General Discussion

General Discussionhow do i convince my team to let me mid pudge

how do i convince my team to let me mid pudge in General Discussion
Chao Vritra

    i am done with this roamer shit and getting dismemeber at 10 mins and going 8-0 in the early game and still losing. i just want to buy a stout shield and eat a tree and rot people mid lane ya know

    Riguma Borusu

      if you want to convince people to let you go mid with a hero maybe it's not a bad idea to pick a good mid hero

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      Chao Vritra

        I will agree pudge is a shit mid. However there are some heroes he will always dominate in lane if he knows how to play. Also he has received numerous buffs since he got pushed into position 3 and now 4. Aren't there still a few top 10 pudge mains that play mid? I know I am not them but it sounds like it is still done.

        Even when it was a thing nobody played pudge mid correctly. They would just bottle rush and stand there hoping to hit hooks, not taking advantage of his decent attack damage and rot harass. In some matchups he can get an easy first blood with stout shield+rot and right clicks level 1 if he buys proper items, not just boots or bottle rush.

        I am not even saying it is good at all I just want to do it

        edit: also my pudge WR with pudge dropped since he became a roamer (my WR in general has dropped lately, just getting old and bad and have lots of real life distractions). I know this is more closely related to me not being a good roamer, but I just want to try going mid again and seeing what happens.

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          "rot harass"
          u harass urself too u know
          "decent attack dmg"
          also has 0 armor
          he can literally never get first blood solo in the midlane at lvl 1
          its impossible

          Chao Vritra

            actually I guess I have the highest winrate in the safelane maybe I should try playing position 5. Next highest is jungle I miss creep pulling mid lane =(

            Chao Vritra

              "u harass urself too u know "
              "also has 0 armor"
              yeah lots of heroes have low armor. And most people (at my bracket at least) are going to start running towards their tower not auto attacking you. You just have to play the creep aggro correctly.
              "he can literally never get first blood solo in the midlane at lvl 1
              its impossible"

              that is just not true at all and you know it...dota is so random...Taking into account player mistakes and huge jumps in MMR per player in solo matchmaking...All it takes is the enemy to get a little too close to you. You are underestimating how hard pudge right clicks if he buys something other than brown boots or wind lace. And are you forgetting he gets a long range hook at level 2? Even if your opponent is positioning safely you would get an under the tower hook eventually. Might have to buy a smoke but it would happen.

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              Riguma Borusu

                Don't argue for viability of things because the bracket is potato. Literally all of your arguments rest on "people will make mistakes because it's a shit bracket". You can argue for literally anything this way, so it's not an argument at all, it can't convince people on this forum, and it won't be able to convince people playing alongside you. People could also say "I am going mid CM because in this bracket you can build rapier and moon shards and backdoor the base".


                  what heroes does mid pudge dominate in your opinion

                  Овај коментар је измењен
                  Chao Vritra

                    Don't argue for viability of things because the bracket is potato. Literally all of your arguments rest on "people will make mistakes because it's a shit bracket". You can argue for literally anything this way, so it's not an argument at all, it can't convince people on this forum, and it won't be able to convince people playing alongside you. People could also say "I am going mid CM because in this bracket you can build rapier and moon shards and backdoor the base".

                    I didnt argue for viability. I literally said pudge is a shit mid? lol. I was just stating facts I was not making an argument

                    I just want to do it like I said

                    Овај коментар је измењен
                    Chao Vritra

                      what heroes does mid pudge dominate in your opinion

                      Are we still talking solo 1vs1? not accounting for support rotations or anything? Or in a real game? Well either way...The only hero I can say with 100 percent confidence is shadow fiend. A good pudge will abuse his starting low attack damage and not allow him to get souls, denying every last creep he can with his higher base damage. Yes he will get level 2 but if you deny every creep and abuse your lead it will still put a damper on his laning. Also shadow fiend will not take his nuke first allowing you to do tons of damage to him with rot and auto attacks. It is literally just a matter of bring more HP regen to lane than your enemy.

                      Sniper is probably a close second but it comes down to player skill heavily with this matchup. But all it really takes is a good creep block and for sniper to not leave his HG (most wont play that scared level 1 though) Also third I would probably say tinker. After his skills are on CD he just has nothing in the early game. I know there are other heroes, it has been a few years since I have played pudge mid seriously or at all.

                      And disclaimer I am just saying this worked for me, or at least in my bracket. I am not stating it as law and your average run of the mill pub pudge is going to lose these matchups.


                        sf completely dumpsters pudge if the player has even 1/2 of a brain
                        sure other mids have low armor but theyre not melee and they still dont have 0
                        u have tangoes but so do they
                        when u trade with sf ur also tanking a creep wave meaning u always, always lose the trade


                          Wtf is this normal skill discussion how is it even possible to conceider pudge a mid hero.


                            Shadow Fiend



                              you would convince me to abandon if you go mid pudge


                                ^ there you have it folks


                                  If you really want to be pudge mid you have to find 4 more peopple to play with them and make play aroudn your utility mid pudge. In random team you wont win lain, vs any meta(or usualy) mid hero that is same as your skill. AND that you don` t use pudge big demage but he has lame as, even if you won first min you will be lower in 2, or 3 min game, after that oponent mid has free farm if you don`t get help, and most of support will be like i have to help carry to get farm not you. I don`t see how you can make useful your pudge mid for team, and I think that most peopple don`t trust in your skill to over play. Just saing that you want pudge 4min lvl6 not 10min lvl 6 is not team play, so i don`t see any one who will be like ye I will ruin my stats just to let you to get better stats.

                                  (as allweys sorry for shit english)

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                                    You need to change name to Dendi and use Navi picture


                                      Can Riki mid?


                                        I just read the whole thing.

                                        Holly shit either troll or really delusional player.

                                        First of all if u will EVER make it to my game and pick pudge mid in RANKED im going to flame shit out of you because you are deliberately puting your team in bad spot.
                                        There is a reason why it doesn't work and no-one expects 3k player to fully understand it, you just have to accept this fact and move on.
                                        If you wanna play mid play mid heroes don't tilt your teammates before game starts.

                                        I played 1 game against pudge mid ~3.8k and the only way u kill any hero as mid pudge is when you afk in trees and wait for hook.
                                        Which is what ROAMING pudge can do because that's what he is good at.

                                        Any sane half brained player will dumpster you mid and make you and your team wanna quit game forever. Please don't be a reason why this community is do toxic if u wanna play mid pudge play 5 stack unranked.

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                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          I didnt argue for viability.

                                          But you asked how to convince people to let you do something that's not viable. Goodshit.


                                            Shadow Fiend

                                            pudge loses against all of these

                                            unless you count "i'm going to stay on my hg at night and throw 20 hooks until one connects" as winning midlane
                                            which again would bring up the question "why pos 2 pudge instead of roam"

                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                              and seeing a pudge constantly staying in 1 lane instead of roaming around,i wonder which gets more kill opportunities

                                              I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                                                [what heroes does mid pudge dominate in your opinion?] The only hero I can say with 100 percent confidence is shadow fiend. A good pudge will abuse his starting low attack damage and not allow him to get souls, denying every last creep he can with his higher base damage
                                                you're kinda talking about shit mid players tbh, since we're talking about "good" players, then if I would be sf I would just pull creep aggro towards me and prevent u from denying a single creep, if you would ever show up in my lane you would eat 2-3 razes and a few right clicks, if you're still alive you will be forced out of lane to base/shrine/or buy 10 salves if you want to even stay in xp range x) even if you would somehow manage to land a lucky hook or get ur team to gank, it would mean shit, cuz it's pudge mid, I would absolutelly dont care dying to pudge, I can go jungle raze the lane and come out 5 levels ahead of u and 2x ur net worth and suddenly the game ends right there because pudge on pos 2 is garbage.


                                                  Putting shit mid heroes mid

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    how do i get my team to let me plant all our observers by t4s? they keep going afk or reporting me but im just trying an alternative vision strategy

                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                      mid lion and gyro offlane is da best


                                                        TBH I feel like people would be more accepting towards mid lion than mid Pudge right now


                                                          Anyone playing mid lion is clearly memeing, pudge mid players are almost always just genuine worst-of-the-worst complete garbage

                                                          Pale Mannie

                                                            hover to another mid hero first and then pick pudge. ez


                                                              @Goethe that doesn't work though, if you want mid in 2-3K bracket, you have to first or second pick. You can't ask "can I last pick mid pls" and get away with it.

                                                              ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                                Where's Haunter when you need him to get behind this fool?


                                                                  The thing Is that in my bracket (And yours too) you can play any hero And have a decent Chance to win as long as you can play the hero And the enemy cant.

                                                                  Ocassionaly you meet noob invoker, First time sf player or pudge mid And you can win mid with witch Doctor.

                                                                  But you Will get fucked by competent mid player if you go pudge.


                                                                    I convinced them to pick a mid hero themselves and go offlane duo then after I reach lvl6 (which was my main goal),I tell them to come occupy my mid and then I roam around the map snowballing. I used this tactic some while ago which indeed worked tremendously great if executed properly.But idk if it still works now since pudge transitioned completely into pos4.


                                                                      The thing Is that the hero who shares XP Will come to mid lvl 4-5 And the enemy mid Will be probably 6-8 unless you kill him few times.

                                                                      At the same time your offlane Will be solo off with lesa gold, as He shares IT with other person.


                                                                        pudge used to own sniper mid lol in dota 1

                                                                        Chao Vritra

                                                                          hover to another mid hero first and then pick pudge. ez

                                                                          that is a good idea. i think this was the first serious response in this topic =)

                                                                          I wasn't really trolling by making this topic but I knew it would get the reaction it would. I know the meta has changed a lot but all I know is the highest I have ever climbed was a result of mid pudge spamming. went from 2.9 to 3.8. That was in 6.86 i think when mid pudge was dying but still done. Gonnna try this tonight in my games haters gonna hate

                                                                          Yung Beethoven

                                                                            honestly if you think that pudge mid is in ANY scenario a good idea then i have some bad news for you:

                                                                            you are retarded. im sorry.

                                                                            Suck my tiny curry dick

                                                                              you are retarded. im sorry.


                                                                                why the fuck is this thread so popular

                                                                                Chao Vritra

                                                                                  1vs1 me with my super saiyan 420 dragon claw weed hook bruh. me im not afraid of u blue stars

                                                                                  why the fuck is this thread so popular

                                                                                  because people in the topic are angry because deep down inside every dota player is afraid of pudge because they have to play the game differently whether they wanna admit or not

                                                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                    People like you makes me pick tiny and toss people around

                                                                                    Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                      because people in the topic are angry because deep down inside every dota player is afraid of pudge because they have to play the game differently whether they wanna admit or not

                                                                                      It's true I hate playing against pudge because I know I can be removed from my position if he has vision of me but I don't have vision of him.

                                                                                      This is why MID PUDGE is literally the least threatening pudge of all. There's the least space for outplay potential with the hook, and if you know pudge is mid, you should never, ever, get hooked. Also the hero is a shit solo laner with 0 armor that deals damage to himself without the ability to regain hp.


                                                                                        @Gold Crusher
                                                                                        "I wasn't really trolling by making this topic but I knew it would get the reaction it would. I know the meta has changed a lot but all I know is the highest I have ever climbed was a result of mid pudge spamming. went from 2.9 to 3.8. That was in 6.86 i think when mid pudge was dying but still done. Gonnna try this tonight in my games haters gonna hate"

                                                                                        If you know that 99% will give you ansver like it`s retarded, don`t do that, out of meta, why you made topick??? Go back to 6.86 than, but it`s not ! Stop crying about game change and make new play. Or play whatever you want I don`t care personaly but when you go what you want, I will do to, so don`t be like I do what I want but my team don`t do what ME want for them to do! I do than what I want, not what would you want for me to do! I think that everbody else will do the same, if one player don` t do team play ather wont to.

                                                                                        Chao Vritra

                                                                                          You are right I don't need my team's approval to pick pudge and go mid. I guess I phrased it wrong. How do I pick mid pudge and convince my team to not feed or come to my lane? That is the better question.

                                                                                          And yes I agree with you RPQ-sama pudge missing on the map is really scary and it is less threatening when you can be seen sitting mid by your enemy. But if you know you can win the lane you are more valuable mid killing the mid and farming than roaming waiting for a 10 minute level 6. But you could leave your lane at 6 and farm heroes while the position 4 or 5 finds farm in your lane.

                                                                                          I still hold by what I said, a good pudge will just beat certain heroes. It is not even a matter of standing on HG and waiting for a hook, his damage output with rot initiation followed up by a hook alone is pretty strong. Granted most heroes can just use their abilities and kill pudge. But again I am not saying he is a good mid I am just saying there are matchups he should win. Shadow fiend cant do shit. Sniper cant do shit. It is not about hitting hooks it is about having more damage earlier in the game.


                                                                                            It's probably because he's only Legend 1. In lower MMR, mid pudge is pretty decent because ... well, everyone is shit.


                                                                                              because people in the topic are angry because deep down inside every dota player is afraid of pudge because they have to play the game differently whether they wanna admit or not

                                                                                              If im matched against mid pudge 10 games in a row, i know i will win 10 games in a row


                                                                                                There r almost 0 matchups pudge wins, ur extremely misguided if u think u beat sniper or sf in lane.

                                                                                                Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                                Suck my tiny curry dick

                                                                                                  There r 115 matchups pudge wins, ur extremely right if u think u beat sniper or sf in lane.


                                                                                                    Need more pudge buffs for him to actually come back at mid and own like the old days.


                                                                                                      I've said this before. Pudge with farm is a scary hero. If you prefer to keep your pudge underfarmed and easily killable with his zero Armour and 5 level difference between him and the carry, then by all means enjoy your loss.

                                                                                                      This ones a no brainer. If your team refuses to accept the logical role for pudge, then they deserve the loss.

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!