General Discussion

General DiscussionConsider only 1000 games for win-rate counting.

Consider only 1000 games for win-rate counting. in General Discussion

    People are starting to play better after the 1000 games. Maybe it would be better to taking into account only last 1000 games??



      BDB trench tier

        +1 +1 +1 +1

        le charismeur

          sounds like a good idea + 1 + 1 +1

          Dungeon Master

            Don't think so. There are many people, which haven't 1000 games. How they will know their winrate?

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              @Matyoriy This is a good idea for "Players" section, this also would mean that those with less than 1000 games won't be in that list.

              So it's wise to consider last 250-500 games to keep this ranking fresh and auto-updating.


                LOL! Before view statistics ts, I knew that he had played more than 1000 games Ahahaha
                TS u started playing DotA only in DotA 2? I started playing DotA before DotA 2 and I have less than 1000 games, but I'm better than anyone.


                  Perfect. For people under 1k games it wont matter as its % anyhow. just take into account the last 1k


                    For me win rate would be slightly lower. I am at 51.8% win and had 54% win in my first 225 my last 1k games would be 51.4%.

                    I think pretty much all the higher MMR players would follow this pattern because you win a lot early in the account when you were underrated. The last 1k games would at some point erase that tiny bonus to win rate from the early games.

                    If you want to see the impact on the top ranked players, Murs is almost at 80% win in his first 200 games, but eventually levels off to about 67% win. This will reduce his last 1k game win rate by a couple tenths of a %. It will be a very small negative change for the top players.

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                      I have started playing dota directly to dota2 and I was awful at the start (as every begginer) so my stats are now fucked up too. I'm getting better and better now but my stats are still nooby so yeah, i like your idea.

                      Josh  :D

                        This was the first MOBA I've ever played. The whole time my win rate has been about 50%. The skill of the players on both sides have really increased over that time period. Sometimes I'll queue with friends that have under 100 wins and it's amazing how things "used to be".


                          Ha Ha? Dota Veterans who transition to dota 2 takes less then 200 games to get good. i have no idea how you came up with the 1k game bullshit. Even a new player who played 1k games is not enough. Considering the amount of games i played in dota... maybe about 5k +/-


                            It is different for everyone... most dota heroes don't require extensive experience to play unless you want to be a pro invoker or chen, and the items are not that hard to learn.

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                              Its pretty hard to actually perfect even a simple carry like Skeleton King in less than 100 games. Maybe the very best players can do it in more like 30.

                              I played about 4k games of dota before I switched to dota 2. Even so my win rate was a bit higher at the start of this account...though I play dota 2 much better than my first games because I took a while to learn the new shop, recognize animations and sounds without thinking...etc. Still I won a bit more early just because my MMR was lower so my games were easier.

                              If I started playing most of my games in a nice 5 stack instead of most of my games on random heroes in solo que and kept doing that for the next 1000 games...sure then my win rate would go up to maybe 55%+ over time.

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                                Universe and Aui will top it