General Discussion

General DiscussionRanked Season 2. +1000 MMR - 'The trench doesn't hold you back friend'

Ranked Season 2. +1000 MMR - 'The trench doesn't hold you back friend' in General Discussion

    Heres a few tips, for Legend -> Divine players, or any players playing in a bracket where they think they are too good for.
    First and biggest TIP
    Be humble and fun to play with, if you make a mistake, say oops and then start figuring out what to do to rectify it.
    if your mid is struggling, instead of flaming.. try helping, it goes a long way.

    I climbed 1k MMR in under a week, (still climbing, my smurf is currently at 4800, Dropped 450 mmr from calibration so i'll see where i platue on this account)

    Before CALIBRATION. Make sure you understand the meta..

    Understand the Meta, this could be playing alot of pubs, watching pro games, clicking your watch tab. Understand why certain heros are skilled in ways, and why certain heros are stong.
    Warlock, Skywrath, windrunner, Wisp, Sandking, Witch doctor - These heros are almost in everysingle game for a reason.

    LEARN from others.. I had an immortal rank -400ish in one of my games, he picked zues bought 6 mangos and bolted my antimage 50x in a row till he abandoned.. next game, i picked zues and bolted the enemy carry.

    the meta at the moment is entirely based around sidelane harass/sustain and midlane 1v1's
    My calibration on this acc was 9-1, The account was at roughly 3.4? - 3.5kish MMR (essentially abandoned the account for ranked play).
    after calibration the account was at 3941 (Legend 4 30%). (smurf capped at 5200, but is sitting at 4800)
    You could say, i got 'lucky' for calibration, however that couldn't be further from the truth, my calibration games were filled with players walking down mid at lvl 1, flaming eachother etc, yet after a few mins i mannaged to calm the monkeys down and get them back in order.

    Calibration tips.
    I would start in the picking phase, Stating my prefered role *hey guys, i play a mean mid but can play whatever is needed* More often than not i got my prefered role. If players were arguing, i'd ask them kindly to mute eachother and listen to me.. If a player is disruptive, i'd start trying to organise/captain my team the best we can.. Wellplayed's and nice work can really go a long way, especially in stressful games. 'lets smoke, get a pickoff and setup for rosh.. etc.*
    Any communication is better than no communication, there was games where i was talking to myself, but its still good practice.. *i have stun in 5 seconds* *focus the sky*

    PICK versitile heros if you're unsure of lanes. these include, Windrunner, Venomancer, Mirana, zues, Visage etc. etc. I can first pick these heros and play mutiple roles incase your 4 dendi's all want cores, you can change your first pick mid windrunner into a position *insert what we need here*

    Play your ROLE, Carry, core, initator, utility, support whatever it may be. As a support, commit to supporting, pool your mid, pool wards spend every extra cent on sentries and whatever else you need. As an offlaner, buy your teams utility items etc. Play your role, nobody likes that 'i'll play position 4' and buys 1 ward no dust no sentries and farms your lane then complains about 'shit supports'..
    Play to win.. tank a gank, do what you have to do to win the game

    If you're not the smartest or one of the smartest players in the server, you deserve to be there, play to your strengths/powerspikes.

    Sitting at 80% winrate on this account for this patch, which will slowly platue as games get 'higher skilled', however there is something to be said about the type of heros i've been playing.

    Position 1
    Spectre, Bloodseeker, visage, Lycan

    Position 2
    Storm, Visage, Kunkka, Bloodseeker, Zues, Pugna, DP

    Position 3
    Windrunner, Dark willow, Panda, Venomancer, Pango, ZUES

    Position 4
    Skywrath, Windrunner, Dark Willow, Naga, ZUES

    Position 5
    Warlock, Witchdoctor, THD

    There is alot of consistencies between the way i'm picking/playing heros.. My position 5 heros focus very heavily on healing/survivablity (Warlock/WD have 2heal per mana spent) My position 4 heros are very big on 'heavy harass and midgame pickoffs' Position 3 heros are very strong pickoff heros and focus heavily on lane pressure. My position 2 heros are very good at maintaining an advantage or gaining an advantage (tempo based heros). My position 1 heros 'ALWAYS' have a win condition, spectre for lategame dominance/global pressure, Lycan for towers etc.

    ofcourse i'll expand my hero pool to fill the role/need, eg. doom is one of the best offlaners right now, i just rarely play the role, i have a much larger pool of heros i can and will play, however these are what i've been picking so far in ranked season 2.

    Almost every hero that i play right now is some sort of LANE pressure, I'm not playing these Tusk/earth spirits, i'm not playing these riki's or anti-mage's, Deny's mean more than they have ever meant in any patch. Play for strong lanes and there is a very good chance you'll win your games.

    TL;DR - Communicate your thoughts everygame, if people don't like it say that they can mute you however communication wins games, Pick strong LANERS, Fulfil your role.

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      Pos 1 bs?


        @river Bloodseeker is an incredibly strong Safelaner assuming you have a 'pressure' lane that helps give you thirst damage

        Because denies are so important bloodseeker is one of the better heros at getting them, i had 50+ in the laning phase and the void was lvl 5 at 12mins while i was lvl 10.

        I would usually pick bloodseeker as a 'counter' to mobile heros on the enemy team, if my team has 'heavy harass' lanes or if i have a Zues/tinker. because those combos are savage.


          Nice guide, but i think that you should add meepo to ur pos 2 heroes list


            tyvm friend, i actually play alot of meepo/tinker etc, i just haven't found a game for them recently. There is an overwelming amount of warlock in the meta, so meepo is quite nieche. The list i wrote was just the heros i've played so far, not the hero's that i play.
            You had success in Season2?


              opinions on mirana and viper?


                Mirana is excellent, It's a great mid/Flex pick - Ame from LGD arguably plays one of the best mirana's atm, if you want to see the hero shine, i recommend checking his vod's out. The issue with Mirana is that alot of people are picking Bloodseeker, void and TA. However if you can find a spot where you can dodge those matchups, i like the hero alot this patch. Lvl 25 perma invis is game winning and there is 99% chance the enemy supports will just abandon at this point.

                Please for the love of god get the HP talent at 10 unless you're sure you won't get hit. Go 4-1-4 with startfall maxed first, build into a maelstorm -> mjol and get the leap attack speed talent, build anything you need to 'survive leaping in' - bkb, linkens, 3 rapiers..

                Viper, i honestly don't play the hero nor do i see him very often, occasionally players pick up a viper to 'counter' a mid zues.... but last time someone did that to me, i gave my mid away and just went pos 4 zues and bolted the carry till he quit.
                The hero is a lane bully, which is nice in the meta, Maelstorm is also an amazing item right now which works well for viper so maybe there is something there. I just always find with those kind of 'static laners', they win tier lane but lose the game. You'll have to ask a viper picker on that one, the hero feels pretty bad atm though, i can't think of many cases where i'd want a viper over a DK


                  I am not a viper player. This is just my opinion. Although viper seems weak compared to the utility and ganking capabilities other mid heroes have. Forcing the enemy mid to leave lane is pretty good considering XP is much more valuable this meta. Also viper has the break ability with nethertoxin which renders lot of cores useless without their passive(No other hero can abuse this better than viper.) Some times players dont understand the strengths of viper and just try to build him as damage dealer whereas building him as a tank gives you better chance to survive and kill your opponents at the same time because of his passive and the talent tree. The only time this hero feels weak when your team lacks hard disables or AOE damage because you cant rely on viper strike only to kill enemy cores at 15 minute since they will have some kind of escape/save mechanism and then the hero falls off because hero doesn't have that much impact in ganks because of the saves and does not have flash farming abilities or escapes/saves for split push capabilities which lot of other mid heroes either have or build using items.


                    this matchmaking system is trolling me always gives feeders, idiots in my team.
                    most of them picks were fine but playing style really sucks.
                    dont know get back just push forward and die, dont listen very stubborn.
                    doesnt learn from mistakes, when our pudge hookes enemy bloodseeker all 4 of them goes there and enemy axe gets 3 to 4 man call,
                    worst of all they repeated that 4 times lol.
                    I always wins in laning stage but mid game, late game it is a disaster.

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                    Ear of Skadi

                      why is wind meta; what's good what got buffed, her power spike. pls spoonfeed me, she was in the dumpster for so long

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                        i really love your name,eye of skadi
                        there should be a hair of skadi or nose of skadi or mouth of skadi too
                        or the beautiful head of skadi
                        or the amazing world of skadi

                        can't realy answer stuff for wr,i'm not really having lot of understanding with this hero except shackleshotting people
                        but wr pos 4 can easily kill your 20k networth core while only having a 11k networth,she's pretty crazy
                        powershot is really good on damage too,long stun + windrun can help dual laning at offlanes or solo lane it


                          wait,wat is this zeus 6 mango bolted enemy carry 60x thing? i'm interested
                          explain explain

                          Mode : TOPSON

                            how do you play pos 4 zeus starting item ? how to play in early to late?


                              Waifu runner - Skill windrun level 1, get an orb of venom, regen and as many stats as you can afford (make sure your mid is pooled/wards are bought, not your job but do it anyway). after the rune harass, stand between the enemy tier 1/tier2 and rightclick the carry as he attempts to block the wave, the creeps don't draw aggro anymore.. so abuse that.

                              Waifu runner's concept is simple, anytime the carry goes to last hit, hit him twice. Secure every range creep/harass with your 180 damage nuke at lvl 1 for 90 mana. (warlock's heal level of damage, in an AOE, BURST, at essentially global bullshit range)

                              Phase mael blink wand and maybe a bottle? is pretty standard in terms of build, get your javalin after phase and kill carries.
                              Always take the mana regen talent, having a free CM aura except without the CM is super skunky and allows you to keep up your powershot harass.
                              Windrunner isn't esactally 'GOD TIER THIS PATCH' however she is a hero you can pick first, that can go into any role or any position and still do her job, i think it's pretty good.
                              GH and rodjer play mean pos 4 windrunners... early laning phase is all about your attack animation and powershot harass, midgame its because you can have forward positioning on a disabler/damage dealer.

                              Pos 4 zues
                              - - This is the game i was referencing.
                              i'm definately not some immortal zues player, so check out snail

                              - My shitty game (trilane against me, i chainfed, i still bolted the carry *some divine spectre* made him sad)

                              the 125 damage on 6 second cooldown + 180 damage on 12 second cooldown powershots was enough damage to dive behind our tower and out dps a warlock heal.

                              pos 4 zues is all about controling the vision, you have your bolt lvl 1, you have a ward, some tangos, a clarity or two and the rest is mangos... Bolt the carry, just do it. Zues is in a position now where even without stats his right click damage is enough to get cs without spending mana, so if there is a chance you can get your manaboots or tranquils. Aether lense is the only item i'd say is 'core' buildup before an aghs, Uels and other utility items are situational aswell. Aether lets you kill creepwaves from safe distances and have the range to bolt 'mr 800hp support hero'
                              Basically we had some skywrath + zues lane, we hit the enemy carry with nukes (through sticks, 4 sets of regen etc) and he became a non factor.
                              Midgame you just walk around bolting highgrounds with your permanant clarity, if you're scared the enemy team is ganking you or you are setting up for a gank use your ulti. It's GLOBAL vision on every hero and ward, The damage is just a bonus.. I usually ulti in the first 10 seconds of a teamfight, however there is times its worth saving or using earlier. If your ulti is on cooldown, zues by nature is one of the 'greedier' heros that is allowed to sit at a tower and farm a wave that no one is farming (much like a jakiro would, do this)
                              You're the vision hero, Make sure they have no vision, make sure you have lots of vision.
                              remember, if you're not sure what to do, go bolt the enemy carry.. i'm sure he will appreciate it.


                                hoo boy, i like your tips but sadly doesnt work at 3,2k mmr on SEA.


                                  This thread is so helpful i'm gonna try this strats


                                    No problem fam. @kibou that is probably because you deserve to be at 3,2k in SEA.. unless you have a shift in mindset/gameplay you'll forever platue, trust me i've been there.

                                    Also. Zues bolting, used to be 1 mango = 250 damage lvl 1 in 12 seconds.. (75 mana bolts) Also mess's up last hits with 2x ministuns, now it's slightly less with 90 mana bolts, however it's still insane damage output, try it.

                                    SEA ranked #1 Feeder KEK

                                      No u played on aus server not sea. Its a complete diff world like mars and venus. If u try to guide ur team in sea they will flame u and proceed to report u.


                                        on my solo mmr games i did something like calling and stuffs like rs/push/smoke tho,definitely possible

                                        let me check that snail later,i feel like zeus will die before even trying to bolt someone on a lane lol


                                          zeus is the same concept as sky:
                                          press high damage nuke 15 times until enemies have no more regen -> enemies triggered, offlaner can farm, lane won.

                                          honestly instead of zeus just pick sky


                                            @<blank> yea yea deserve for 3,2k, but have you ever try to support and carry at the same time, create 40 min space and ward, then the carry fail that you have to carry yourself? that happen in SEA server everyday dude.

                                            i have 5 reports to use

                                              Yea some heroes are pretty free mmr that even the braindeads ancients using it beat me with them


                                                so if i dont tell my team exactly what to do i cant expect to win. also why do i get reported for telling them what they are doing wrong?


                                                  there's no need to tell them wat they do wrong,if you really must limit yourself on "ONE" wrong thing (dont point out too much)
                                                  and talk it kindly,like example (with stuff to say to explain)

                                                  "er,can you stop do jungle now,we can smoke gank,get rs and demolish their base with our all ults ready"

                                                  ye,the only reason you play solo is to get mmr up
                                                  get that op heroes
                                                  no use playing team heroes or stupid stuff,just get the solo carry heroes


                                                    aus dota is a joke xd

                                                    Gl with your climb, I have no patience for solo ranked

                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!