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      second :(

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        And there will be a time when we'll remember how many years it took Volvo to finally port Pit Lord into Dota2

        LEON KENG

          Can somebody ask s4 if he remembers the millon dollar dreamcoil?


            And then there is Omni. The Knight of pub, with his omnipresent 60% winrate.

            Nero Scarlet

              Does anyone remember when Invoker had 27 spells? Man, those were good times.

              Lumus Ignis

                What was wrong with 6.83? (i started playing a few months ago)



                  just ary

                    Why look back to this, dota 2 is already perfect as it is :p

                    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                      Naix have 60sec spell immune + armor SS and a 400% lifesteal.

                      Lycan wolves have bash.

                      Speaking of bash, since there is no ghost scepter, u can perma bash by buying double basher.

                      Keep Awake

                        @Lumus Three heroes were considered very very strong and were picked constantly. I used to wait nervously hoping that they wouldn't get picked. But now we have random draft so that helps.

                        SALDIR GALATASARAY

                          Not noticed here but phoenix was a god damn op hero. Icarus dive had disarm, fire spirits insta 300 damage and here comes the biggest one "sun mother.ucking ray" that endless ray slows enemy and deals damage. Considering the sentinel's easy lane creeps are meeting at t1 sentinel tower, heroes without escape mechanism were pretty dead. And i also like the no item 3k hp centaur tho.


                            "an AoE ulti that pierced magic immunity and you could damage all affected heroes/units? Madness"

                            I reeeeally hope that this is just poorly worded satire.


                              Sniper was so silly. Hahahaha.

                              This is a pretty neat flash back even to people who have been playing as little as three years.

                              Nice post!


                                Now Gaben is releasing patches like once per 6 months, so we will have a little bit of OD Omni SPectre Zeus LD. BrokeBack

                                Tony Stronk

                                  Kyou ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
                                  as I recall it, it was 20 sec avatar. 1st hero I ever played

                                  Lumus Ignis

                                    Thank you :) Which were the OP heroes then?


                                      and we should recall that Venomancer, Akasha, and PA (Mortred) has something in common..

                                      The DarKNovA

                                        I loved Riki's ulti in 5.8x, that was basically a ward like Witch Doctor's, just that it wasn't channeling, you just put it down like Jugger's healing ward, and it wreaked havoc, while you also still had Riki with a regular blink like Anti Mage's.

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                                          Ho Ho ha ha ?


                                            Hell yeah, why valve and icefrog not released Pit Lord in DotA2? SUCK


                                              Pit lord is going to need a hell of a lot of nerfing, thats why. That damage and tp is too op.


                                                The age of Global team Rat will be upon us with Pit lord. IO + NP + Specter + Pit lord = Dead base


                                                  Great article !
                                                  I am looking forward another !

                                                  El cuntaden

                                                    Oh the good old times...
                                                    Stackable bash,Troll Warlord with 2 skull basher=permastun
                                                    Huskar passive buffing not speel resistance but raw damage,with Dazzle shallow grave 5 seconds of mass destruction
                                                    Yeah Dazzle...with a bloodstone-like ulti that reduced revive time
                                                    Razor with uber-buffing passives and spells,Butterfly+Mjollnyr(builded with Eaglesong)=GG
                                                    Keeper of the light spawning healing creeps with ulti...that was funny xD
                                                    Pudge with bending hook,Naga siren with crit chance,Medusa with useless ulti,Tidehunter with splash attack passive and Jakiro with non-target liquid fire
                                                    And Barathrum alias Spirit Broken : global INVULNERABLE charge with an unstoppable ulti that catch even phased puck or ulting Storm Spirit...
                                                    Good old times.Well,surely not balanced times.But good times.

                                                    Ralph Simpson


                                                      A group of amish goat mil...

                                                        fuck 6.83


                                                            Anyone remember the time when Riki have a deathward and have critical instead of backstab?

                                                            Also the time where razor have chain lightning and have free radiance like ulti?


                                                              The old silencer, chen, riki

                                                              void demon, gambler!!


                                                                will there be any new heroes for dota 2, new hero concepts and heroes. That would be brilliant though the game is enough itself.

                                                                Lord Kosmonymous

                                                                  No one remembers the good ol' times when faceless void had global 5 second stun? Back then you could still build atma weapon and play with IceFrog and Guinsoo.


                                                                    that map tho xD

                                                                    BRENNA SPARXXX

                                                                      missing old silencer where last word is aura 1000 range lol xD


                                                                        Fountain hook and skewer.. RIP


                                                                          Buyable aegis, anyone?


                                                                            REALLY old silencer:
                                                                            Healing Wave (close to Dazzle's heal), Starfall (potm Q), Rain of Chaos (Warlock ult w/ multiple golems; not even his ult), then ult was Global Silence.

                                                                            Also Luna didn't need beam for ult so you can skip it and go full right click :D
                                                                            Drow can one hit creeps with ult, can't remember if worked on neutrals.

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                                                                            mmr assasin

                                                                              never forget azgalor u mutterfuckers


                                                                                Going really old school, Shadow Plates anyone? +10 to all stats and +10 armor?

                                                                                Slightly less old school, when Tinker BKB turned him into a tank?!

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                                                                                  I still await for the official release of pitlord. He is literally completed and playable as of now, and he has been for a while already. I wonder why volvo wont release him. If they dont I will call them and ask for cars


                                                                                    There's that time where a dragon is guarding on each base and all the items has no descriptions at all, it had only "?????????"

                                                                                    Arc Welder

                                                                                      i used to play on Medusa with ulti purge. that was great)


                                                                                        I remember getting Aghanim's or Battle Fury changes sprite or attack lool


                                                                                          Tide with BF would spin like crazy! ahahah


                                                                                            Forget exactly which patch it was the nerf, but pre 6.65 bristleback UNKILLABLE!


                                                                                              remember n'aix had the same model as the creeps? The recent infest changes brought those memories back