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    I am pretty puzzled over this.

    Nervous Bakedown

      rosh still dire advantage because its near their main jungle where as it is near radiant's ancient / secret shop jungle not as big, but if you are on radient and you are winning you have to place the ward over the pit instead of in the jungle.


        The Zeus Aghs is kind of a joke. It's a very very weak Razor Ult.......that's global

        The Doctor

          GG /feels black man/


            Hi.Guys when the update release?


              Don't Forget :

              Tier 4 towers now have the same regeneration as the Ancient.

              Each team also has 5 Shrines inside the base.

              Shrines have an ability with a 5 minute cooldown. Allied heroes can right-click to activate it, generating a 500 AoE aura that lasts for 5 seconds. The aura provides 120/40 HP/MP regeneration per second (heal values increase during the game by 2 HP / 1 MP per minute). Activates once you are in melee range after right-clicking on it. Shrines ability becomes available to use outside of the base once creeps spawn at 0:00.

              Crimson Guard: Guard now affects buildings

              This will turn into a very late game, support heroes become useless. High Durable (Tank) Heroes become a very Favourite picks.

              No Dominator means, less lifesteal items, WK would be 1st pick/1st banned hero. Vamp Aura, lv.25 Reincarnation 0 Mana.


                If a hero has 3 ability with 4 upgrades and an ultimate with 3 upgrades and 4 talents, that sums up to 19. So what will a hero gain in the last 6 levels if there is no attribute bonus?


                  пока дота, привет лол+хотс


                    где обновление я не понял?

                    say nothing

                      where this patch !>?


                        Do you think that this update ruined Dota?

                        say nothing

                          I hope not, I'm waiting for the patch


                            How are Lycan's new Howl and a huge buff to his passive not mentioned? Maxed out it would give heroes on his team 200hp and 50 dmg (50% to creeps) and double that at night!!! I total if you have night stalker in your team and Lycan you would have heroes with 400 bonus HP and 100 bonus dmg!


                              lol +6 treants, who wants that? in late game it only means more farm for the enemy lmao


                                7.00 live boys!

                                D.C K(N)B



                                    WTF is this update, it sucks men

                                    helm of the dominator in 6.88 is good for farming and in 7.00 is useless LOL

                                    Овај коментар је измењен
                                    D.C K(N)B

                                      MADAFAKING UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      #THEfUm3 [В АРМИИ]

                                        Наконец-то! Я думал с ума сойду в ожидании...

                                        S t Z.

                                          Hi, Are these Talents passive?


                                            The patch is now avaible on Dota 2


                                              RUH ROH!!!!!


                                                Patch is here boyz and girls , 6.4 GB !! DAMN SON


                                                  I think I will uninstall dota.. hahaha

                                                  ♥ ƎЕ ♥

                                                    Big nerf on Arc Warden and no direct buffs to Troll and some other forgotten heroes. This patch needs a lot of reworks.

                                                    I Suck at Dota

                                                      Legion lvl 25 tree is not ok

                                                      basement :)

                                                        Mid is slowly becoming more like an afk farm lane. Curse those shrines.


                                                          so shity update i am 5k and i suppose to delete this dota 2 becouse of this shity update.Valve fix your game it's owful looks like lol


                                                            +175 Damage for Spark Wraiths Lvl 25 Arc Warden will obviously pick this, its not like if this ability is useless in late game or something like that! Of course not!

                                                            I actually spammed it for vision... oh wait! Changed Spark Wraith​ vision type from flying to ground.

                                                            I still have my ult oh wait, cant even use BKB (I cant even use the ultimate itself! Increased cooldown from 40/35/30 to 60/50/40.)

                                                            Thanks OSfrog


                                                              90 % of this Patch is shit, the jungle is shit, the skilltree is shit, agha´s are shit, the offlane now has 2 camps to farm, so I can get under 10 min Dagger with my Tidehunter bby.. what´s this ? where u wanna play a hero like Chen, who need the jungle and much different creeps ? retarded shit...


                                                                это жопа...

                                                                BOBBY TARANTINO

                                                                  for me everything is good in this patch except the roshpit placement and that shrine thing


                                                                    фигня не хватало того что Доту украли у BlizzarD так они еще больше у них своровали про умения и про колодцы вообще терь уж точно BlizzarD выйграют суд над игрой

                                                                    Tomash 黒鬼 Vrbada

                                                                      AOE DMG EEEEEEEEEE


                                                                        Like all new huge patches there will be many who disagree but within time they will all understand that valve is doing this to maintain relevance and somewhat be more friendly to new comers from other MOBA games such as LoL or HotS. In my opinion this patch is a well needed one, the game have becoming more and more static and this patch have thrown a curve ball to the pro scene and pubs.

                                                                        [IR] Colitas

                                                                          the pick phase is exellect a change was neccessary so is HUD but ofc needs some tweaks that is discussed in reddit dota
                                                                          but Shrines JUST SUCK. PERIOD. these shits could be added later not at the same time with talent fking tree
                                                                          and why did volvo DESTROY TECHIES? i just learned how to fking play it right man..... sad life got sadder


                                                                            Пускай холопы тестят.


                                                                              stupid ever this map dota2
                                                                              people kids


                                                                                Update is cheesy

                                                                                Talent system looks similar to a mobile game geared towards children

                                                                                Optimus Drip

                                                                                  dotabuff refuses to ackknowledge techies.


                                                                                    New patch is shit shit


                                                                                      "...but within time they will all understand that valve is doing this to maintain relevance and somewhat be more friendly to new comers from other MOBA games such as LoL or HotS"

                                                                                      Sure, before this D2 had "not being overly newbie-friendly" going for it, but now... what merit does it have over other games?
                                                                                      This patch took most that made D2 unique and gave some hastily put together, unbalanced stuff that are flashy and tucky. And after this they will probably spend the next years (judging by how slow the game was being updated since now, decades even) trying to fix this. Talent trees (aside from a few unique ones) so far seem to be trying to make heroes more similar to each other, making up for what they're missing most - which is a hilariously stupid idea. A huge variety of things making it even harder to take objectives, especially T3+, while opening more and more opportunity for solo afk farmers to get strong (stuff like 5man ganks and sprees, levels probably halving the worth of killing one) while split farmers can snowball faster is also something I'd rather never have seen.

                                                                                      I don't really see the point of effectively changing the whole map but whatever - it can be fun to explore, but took way more effort than what it is worth imo. It's just that it feels like they're trying way too hard to lure in other MOBA players instead of focusing on what current player base wants.

                                                                                      All in all, feel a bit gloomy - but then again, it might just be the even more depressingly dark default map. Wonder why they never showcase anything on the dire side default map, but rather on the $200 custom terrains (since surely, they can not sell them seperate from a Compendium level 10 million).

                                                                                      OSMAN KERING

                                                                                        Please nerf Monkey King.This hero give high damage in early game.Not fair.And it have very short cooldown.Life steal with 4 shot also need to reduce its damage.So hard to play on lane with this hero


                                                                                          dota without stats...? c'mon... i want stats back....


                                                                                            Хуйню сделали, пусть в очко идут со своим патчем новым


                                                                                              Canis: HotD=Helm of the Dominator


                                                                                                new map sucks dota players hate lol but valve turns dota 2 into lol shit fuck u


                                                                                                  Update somehow good somehow no, but now Techies winrate will drop worst then even Io maybe. Valve need or fully take off this hero from Dota 2 or take it off for some time and fully change his mechanic. Because even before he was really weak, but somehow you had a possibility to farm some gold and kill some heroes with 1st skill - now first skill fully useless. Only appropriate for push - nothing more.

                                                                                                  Overkill of ASE

                                                                                                    Valve put up the white flag to LoL and HotS. I think this game's on the way out.