General Discussion

General DiscussionMiddle vs BS

Middle vs BS in General Discussion
Excuse me bro!

    What hero can comfortabmly stay at middle versus bloodseeker? ~5200 mmr average

    we wont speak about ganks or 2v1.

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    i have 5 reports to use

      Would like to know as well

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        Ursa monkey king

        Giff me Wingman

          ursa, storm, brewmaster, DK, Tiny

          It also depends on how hard your sidelanes are losing. If tehy give BS enough dmg and movementspeed then even the heroes above cant do much. Biggest counter to BS are strong lanes, salves and TP scroll.


            wheelchair Danishtard coming through wheelchair


              tinker mk

              Excuse me bro!

                Ty guys


                  Lina is ok


                    ♿ ♿ ♿ ♿ ♿ ♿ ♿ ♿

                    PRAISE THE SUN!

                      I was playing VS 5.6k players with a party token.

                      Pl mid is hard
                      Arc warden is hard
                      broodmother horrifying
                      Huskar horrifying early to mid game
                      Zeus hard until hood
                      Tinker possible if you get an early euls
                      Storm challenging but not impossible.
                      Ogre mid is horrifying

                      Annoying things to play against but not impossible
                      Monkey King
                      Phoenix at mid to late game
                      Dark willow because of maze and crown.
                      Ursa and tiny are on the same level as bloodseeker depends on outplaying.

                      Ez mids
                      Zeus after hood
                      Death prophet

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                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                          I'm suprise no one mentioning Shadow Fiend.

                          Assuming both players are on equal skills, Bloodseeker will have a hard time last hitting some creeps. If a bloodraged seeker eats a 2-3 raze, he is dead.

                          Rapture x Bloodrite? Just TP out.

                          SF will only die if he is reckless.

                          Bloodseeker only hope is to land those last hit.


                            ^ u do know that at lvl 1 bs can easily zone your sf out and outlast hit you right? if you want to talk about razing creeps for that 1 last hit at low levels, you will only push the creeps to the tower and he will deny every single creep. Considering how creep xp works now, he'll prolly be 2-3 levels higher than u. Coupled with some bonus ms from sidelanes taking damage, he can run at you and eat at most just one raze because all you can hit is your Z raze.


                              its bad lvl 1 but really bad for bs lvl 3

                              it would be much worse when mid towers are farther apart, but melee mid heroes that like trading against ranged opponents, like ursa, mk, bs, have a hard time closing the gap because its so easy to walk under tower as a ranged hero


                                as a bs you can just buy 1 sen3,deward enemy ward
                                play around highground and lasthit when it just time comes really,not alot a problem


                                  Sf vs bs is a kinda skill matchup.. similar with storm... except storm can only lane against bs if he is 1-2k mmr ahead it seems like (bs will pressure a lot and will dodge remnants if hes good, he can dive you pre6 too)... i myself used to absolutely hate actually playing in mid to late game vs storm as bs tho

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                                    To add, rupture + bloodrite = tp out. there goes a few waves. How long do you think you can keep that up.


                                      It's more likely blood just right clicks u down with raindrops lul. Who's gonna rupture you for 1000 range and give u enough time to tp out with full hp?

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                                        You tp to your own tower and salve up tho, not losing any waves that way. Also raindrop isnt enough, not if sf has souls to actually rclick. But as i said if both players are equally good, the lane should probably draw or be slightly in favour of bs.

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                                          ^ what the fuk


                                            @snaekmonger i dont know man. you have 31% winrate on sf with 16 games i dont think you know what you are talking about lol. Im not a good sf but I have 180 games on sf with 59% winrate i think I know slightly better.


                                              he has no fucking clue

                                              vorpal soul

                                                Beast Master can lane easily against BS and can even kill him solo! Have seen it in many pro games!


                                                  beastmasta vs bloodsuka the movie 2
                                                  with basshunter


                                                    non stars giving advice to star bois? :thinking:


                                                      i can see beastmaster working though

                                                      Cant Win

                                                        Storm destroys bs


                                                          Blue stars these days are so ignorant

                                                          BSJ. LGD

                                                            yeah storm kinda dumpsters bloodseeker unless theres some kind of a euls combo i think


                                                              isnt euls unskippable for bs? especially if ur the type of guy who blames his team for losing

                                                              PRAISE THE SUN!

                                                                Usually euls is if ur fighting tinker or storm

                                                                Storm doesn't really destroy Bs in lane because he can dodge remnants easily its just that he can't kill storm with rupture. Leading to storm ganking due to not dying mid.

                                                                Never seen beast master against a Bs so I'm not sure.

                                                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                  Ranged heroes like Lina and Mirana can do.
                                                                  Harass him hard until he's low enough to get nuked out if Bloodraged.




                                                                      beastmaster wins a lot of solo lanes


                                                                        What about ursa

                                                                        PRAISE THE SUN!

                                                                          Due to be high move speed Ursa can't reliably land his earthshock or land multiple hits. Maximum on average is 2 overpower hits.

                                                                          U have to be potato to stand next to Ursa during six swipes

                                                                          Bs can hit and run Ursa at least twice during Ursas cast times

                                                                          Bs is only bad during long fights with Ursa, laning isn't hard at all.

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                                                                          Cant Win

                                                                            Played storm in my 4k smurf against bs and destroyed him


                                                                              ursa fucking dumpsters bs in lane
                                                                              he has to be mega thirsted for him to dodge that much, and as an ursa im pretty sure u prioritize oov and phase as soon as possible
                                                                              as long as u dont thirst bs he cant walk into lane
                                                                              the overpower debuff lasts a long time, and literally wont ever be able to step into lane
                                                                              mid game tho, rupture shud be really good against ursa

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                                                                                Nah ursa doesn't care about rupture because of enrage. And he will just Man fight u unless u time your shit well and maybe have blademail


                                                                                  BS dumpsters SF so hard its not even funny, not sure how anyone would suggest sf mid vs that.
                                                                                  @ontopic, Ursa, huskar, lina, MK, meepo

                                                                                  @MeePwn, Ursa should dumpster BS to extreme amounts mid unless the Ursa has downs syndrome.
                                                                                  just smack him in the face whenever BS tries to take a lasthit, its really not rocket science

                                                                                  /edit, TA should do really well vs BS aswell

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                                                                                  PRAISE THE SUN!

                                                                                    Just lol to the people who say tp is counter

                                                                                    It doesn't even matter if he doesn't kill you

                                                                                    He will get 2 to 3 waves and levels for free while your giggling in fountain.

                                                                                    Tips Bs is trash VS high armor and multiple units.


                                                                                      Ok how do you win lane as bs when sf hits 3
                                                                                      Like idk how to do it, even if ahead from early levels


                                                                                        pull aggro and take all cs


                                                                                          @ Na+Cl to be honest even if u eat 2 razes to the face, the creeps would be pushed to your tower... u do know that within a few seconds you would be back at full health right? provided you can last hit. sf is... nothing. most SFs spam the wave, go spam nc, rinse and repeat. you dont really need to lane him anyway.

                                                                                          Tilted Teemo Player

                                                                                            beastmaster does well vs BS


                                                                                              Only time I ever lost a midlane was to a Lina, though to come to think of it she did also have a spirit breaker charging me constantly, plus her venge rotated on me as well, meanwhile my team didn't rotate to help gank a single time or counter TP in, then wondered why we lost since normally I was pretty much solo carrying them.

                                                                                              This was back when bloodseeker would solo carry games.

                                                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!