General Discussion

General DiscussionWho is the most independent hero?

Who is the most independent hero? in General Discussion

    Ty so much for your advice

    I feel like TB and dk are a bit reliant on one of their abilities. E. G TB relies on meta, and DK relies on ultimate. Is their someone equally good but isn't so reliant


      -Jugg with decent farm is pretty versatile and independant
      -Axe is always strong because a bkb-piercing disable on 10 sec cooldown is actually great
      -Faceless Void with the new Battlefury is fearsome
      -Troll Warlord, can manfight anyone with right items, can take rax in a second


        SD. You can solo any enemy carry post 6 and you have actually value for your team.

        Why people insist playing cores? Since I switched to supports/offlane I got 3 medals (legend 3 to ancient).

        Hello world

          sven might be a good pick in ur low mmr games


            Sven Does not have such a good laning phase. And a good laning phase is essential to start snowballing and win the game


              How about drow..


                Do everything? PL does everything even better than Jug and Luna. you can dive towers and kill people with ease. you have one of the games strongest dodge spells (as well as a debuff), You're very hard to lock down, you're a great laner, great farmer to hit jungle if things go bad in lane, Great powerspike at Diffusal blade, and scales incredibly well thanks to his 25 talent.
                The only times I lose as PL are when I'm playing with IRL friends to mess around and am eating with one hand, or when game is fed really hard and I'm having a terrible lane (I once had Drow+Huskar offlane against me solo).

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                Use chatwhell=mute

                  offlane heroes are so independent. like bb omni and tide


                    pick bb

                    pros: tanky

                    can play any lane

                    impossible to fuck up

                    op in low mmr

                    cons: silver edge

                    wand-vg-bm-halberd-heart, or even dumb shit like vg-bm-octa-rad-heart

                    enemy team will suicide on you for years

                    Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                      Just play Lifestealer... If you go Armlet build you can push plus free bkb and lifesteal seems like a good hero in low mmr


                        More like Am is a strong lamer lul


                          go luna for sure


                            Ty so much for advice

                            As a response to life stealer, can he really push towers because a lost of his damage relies on feast. The same goes to say with pl, pl can pus a wave super hard but not necessarily a tower.

                            I really need to be able to push because I see that as the underlying issue with my MMR

                            Ty all so much for advice tho I really appreciate it


                              PL has no problem pushing, he can cut the trees with his doppleganger to see the incoming TPs, And he can also punish careless TPs from supports (Happens all the time when for example a pudge TPs to save Tower, ends up dying within seconds), He doesn't melt them like a Troll but he is an agility hero with agility build and passive, so It's not too bad.

                              Hello world

                                "How about drow.."

                                A good drow strat requires a decent team and specific picks. You have to avoid deaths in the laning phase at any cost. This can be tricky in the low mmr bracket, because nobody wants to support.


                                  Cool ty,

                                  Is wind ranger any good in that case theb


                                    I'll try PL then


                                      my suggestion, try some heroes with a good winrate (>50%)( ), pick about 3 heroes u can play well (mine is drow, luna, and jugger), and spam them.

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                                        if youre a carry, dont fight early game, just ignore ur team's carry who keep fighting with no item, dont help them, go farm (if lane isnt pushed)(get maelstrom or bf), def tower from creep, DONT DIE, learn positioning.

                                        dont be greedy. this game goal is to destroy ancient, not to get godlike streak or rampage.

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                                          drow is pretty good, you just have to learn positioning (how to not die), especially if enemy counter you with pl or pa, in that case, you have to be extra cautious, just farm (use maelstrom) until you get shadowblade (for escaping, in 1k few people buy dust) or even fatter (skadi, moonshard).

                                          windranger is a rather bad hero (45% winrate), as he doesnt scale good late game, and most of her skills are hard to land and use (in lower mmr).


                                            Go Clinkz instead of Riki if you want to push towers and still kill enemies. People like us in low mmr dont usually buy detection so its a safe pick.


                                              I think positioning an map awareness is relatively ez and I tend not to over extend when going for kills.

                                              I would play high win rate heroes in my games but I have to push because In my games no one pushes.

                                              I'm trying to get to crusader and then I will play heroes like zeus or riki because my team will be adept enough to push.

                                              Right now I just need to push and ganks to put pressure early game and clear towers mid game and end before the enemy carries have enough farm


                                                Is husker any good this patch


                                                  ^Strong in a sense but he got like a million counter.
                                                  Veno/Necro or any decent disablers/dps dealer and you're in big trouble with Mr Armlet
                                                  Also BKB and Halberd are amazing on him.
                                                  He's also a INSANE pusher in right hands believe me

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                                                    han yolo giving advice lmao


                                                      Any other suggestions for fighting pushers


                                                        Fighting pushers, try Troll or Np?

                                                        Veridis Quo




                                                            I was once in ur stage too.
                                                            It will be hard , but u need to learn few heroes of all types(eg axe -initiator , tank, ez laning in ur/our bracket.
                                                            drow-ranged, carry , silence, push, midlaner etc
                                                            Bs- ez lane, positioning control, people like us usually don't have escape TP, etc)
                                                            Now what u need is not to pick early... Look at the draft and pick what u lack.
                                                            If your team has 4 cores it's bttr u go support and support that one guy who believe can carry well.

                                                            Suck my tiny curry dick


                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                Nothing really does everything but I would say an offlaner who can transition into a tower killer. If you can shutdown enemy carry and convert that to taking towers in case your carry sucks you will win games. For example sometimes a tinker mid goes like 20-2-5 but still their carry blows and tinker can't take towers. Heroes like bristle or beastmaster can do both.


                                                                  Try death prophet her ult is really meltdown tier 3 towers in seconds


                                                                    its gotta be Lycan. high right click. good rat. bad lane? go jungle. forced to be a solo offlaner? use wolves to create double wave. need to teamfight early? rush bkb pop ult and eat supports. Got a shitty support sapping exp in the safe lane? Use wolves to stack and pull. Need Rosh? can solo him with right items.

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                                                                      Purple twinhead