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115 коментара
Immune to fear




      Gold Experience Requiem

        Hope that arbitrary points can be used to get a subscription on Dotabuff Plus. LOL I wish.

        Riguma Borusu

          this is stupid because there are way too many achievements to give any weight to them


            Is there any pop-up message when you have got new achievement unlocked?

            ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

              no reward for 1000 of games on one hero boo

              GDE PAPA

                Отлично, мне как и многим игрокам эта задумка понравилась! Теперь играть в доту будет веселее. Разооообразиие!


                  rarest achievements:
                  win a game as chen


                  CLEETUS McFarland

                    Very good, will be fun. Ty.

                    Perfectly Ordinary Dude

                      No Maelk award?


                        not very useful...

                        ANAK PRESIDEN

                          Great stuff, great stuff.


                            Very cool! I like them & look forward to achieve more/when the time is right as a relatively new player.


                              Absolutely amazing! Motivates me to play more outside my comfort zones, which are sadly pretty narrow at the moment.


                                It's to force people to learn how to play the heroes correctly! lol "DO THIS ITEM YOUR STUPID PRICK, OTHERWISE YOU WON'T GET YOUR REWARD" Chuck LOL

                                "DON'T U F#*($#() GET THIS STUPID ITEM TO THIS HERO, OR YOU WON'T GET REWARDED". Force them to learn one way or the other. Congrats Buffy!

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                                  I don't even play Dota anymore and I am really enjoying looking through all of the achievements that I got back when I played. Keep up the great work dotabuff crew!


                                    Valve add this please

                                    Cardinale Bergoglio

                                      waddup fam?


                                        ачивочки подьехали

                                        Ayrton Senna

                                          nice job




                                              хуита какаита

                                              Russia OUT of Ukraine! (T...

                                                How about this achievment: "Play a support hero AND buy more then two wards". That will raise the bar!


                                                  who'd do so much work for a gadget no one will care about ? rly :)

                                                  Ganja Man

                                                    should've made that chen achievement "Honk Honk"

                                                    GG IZI

                                                      Good job guys . I liked it.

                                                      Cardinale Bergoglio

                                                        road to #1 mein negger


                                                          And I want buy thing with this ponts)

                                                          masdai ♱

                                                            its cool, but useless :/

                                                            Jumar Gines

                                                              nice haahahahahhahahhahah


                                                                Valve needs to add this!


                                                                  This will be much better if you realize to spend ours arbitrary points for something.
                                                                  It could be a new era of dotabuff advance


                                                                    how long does it take for the achievements to appear in my profile after I finish a match?

                                                                    Turtle Wax
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                                                                        Noble Wolfy

                                                                          Again another feature in Dota 2 that does nothing and has no real meaning or impact. Absolutely amazing.


                                                                            ARBITRARY POINTS


                                                                              Nice, its my first time knowing i got arbitrary points and its 4k+. Didnt know i got that much achievement lol


                                                                                what a reward ?


                                                                                  can i reset all number?

                                                                                  Orange Slash

                                                                                    So i was back to just check for articles and i see you guys are catching up to dotamax but you guys are quite late. i mean at this point those guys even have a betting system with their own mobile app in place. You guys need something better to literally start making people appreciate you. I mean the only advantage you have right now is the articles which compress a lot of info. You guys need a mobile app/streams/vods/coolfeatures(like the one in the maxplus+ app)/Betting/Trade. Keep up people lest the competition overtake you. But the achievements is nice.

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                                                                                    Balangay D. Frix

                                                                                      please add some item rewards

                                                                                      ⓞ_ⓞ Shaky Shaky

                                                                                        what is Era of Achievements and how it work? sir


                                                                                          Volvo should add this into game

                                                                                          Water.Crystallize :)

                                                                                            interesting xD

                                                                                            Yep,i love pony <3

                                                                                              Good !!!


                                                                                                :3 definitivamente los puntos arbitrarios le dan ese toque que le hacia falta a Dota 2


                                                                                                  Give us more new achievements !!!!


                                                                                                    Can you delete Arc Warden achievment about rapier, it got nerfed long time ago