  can you guys please stop arguing this HanSolo is just a troll acc of Jacked


                                                                    this is a T R O L L


                                                                      i am literally unable to resist an argument




                                                                          wtf why do people keep saying that. which idiot spread that rumour and why do people believe it

                                                                          casual gamer

                                                                            dont worry jacked, your secret is safe with everyone on this forum


                                                                              wtf why do people keep saying that. which idiot spread that rumour and why do people believe it

                                                                              i could think of a reason i believe


                                                                                Guys don't argue with HanSolo cuz he's always right....


                                                                                  it's a genius plan to get solid advice on the game

                                                                                  troll threads are 50 times more likely to get constructive criticism than actual threads where someone's asking for help


                                                                                    Ok real talk u won that game cuz they were more noob than are and ur thoughts about liken for blocking LC duel....
                                                                                    It's just.. this is what makes u the best dota player man! Ur like the 1k miracle

                                                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                      Best meme in the world lmao


                                                                                        it's a genius plan to get solid advice on the game

                                                                                        troll threads are 50 times more likely to get constructive criticism than actual threads where someone's asking for help

                                                                                        This might be
                                                                                        The truest thing I've ever read


                                                                                          I just saw ur tinker game hansolo
                                                                                          Congrats man u got good KDA I mean u beat players who has less 700 mmr (passive bots) u really are 1k good :D and btw (NO STATS RECORDED) u must be proud of ur self man for having good KDA against passive bots and u don't even need to check if that game stats will be recorded


                                                                                            First, i have more than 30 games on weaver, only there 30. But you don`t have to belive me for that. Next BF isn`t only cleave but it`s main. Weaver just need linkin for mana and hp reg. I try with hex, bloodthorn, eye, hurricane or even dagon (just for necro look stupid, and it is I admit it was retarded build). But bf gives you demage less than desso, no -armor, so desso beter. If you want 2 in 1 but it`s not like that, you need items that gives you best from your hero so for good item on hero you need to undertand what is main thing for your hero what is hir role in game, push, tf, split push, next does he hit with magical or phisical, around what you play. for example Troll has basher passive and you need as for more bash, so you go for as, and demage phisical, pa is most one hit killer so you go for - armor and demage. For heroes like Invo you need mobility and "help combo items". And for every hero you think what he gives and what I need to help to use his best side.

                                                                                            Weaver is more all round hero good push, best escape, so good split push, tf, and can gank really good low hp heroes, but not in best 5 at anything. So you need items that helps you to deal demage and help your durability. Cause you have really good mobility. Just think what you need faster to push, or to kill or survive. And can you iniciate or return fight in your favor. In your game i will go support buidl to help sf to win game cause he won game for you. If you wanted to be core dragon lance, than deso and linkin, depend on legion is he afk or not, but cause life got deso than better take bloodthorn to stop tech and jugg. I forgot gem you need one, you or riky to carry.

                                                                                            long text but i try my best if any higer player have better advice and want to shere to help noobs like myself and han to don`t do and speek stupidly.

                                                                                            casual gamer

                                                                                              if u want to deal with ghost shroud as weaver, buy nullifier


                                                                                                that english tho
                                                                                                i cant even read it
                                                                                                weaver builds some form of item so he doesnt get bursted/chain stunned, and dmg, and sometimes a disable/cc item
                                                                                                this means shit like bkb or linkens, deso mkb mjollnir butterfly etc, and shit like bloodthorn nullifier even skadi to keep people from running away and to prevent getting bursted
                                                                                                a lot of items fit multiple categories but u get the idea


                                                                                                  To not get bursted you just need heart on weaver. I even could go blademail so Jugg and techies couldn't hit me (Dps techies).

                                                                                                  Why would you need any other item? Bf is for the damage as I've explained, but it's not to replace other possible damage items. I admit deso could have been good but I needed sustain and had no time to farm it.

                                                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!