All-in Vici Gaming? All-in Invictus Gaming? A mix of both? We think after yesterday’s upset it is safe to say it is impossible to predict the better team. So, once again, we are going with better averages for all positions.
The ?-god himself is an obvious first pick. He is the highest scoring mid still in the tournament with a much higher average, compared to Ori. Our first pick is YB.Emo, but you should definitely go for
AR.Ori if you believe Vici Gaming are going to take it.
The counter-intuitive strategy of picking opposing carries did pay off yesterday and somehwat salvaged an otherwise sad draft, despite the glorious and unexpected upset. For this reason alone, we are once again going for both iG.FlyFly and
Neither of them scores as much as Ame, but both have a chance of double series and the difference is negligible enough to slot both in. If, in your heart, you know for sure which team is going to win, you can go with YB.Ame as your second slot, but once again we will advise against it.
With double series, the respective offlaners are expected to outperform the best carries by about 30%, which is definitely non-negligible.
Once again: same idea. Best scoring supports from both teams is a good tactic. Moreover, both Aster.Kaka and
XG.Dy are excellent picks in their own right, even without the double series potential.
They are not YapzOr, for sure, but the difference is really, really small.
Now, if you do want to go all-in and given the comments the last time a lot of you prefer to go all-in, which team do you pick? In our opinion Invictus Gaming is a slightly stronger team. They were first in their group, they've stayed in the upper bracket for longer and unlike Vici Gaming, they do have a recent title under their belt. We would advise against going all-in, but if you do, Ivinctus Gaming is probably a better choice.
Then again, we thought the same thing about OG yesterday.
Can we go for mipoksha as support and yatoro for carry as i have golden cards for them, also i have toronto tokyo silver card? What should i do?
Why no players from PSG.LGD or Secret
@Stormy I think this is going to be a very hard game to predict.
@Stormy as kawaiisocks has said, we are going for players in a team that are going to have more than 1 series today. The question is - who is that team. Not the case for PSG.LGD and Secret who have a fixed single series to be played today.
I'm going for all-in Invictus Gaming, but i'm using Ame in place of JT. I think this is a better choice.