General Discussion

General DiscussionInternet Problem. Bot matches Help Please below 1k

Internet Problem. Bot matches Help Please below 1k in General Discussion

    Currently trying to get better at Dota but this is my situation, I'm terrible at the game clocking in 900 hours, with only 600 MMR to my name. I dont play any more ranked because I'm trying to learn three heroes clinkz, shadowfiend and faceless void. on top of that i loive in a family of six and currently there is only one broadband in my area that is dog shit with 1mp download and 100kp upload this has been the case for years but at the end of the year there are finnaly bringing in a new fiber broadband to my local area. with this internet i have had to dc, and abandon constantly with 50 plus games, can't last hit, can't play overall can't get good at Dota. My only saving grace is that on the weekends I go up to my cousins house who have much better internet than I do, there I play dota with them but they wont take it a serious as i do especially now with the
    attlepass al they want to do is play the cavern heroes, unlike me i want to play only three to jncrease my mmr and progress. they have 700 mmr and 1400 mmr., since the calibration he has dropped drastically. all o want to know is how should I get better at the game when I only get to play competitive games when I'm away from home which i have done every weekend for the past 4-5 years should i play bot matches any suggestions would be appreciated.


      dont play bot matches, its easy to adapt to them and then vs players will be pretty dificult, suggest you to play turbo instead


        dont force yourself into something you barely can do, its not worth the time and life, go play offline games instead until you get a better internet to play dota, then you can tryhard as much as u like :)


          or jusr go to internet cafe


            git gud net where do u live man ain't there got places u can go and play games in idk what they called game sth and wtf ure area don't even have 3G or sth?


              Play rank and spam your best hero!
              Sad, you don't have stable Internet.

              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!