General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy clinkz is so popular in boosting services?

Why clinkz is so popular in boosting services? in General Discussion

    I knew two guys where their accounts has been boosted, and most of their matches were won by playing clinkz. clinkz it's really easy to counter, but even in the divine bracket they manage to win easily with that hero. Are even divine players so bad that they can't counter a clinkz, or clinkz is broken?


      it's broken when you're retarded enough to not understand how he works


        With sufficient amount of farm he can burst down a lot of heroes and with orchid even escaper can't really do anything to him. He can push super fast and force the game to end quite early so I suppose thats an extra for booster because they can finish the job faster and possibly earn more money. Booster can probably abuse all of that i listed above and wins most of the match


          I downloaded many replays from this guy, who boost his account from ancient 3 to divine 2 and not even divine+ players manage to counter him, I mean, that booster won those match in less than 35 minutes, this booster didn't do anything amazing, he just sits on mid, farm, get orchid, or desolator depending the match, get a few kills, and push, nothing else. I'm not afraid to say that at least low divine players are as bad as ancients.

          SASA POPOVIC

            Its a pub stomping hero, pubs lacks coordination, people give up easily when he performs second gank and its like 4-0 or something someone will go "GG" and start tilting, if they huddle up so he cant blow up some pos5 hero he will just go on the first free lane and blow up a tower. If you dont have glyph good luck stopping Clinxz from taking objectives, by the time you port its gone.

            So why is Clinkz popular:

            Great pusher and objective taker
            Great ganker
            Requires team coordination to deal with
            Supports cant walk around map alone to ward or counterward in fear of being blown up by Clinkz(after 2nd kill they wont even have money for wards) this creates space for enemy team to farm safely and freely on their half of the map.

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              Yeah, I know those things, but I tought, that in some bracket, they know how to coordinate better ("teamplay")

              SASA POPOVIC

                Evert bracket is the same, 5 random vs 5 random, teamplay and coordination dependa on how well game is going, if its starts bad people will tilt and start flaming instead of playing if it start well people will be more prone to cooperate and do nice things like sharing salves and clarity etc.

                This is actuay worse at Divine because people playing there really think they are next level hot shit.




                    And I'm just here crying for help why I can't boost by playing clinkz, Totally got 0% winrate, no matter how succesful my early game is that it will always end up losing. I'm going to conduct an experiment by just spamming clinkz and let's see if I will be able to have a constant winstreak because if I don't then I am cursed and therefore forbidden to play a hero with ez mechanics (which kind of unfair because I am cursed and some people are lucky).

                    My life is just terrible for believing in curses because its too hard for me to believe to be just a coincidence.

                    SASA POPOVIC

                      ^Have you actually tried improving your map awareness and farm patterns? For example if you dont see all 5 heroes on minimap maybe thats a bad time to push towers? Or let your initiator start a teamclash first so he receives every stun and disable in the game instead of you?

                      GO to dotabuff, click on Clinkz open guides, see few top ranked players who are clinkz spammers, download couple of those replays, study them, apply "monkey see monkey do " tactics and profit!

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                      Story Time

                        ^u play only 3 games of clinkz :D and already crying

                        SASA POPOVIC

                          "WTF this hero thats raping me doesnt have "I WIN" button when i play him!!!!"


                            often invisibility = invincibility
                            he has so much dmg, he can even destroy fed enemies and he shits on towers

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                              Inx4c I imagine in your bracket doesn't happen too often to see clinkz winning every game.


                                If you are greatly above the bracket , pick a hero that has a lot of solo kill potential so you don't need your team. Clinks has that.

                                You also need to be able to rat and take objectives. Clinks is one of the best at that. What else? Outplay potential and superior map positioning? Invis hero - check. Not a weak laner so not support reliant.

                                All this let's you snowball easily on your own. If you can snowball from Min 0 and solo carry the game, counters don't matter

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                                  forgot to mention, in my other accounts as well I got 0% winrate as clinkz lol.

                                  SASA POPOVIC

                                    Clinx has 58% winrate in >5k bracket, thanx to recent buffs, thats actually disgusting...



                                      so aside from clinx who are the boosters using these days?

                                      Story Time

                                        i think, arc wardrobe and meepo as always


                                          tinker, arc, meepo, any hero with high skill cap that most of the playerbase is shit at.


                                            do people boost with tinker? how'd you finish games in 20mins with him? seems inefficient.

                                            Story Time

                                              ^u buys necromocrophone and use ult to spawn millions of necromicon soldiers to crush the throne

                                              SASA POPOVIC

                                                Even the shitiest team can win every teamclash if opposite team doesnt have an efficient answer to tinker and he snowballs out of control to the point where you cant reach him and he spreads aids to everyone keeping enemy cores permahexed.


                                                  MEEPO BETTER


                                                    ^boost me. i can give 2000 now and 15 when we reach divine


                                                      im busy calibrating tbds ^ .


                                                        he's in a very powerful place in meta right now,lane dominance,solo kill potential,pusher,invis,the strafe change is so fucking good against range heros.


                                                          WTF OMG


                                                            Visage? Do i need to say more?

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                                                                meepo > all


                                                                  @Harold yeah that is part of my mind as instinct to have map awareness. In my bracket, I dont usually see any initiators because in the first place we got no tank or initiator. And if we got one, that initiator is scared to dive and take all the disables because he is either stupid, selfish or may be pressured by my teammates who always judge your skills depending on the number of your kills and deaths. Also, everytime when we had the early advantage to actually stomp, one of my teammates carry/supp will throw unintentionally because he/she became confident and starts to think he could do things on his/her own now. Also when an enemy picks clinkz we only get and place few sentries because the supports are just focused on their selfish item build with me even as a carry had to sacrifice most of my gold to buy sentries therefore delaying my progress as a carry. Oh and the only funny thing I got here is that when I play against Clink as a supp, clinkz can't kill or even touch me while he always kills our carry (now makes me think that it would also be a disadvantage because he can't kill supp like me so he will target my carry instead). My fellow support teammates not prioritizing to buy ghost scepter to avoid dying instead they stick to their usual build which makes me lose because they are always dead. According to my speculations, there is an outside force that takes over the situation to make me lose the game as a clinkz or playing against an enemy clinkz.

                                                                  Sry if I am overthinking, you don't understand it right now but I will have the evidence to prove that curses are actually real and I am one of the cursed dota players. LOL

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                                                                  SD.𝓓 𝓣 𝓢

                                                                    Who use AW to boost ? What year is this ?

                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!