General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to properly throw games

How to properly throw games in General Discussion

    Way 1: Longer, less "toxic" and thus less likely to get reported
    Make basic errors that can technically be written off as misplays(if you want to avoid low prio time for obvious feeding). Airball a big ultimate, ward too obviously for enemies and get dewarded, double ward a location, over-aggression into dying in lane, etc. Compound errors by forcing fights, under the guise of "smoke ganks", or early Rosh attempts. If your team atmosphere already has an air of toxicity, call an early gg and stay in fountain/afk farm and allow yourself to get ganked and die.
    TLDR, be stupid when you play.
    Way 2: Shorter, but expect to spend a lot of time in low prio, because this is obvious
    Walk down mid is tried and tested. But there are cases of people getting to come back from people who walked down mid. Step it up. Buy the wards, and place them in base. Buy gem and feed it. Block camps with sentries.
    TLDR, waste support utility, hinder carry's ability to farm, WHILE feeding enemy


      Oh the irony that your last game was single draft :D

      PS ruining games is just retarded. if you want a game to be over just play hyperaggressive and you'll win or losejust as quickly and also get to learn a bit about the limits of your hero.


        Or get a little self esteem, that might help you in the long term ;)

        Mode : TOPSON

          just play hero that even noob know to counter it
          like first pl idk why they will pick es
          or first pick am and try to get 20min bf, and wk jungle

          SEA ranked #1 Feeder KEK

            Whats the reason to throw games.. thats reportable offense.


              But wooy? Are u retarded or sth are u nub? U look donkey nub to me!

              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!