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More from The Dotabuff Blog
26 коментара

    First XD


      We better see all heroes picked/banned in the DAC2017. Only hero not picked during Kiev Majors Main Qualifiers was Shadow Shaman. And +18 dmg, rasta pos 1 carry kappa


        3rd ez nerds
        edit: still wondering why most people who comment on this articles dont comment on the forums
        really makes you think :thinking:

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          4th then


            5th :D


              6th :OO


                7th XD


                  8th. Hope to see Arc Warden picks in DAC :)


                    See if chinese teams shape up? Sure they will. both DAC and Shanghai were held closer to Chinese New Year. It's almost April now.

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      10th 1 circle of math words have been completed

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                      STOP! In the name of the ...

                        First xD


                          " и надеяться на отсутствие технических проблем." kek

                          Erase Humanity

                            Often Chinese pro scene lack creativity. Many of them just abuse certain heroes.

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                            bilat sang ina

                              really makes you think thinking


                                Asian being asians


                                  "Often Chinese scene lack creativity. Many of them just abuse certain heroes."

                                  And you lack knowledge. China has been the most creative region for some time now. There's an article right here on Dotabuff explaining why they changed from late-game spammers to inovation overlords.


                                  Erase Humanity

                                    How confident you say "you lack knowledge" which is a form of ignorance. I refer to pro scene not pubs. The mentioned blog refers to Wings which is an outlier in Chinese pro scene drafting. That's a fact that China had fewest heroes picked in Kiev major open qualifier.

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                                      Ну норм статья

                                      a kitten

                                        GL HF to all teams in DAC / Kiev Major. Can't wait to watch them :D


                                          Is it DAC when Rave got cheated by anothr team, one player got his other ear open and other ear covered with headset then the crowd screams SOD/Smoke then that player heared it.

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                                          Mohammed El Sayed

                                            Playing dota is like playing some beta project: nobody cares about balance.


                                              how are you to be in top6 in single elimination


                                                lol, your arrogance in western dota is hilarious...OG/EG dominance? China doesn't deserve 5 spots for major? LOL
                                                Well answered today~

                                                Haise Sasaki

                                                  Gimme ur steam id girls we will play