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Started From the PotM.
sMuRfiNaiNtEzY kills Terpcasl!
Started From the PotM. vs Chef Curry Culinary Club
joinDOTA League #13
0:10 1 0 61
~~~~~ kills BBTeazy, ●●●!
Started From the PotM. vs Chef Curry Culinary Club
joinDOTA League #13
0:10 1 0 98
SFtP teamwipes CCCC!
Started From the PotM. vs Chef Curry Culinary Club
joinDOTA League #13
1:20 11 0 101
SFtP teamwipes CCCC!over 6 years ago
Hella kills Scary Terry!
Started From the PotM. vs Chef Curry Culinary Club
joinDOTA League #13
0:12 1 0 115
Hella kills Scary Terry!over 6 years ago
SFtP trades 2 for 1!
Started From the PotM. vs Chef Curry Culinary Club
joinDOTA League #13
0:22 3 0 63
SFtP trades 2 for 1!over 6 years ago
sMuRfiNaiNtEzY gets a double kill!
Started From the PotM. vs Chef Curry Culinary Club
joinDOTA League #13
0:27 3 0 77
UrBoyJC kills Autoattacks!
Started From the PotM. vs Chef Curry Culinary Club
joinDOTA League #13
0:14 1 0 68
Hella kills apoplexy!
Started From the PotM. vs Chef Curry Culinary Club
joinDOTA League #13
0:14 1 0 137
Hella kills apoplexy!over 6 years ago
I HOPE U KNOW IM QUITE INSANE kills Autoattacks!
Started From the PotM. vs Chef Curry Culinary Club
joinDOTA League #13
0:10 1 0 142
~~~~~ kills Terpcasl!
Started From the PotM. vs Chef Curry Culinary Club
joinDOTA League #13
0:10 1 0 153
~~~~~ kills Terpcasl!over 6 years ago
Started From the PotM. vs Chef Curry Culinary Club
joinDOTA League #13
0:10 1 0 123
Hella takes First Blood on apoplexy!
Started From the PotM. vs Chef Curry Culinary Club
joinDOTA League #13
0:09 1 0 64
sMuRfiNaiNtEzY's triple kill leads to a team wipe!
Chef Curry Culinary Club vs Started From the PotM.
joinDOTA League #13
0:52 6 0 111
Hella kills BBTeazy, ●●●!
Chef Curry Culinary Club vs Started From the PotM.
joinDOTA League #13
0:10 1 0 107
SFtP gets 2 kills!
Chef Curry Culinary Club vs Started From the PotM.
joinDOTA League #13
0:12 2 0 73
SFtP gets 2 kills!over 6 years ago
Hella kills Scary Terry!
Chef Curry Culinary Club vs Started From the PotM.
joinDOTA League #13
0:17 1 0 109
Hella kills Scary Terry!over 6 years ago
SFtP gets 2 kills!
Chef Curry Culinary Club vs Started From the PotM.
joinDOTA League #13
0:11 2 0 75
SFtP gets 2 kills!over 6 years ago
Hella kills Autoattacks!
Chef Curry Culinary Club vs Started From the PotM.
joinDOTA League #13
0:22 1 0 87
Hella kills Autoattacks!over 6 years ago
UrBoyJC kills Terpcasl!
Chef Curry Culinary Club vs Started From the PotM.
joinDOTA League #13
0:16 1 0 97
UrBoyJC kills Terpcasl!over 6 years ago
Hella gets a double kill!
Chef Curry Culinary Club vs Started From the PotM.
joinDOTA League #13
0:17 3 0 132
sMuRfiNaiNtEzY gets a triple kill!
Chef Curry Culinary Club vs Started From the PotM.
joinDOTA League #13
0:27 4 0 81
Hella's double kill leads to a team wipe!
Chef Curry Culinary Club vs Started From the PotM.
joinDOTA League #13
0:44 6 1 85
~~~~~ kills Scary Terry!
Chef Curry Culinary Club vs Started From the PotM.
joinDOTA League #13
0:09 1 0 102
~~~~~ kills Scary Terry!over 6 years ago
Hella kills apoplexy!
Chef Curry Culinary Club vs Started From the PotM.
joinDOTA League #13
0:10 1 0 105
Hella kills apoplexy!over 6 years ago