135741114152891061218Talent Tree-40s Dark Ascension Cooldown25+100 Hunter In The Night Attack Speed+20 Strength20+20 Crippling Fear DPS+30% Hunter in the Night Status Resistance15+25 Dark Ascension Damage+5s Dark Ascension Duration10-1s Void CooldownTalent Tree-40s Dark Ascension Cooldown25+100 Hunter In The Night Attack Speed+20 Strength20+20 Crippling Fear DPS+30% Hunter in the Night Status Resistance15+25 Dark Ascension Damage+5s Dark Ascension Duration10-1s Void Cooldown13Talent Tree-40s Dark Ascension Cooldown25+100 Hunter In The Night Attack Speed+20 Strength20+20 Crippling Fear DPS+30% Hunter in the Night Status Resistance15+25 Dark Ascension Damage+5s Dark Ascension Duration10-1s Void Cooldown16Talent Tree-40s Dark Ascension Cooldown25+100 Hunter In The Night Attack Speed+20 Strength20+20 Crippling Fear DPS+30% Hunter in the Night Status Resistance15+25 Dark Ascension Damage+5s Dark Ascension Duration10-1s Void Cooldown20Talent Tree-40s Dark Ascension Cooldown25+100 Hunter In The Night Attack Speed+20 Strength20+20 Crippling Fear DPS+30% Hunter in the Night Status Resistance15+25 Dark Ascension Damage+5s Dark Ascension Duration10-1s Void Cooldown25
249111358613141671218Talent Tree+120% Tidebringer Cleave Damage25+100 Spell AoE+15% Rum Damage Delay20-4s Torrent Cooldown+70 Tidebringer Damage15+25% Torrent Damage/Knock Up Duration-15s Admiral's Rum Cooldown10Tidebringer applies -60% slow for 1sTalent Tree+120% Tidebringer Cleave Damage25+100 Spell AoE+15% Rum Damage Delay20-4s Torrent Cooldown+70 Tidebringer Damage15+25% Torrent Damage/Knock Up Duration-15s Admiral's Rum Cooldown10Tidebringer applies -60% slow for 1s10Talent Tree+120% Tidebringer Cleave Damage25+100 Spell AoE+15% Rum Damage Delay20-4s Torrent Cooldown+70 Tidebringer Damage15+25% Torrent Damage/Knock Up Duration-15s Admiral's Rum Cooldown10Tidebringer applies -60% slow for 1s15Talent Tree+120% Tidebringer Cleave Damage25+100 Spell AoE+15% Rum Damage Delay20-4s Torrent Cooldown+70 Tidebringer Damage15+25% Torrent Damage/Knock Up Duration-15s Admiral's Rum Cooldown10Tidebringer applies -60% slow for 1s20Talent Tree+120% Tidebringer Cleave Damage25+100 Spell AoE+15% Rum Damage Delay20-4s Torrent Cooldown+70 Tidebringer Damage15+25% Torrent Damage/Knock Up Duration-15s Admiral's Rum Cooldown10Tidebringer applies -60% slow for 1s25
148923571113141661218Talent Treex3x Treant HP/Damage25Removed Teleportation Cooldown+170 Sprout Damage20-15s Wrath of Nature Cooldown+100 Teleportation Barrier15+50 Treant Movement Speed+25 Wrath of Nature Base Damage10-10s Nature's Call CooldownTalent Treex3x Treant HP/Damage25Removed Teleportation Cooldown+170 Sprout Damage20-15s Wrath of Nature Cooldown+100 Teleportation Barrier15+50 Treant Movement Speed+25 Wrath of Nature Base Damage10-10s Nature's Call Cooldown10Talent Treex3x Treant HP/Damage25Removed Teleportation Cooldown+170 Sprout Damage20-15s Wrath of Nature Cooldown+100 Teleportation Barrier15+50 Treant Movement Speed+25 Wrath of Nature Base Damage10-10s Nature's Call Cooldown15Talent Treex3x Treant HP/Damage25Removed Teleportation Cooldown+170 Sprout Damage20-15s Wrath of Nature Cooldown+100 Teleportation Barrier15+50 Treant Movement Speed+25 Wrath of Nature Base Damage10-10s Nature's Call Cooldown20Talent Treex3x Treant HP/Damage25Removed Teleportation Cooldown+170 Sprout Damage20-15s Wrath of Nature Cooldown+100 Teleportation Barrier15+50 Treant Movement Speed+25 Wrath of Nature Base Damage10-10s Nature's Call Cooldown25
489111131416235761218Talent Tree+20% Illusory Armaments Damage25-4s Doppelganger CD+6% Juxtapose Damage20+300 Phantom Rush Range-1s Spirit Lance Cooldown15+2.5s Phantom Rush Bonus Agility Duration+10 Phantom Rush Agility10+1.25s Spirit Lance Slow DurationTalent Tree+20% Illusory Armaments Damage25-4s Doppelganger CD+6% Juxtapose Damage20+300 Phantom Rush Range-1s Spirit Lance Cooldown15+2.5s Phantom Rush Bonus Agility Duration+10 Phantom Rush Agility10+1.25s Spirit Lance Slow Duration10Talent Tree+20% Illusory Armaments Damage25-4s Doppelganger CD+6% Juxtapose Damage20+300 Phantom Rush Range-1s Spirit Lance Cooldown15+2.5s Phantom Rush Bonus Agility Duration+10 Phantom Rush Agility10+1.25s Spirit Lance Slow Duration15Talent Tree+20% Illusory Armaments Damage25-4s Doppelganger CD+6% Juxtapose Damage20+300 Phantom Rush Range-1s Spirit Lance Cooldown15+2.5s Phantom Rush Bonus Agility Duration+10 Phantom Rush Agility10+1.25s Spirit Lance Slow Duration20Talent Tree+20% Illusory Armaments Damage25-4s Doppelganger CD+6% Juxtapose Damage20+300 Phantom Rush Range-1s Spirit Lance Cooldown15+2.5s Phantom Rush Bonus Agility Duration+10 Phantom Rush Agility10+1.25s Spirit Lance Slow Duration25
813141624910135761218Talent Tree+1 Ward Attack Targets25+250 Ether Shock Damage+50% Serpent Wards Max HP20+1.5s Shackles DurationHex Breaks15+160 Serpent Wards Attack Range+1.75 Mana Regen10+170 Shackles Total DamageTalent Tree+1 Ward Attack Targets25+250 Ether Shock Damage+50% Serpent Wards Max HP20+1.5s Shackles DurationHex Breaks15+160 Serpent Wards Attack Range+1.75 Mana Regen10+170 Shackles Total Damage11Talent Tree+1 Ward Attack Targets25+250 Ether Shock Damage+50% Serpent Wards Max HP20+1.5s Shackles DurationHex Breaks15+160 Serpent Wards Attack Range+1.75 Mana Regen10+170 Shackles Total Damage15Talent Tree+1 Ward Attack Targets25+250 Ether Shock Damage+50% Serpent Wards Max HP20+1.5s Shackles DurationHex Breaks15+160 Serpent Wards Attack Range+1.75 Mana Regen10+170 Shackles Total Damage20Talent Tree+1 Ward Attack Targets25+250 Ether Shock Damage+50% Serpent Wards Max HP20+1.5s Shackles DurationHex Breaks15+160 Serpent Wards Attack Range+1.75 Mana Regen10+170 Shackles Total Damage25
189114131416235761218Talent Tree+250 AoE Hex25+600 Earth Spike cast range/travel distanceEarth Spike affects a 30 degree cone20+20 Finger of Death Damage Per Kill+15% To Hell And Back Debuff/Spell Amp15-2.5s Hex Cooldown+20 Movement Speed10+10% Mana Drain SlowTalent Tree+250 AoE Hex25+600 Earth Spike cast range/travel distanceEarth Spike affects a 30 degree cone20+20 Finger of Death Damage Per Kill+15% To Hell And Back Debuff/Spell Amp15-2.5s Hex Cooldown+20 Movement Speed10+10% Mana Drain Slow10Talent Tree+250 AoE Hex25+600 Earth Spike cast range/travel distanceEarth Spike affects a 30 degree cone20+20 Finger of Death Damage Per Kill+15% To Hell And Back Debuff/Spell Amp15-2.5s Hex Cooldown+20 Movement Speed10+10% Mana Drain Slow15Talent Tree+250 AoE Hex25+600 Earth Spike cast range/travel distanceEarth Spike affects a 30 degree cone20+20 Finger of Death Damage Per Kill+15% To Hell And Back Debuff/Spell Amp15-2.5s Hex Cooldown+20 Movement Speed10+10% Mana Drain Slow20Talent Tree+250 AoE Hex25+600 Earth Spike cast range/travel distanceEarth Spike affects a 30 degree cone20+20 Finger of Death Damage Per Kill+15% To Hell And Back Debuff/Spell Amp15-2.5s Hex Cooldown+20 Movement Speed10+10% Mana Drain Slow25
135102479811131461218Talent TreeTriple Strike Stifling Dagger25+10% Coup de Grace chance+60 Phantom Strike Attack Speed20+200 Phantom Strike Cast Range+15% Stifling Dagger Damage15+15% Immaterial Evasion-1.5s Stifling Dagger Cooldown10+0.5s Phantom Strike DurationTalent TreeTriple Strike Stifling Dagger25+10% Coup de Grace chance+60 Phantom Strike Attack Speed20+200 Phantom Strike Cast Range+15% Stifling Dagger Damage15+15% Immaterial Evasion-1.5s Stifling Dagger Cooldown10+0.5s Phantom Strike Duration15Talent TreeTriple Strike Stifling Dagger25+10% Coup de Grace chance+60 Phantom Strike Attack Speed20+200 Phantom Strike Cast Range+15% Stifling Dagger Damage15+15% Immaterial Evasion-1.5s Stifling Dagger Cooldown10+0.5s Phantom Strike Duration16Talent TreeTriple Strike Stifling Dagger25+10% Coup de Grace chance+60 Phantom Strike Attack Speed20+200 Phantom Strike Cast Range+15% Stifling Dagger Damage15+15% Immaterial Evasion-1.5s Stifling Dagger Cooldown10+0.5s Phantom Strike Duration20Talent TreeTriple Strike Stifling Dagger25+10% Coup de Grace chance+60 Phantom Strike Attack Speed20+200 Phantom Strike Cast Range+15% Stifling Dagger Damage15+15% Immaterial Evasion-1.5s Stifling Dagger Cooldown10+0.5s Phantom Strike Duration25
135728911413141661218Talent Tree+80 Agility25600 Mind Flare Radius+100 Impale Damage20+0.5s Spiked Carapace Stun Duration-3s Mind Flare Cooldown15+50 Vendetta Damage+0.2s Impale Stun Duration10+25% Spiked Carapace Damage ReflectTalent Tree+80 Agility25600 Mind Flare Radius+100 Impale Damage20+0.5s Spiked Carapace Stun Duration-3s Mind Flare Cooldown15+50 Vendetta Damage+0.2s Impale Stun Duration10+25% Spiked Carapace Damage Reflect10Talent Tree+80 Agility25600 Mind Flare Radius+100 Impale Damage20+0.5s Spiked Carapace Stun Duration-3s Mind Flare Cooldown15+50 Vendetta Damage+0.2s Impale Stun Duration10+25% Spiked Carapace Damage Reflect15Talent Tree+80 Agility25600 Mind Flare Radius+100 Impale Damage20+0.5s Spiked Carapace Stun Duration-3s Mind Flare Cooldown15+50 Vendetta Damage+0.2s Impale Stun Duration10+25% Spiked Carapace Damage Reflect20Talent Tree+80 Agility25600 Mind Flare Radius+100 Impale Damage20+0.5s Spiked Carapace Stun Duration-3s Mind Flare Cooldown15+50 Vendetta Damage+0.2s Impale Stun Duration10+25% Spiked Carapace Damage Reflect25
391416248131571161218Talent Tree50% chance of Anchor Smash on attack25+0.8s Ravage Stun Duration-4 Gush Armor20Anchor Smash affects buildings+-30% Anchor Smash Damage Reduction15+100 Gush Damage+-15% Gush Slow10+40 Anchor Smash DamageTalent Tree50% chance of Anchor Smash on attack25+0.8s Ravage Stun Duration-4 Gush Armor20Anchor Smash affects buildings+-30% Anchor Smash Damage Reduction15+100 Gush Damage+-15% Gush Slow10+40 Anchor Smash Damage10Talent Tree50% chance of Anchor Smash on attack25+0.8s Ravage Stun Duration-4 Gush Armor20Anchor Smash affects buildings+-30% Anchor Smash Damage Reduction15+100 Gush Damage+-15% Gush Slow10+40 Anchor Smash Damage15Talent Tree50% chance of Anchor Smash on attack25+0.8s Ravage Stun Duration-4 Gush Armor20Anchor Smash affects buildings+-30% Anchor Smash Damage Reduction15+100 Gush Damage+-15% Gush Slow10+40 Anchor Smash Damage20Talent Tree50% chance of Anchor Smash on attack25+0.8s Ravage Stun Duration-4 Gush Armor20Anchor Smash affects buildings+-30% Anchor Smash Damage Reduction15+100 Gush Damage+-15% Gush Slow10+40 Anchor Smash Damage25
248915711131416612183Talent Tree+1000 Icarus Dive Cast Range25+2 Supernova Hit Count+0.5s Supernova Stun Duration20+1.5% Max Health Sun Ray Damage+20 Health Regen15+20 Fire Spirits Damage Per Second+0.5% Blinding Sun Miss Chance10+25% Icarus Dive SlowTalent Tree+1000 Icarus Dive Cast Range25+2 Supernova Hit Count+0.5s Supernova Stun Duration20+1.5% Max Health Sun Ray Damage+20 Health Regen15+20 Fire Spirits Damage Per Second+0.5% Blinding Sun Miss Chance10+25% Icarus Dive Slow10Talent Tree+1000 Icarus Dive Cast Range25+2 Supernova Hit Count+0.5s Supernova Stun Duration20+1.5% Max Health Sun Ray Damage+20 Health Regen15+20 Fire Spirits Damage Per Second+0.5% Blinding Sun Miss Chance10+25% Icarus Dive Slow15Talent Tree+1000 Icarus Dive Cast Range25+2 Supernova Hit Count+0.5s Supernova Stun Duration20+1.5% Max Health Sun Ray Damage+20 Health Regen15+20 Fire Spirits Damage Per Second+0.5% Blinding Sun Miss Chance10+25% Icarus Dive Slow20Talent Tree+1000 Icarus Dive Cast Range25+2 Supernova Hit Count+0.5s Supernova Stun Duration20+1.5% Max Health Sun Ray Damage+20 Health Regen15+20 Fire Spirits Damage Per Second+0.5% Blinding Sun Miss Chance10+25% Icarus Dive Slow25