Dota Identity

Discover your True Self

You may play Dota, but have you ever wondered what it all means? We constantly queue for a game, go through the motions, but what are we really doing? If you’ve ever pondered the meaning of life or why you have no friends, you’re in the right place.

Take our short test to discover your true identity.

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  • How do you feel about the general direction of Dota 2’s game design and balance?

  • Generally positive. I like small, incremental changes that tend to make the game better.

  • Neutral. I don't stress out about game design or it's a very mixed bag.

  • Generally negative. Not a fan of the direction of the game, but it's still the best option out there.

  • Very negative. I'm basically playing League of Legends now.

  • I don't know where do begin. We literally copied Heroes of the Storm.

  • What has been the most significant cultural contribution to Dota in the past few years?

  • Finally firing 2GD.

  • Slacks' adorable pug. What did we do to deserve dogs?

  • More high quality tournaments and on-camera talent.

  • Twitlonger.

  • All six tweets that Icefrog made.

  • If you could delete one hero from the game, who would it be?

  • Techies. I have classic taste.

  • Monkey King. The wounds are too fresh.

  • Riki. Yes, my MMR is seriously lacking.

  • Meepo. No one wanted you.

  • Legion Commander. No one needs to jungle!

  • How would you describe your hero pool?

  • Chaotic. I random a lot or will play almost anything.

  • Large. I consistently play several heroes and roles on a monthly basis.

  • Specialized. I generally play one role or feed.

  • Small. I try to have options for all positions but don't maintain a large pool.

  • Unique. I seriously just spam 1 or 2 heroes and call it Dota.

  • If you could have any job in Dota, what would it be?

  • Caster or Analyst. I want to be on camera.

  • Team Coach or Manager. I like team building and I don't mind changing diapers.

  • Pro Player. I am really good and I would rather not do my own laundry.

  • Statsperson. Working for Dotabuff, of course!

  • Groupie. I don't really want a job exactly, just something that lets me travel to every event and hang out.

  • How much money have you spent on cosmetics in Dota?

  • Nothing. It's a free-to-play game so I don't see the point.

  • A little bit. I like my core hero pool to look nice.

  • A fair amount. I purchase sets when I like them and sometimes let them influence my hero pool.

  • A lot. I purchase all of the main treasures. I really like the idea of supporting the workshop artists.

  • Too much. I have been bitten by the RNG, but I have all ultra rare items to show for it.

  • When did Dota 2, as an esports, peak?

  • TI3. Fountain hooks!

  • The Shanghai Major. I live for drama.

  • The peak directly correlates with the prize pool... so TI6?

  • TI5. I like a good U-S-A chant

  • It hasn't peaked yet!

  • Assuming you were good enough at Dota to go pro, what would you look for in a team?

  • The most stable and respected franchise.

  • A team that would challenge me to get better and teach me new things.

  • Teammates I would want to hang out with 24/7.

  • A regional location where I would want to live.

  • The strongest team that had the highest chance of winning The International - even if that meant it was less stable for me.

  • How did you start playing Dota?

  • It all started with a Warcraft III mod called Defense of the Ancients.

  • Similar online games I played were an obvious gateway to Dota.

  • I heard of it or found it on Steam.

  • A friend convinced me to play and helped me learn. We are now really close.

  • A friend introduced me. We aren't friends anymore.

  • What is the most trivially satisfying thing about Dota?

  • Demoralizing my opponents in lane.

  • Having near perfect farm.

  • The gold sound a last hit makes.

  • Teleporting out without dying.

  • Casting dust on an invisible hero trying to escape.

  • How do you react when you realize you're losing the game?

  • Delete your items, walk down mid, and feed.

  • Alt-Tab and make a post on Reddit about wanting a surrender button.

  • Internalize it all as my fault and stress out about what I did wrong.

  • I never give up, and always tell my team we can still win.

  • I’m a social animal so I troll my team to make the loss faster.

  • Do you think the TI6 Arcana Vote was rigged?

  • There is a pretty clear paper trail of Russian intervention.

  • Valve rigged it because Io is played less and Valve likes to print money.

  • I don't think that Juggernaut should have won but I haven't put any though into what was rigged or why.

  • The vote was legit. The Dota community could obviously see how empty an Io arcana would be.

  • The fact that anyone thought Io could win an arcana vote is the real conspiracy.