General Discussion

General DiscussionAlways owning in games, outfarming opponents so bad but in the end, e...

Always owning in games, outfarming opponents so bad but in the end, ends up losing cause of teamates. PLEASE READ in General Discussion

    So, most of my games which i own, and heavily outfarm the opponent on a late game hero, my teamates just dont listen and decides to throw the game all the time as in they die not intentionally but stupidly ...its getting preety irritating that i keep win ratio is like 1/5 or 1/ this matchmaking's fault or what? i get preety angry sometimes and this affects my future games cause of the stress from the game before...i end up raging even more and so on


      1. Your win ratio is 46.7 percent
      2. Coping with disappointment is a skill you shouldve learned in grade school
      3. Farming is only one aspect of the game, if your opponents are grouping up and pushing hard, you can find yourself some freefarm and let your team deal with it, but then you will find just the burning smoke of your fallen towers and teammates when you are ready to rape some face.
      4. The only way to escape from people who die stupidly is to play even better. It won't increase your win rate, that always pans out to 50%, but it will increase your MMR pairing you with better people (on both sides ofc). Maybe if you feel tilted, just do something else for a bit. If the stress affects your games and you lose again your MMR wil become even lower and your teammates even more unexperienced/bad.

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        You can be good yourself but if you're not gonna stick with the team it's gonna be useless.


          Thks for the advice cyan

          @silver i always ask them to stick, dont go too ahead to enemy line and everything...the dont listen...they keep thinking that since they owned early game, they are too at late game if they die :/


            Lmao another game lost :D took it kinda well calms it all


              There will be bad games I suppose.

              Just treat it as another match and move on.


                Just go with the flow not every game is the same. Sometimes you get stomp sometimes you own that's how life is.


                  It's because you're just not that good, and it kinda shows just looking at some of your games. Picked Slardar twice, stacked orbs, lost both games. Learn from your mistakes?


                    What if you play a game like i did here.. Match 65355728 . I was nyx assasin. Only one trying to push lanes, kill enemies, stunning and silencing no feeding. I had a positive kdr and huge xpm. My team all fed, and threw the game lol. There was notthing I could do to stop them from feeding. Match making needs to incorporate all individual statistics (kdr, creep score, towers, assists, and also wins/losses) in order to create a fair mmr system. Why was I put with a team which didn't care if they died and fed?


                      Its a team game, sometimes you get bad teammates, sometimes you get good ones. The system tries to level your score as much as possible by putting yourself up against different skill levels depending on your current stats.

                      Also, items affect the game heavily. Why would you get two hyperstones in the nyx game that you lost? Try ethereal blade , you can kill most heroes with a combo.

                      Just play more, and don't take dota to your level of experience in the game. Gotta know your limits as well as your teammates.


                        Seriously just keep playing and going up brackets, eventually all your teammates wont throw games


                          Just suck it up and move on, just like in life, suck it up like a man.


                            Dont play Dota then :D
                            when i play with my friends (as a party), they always complain that our opponents r too much for them, and they cant handle it, even though i guide them to wut item/lvl build to go with, they just forget wut i told them and go with wutever their build, have u seen any one goes SA and lvls his ulti at lvl 8?
                            well my friends sometimes do this -.-'

                            However, i sometimes get stomped when i go solo, as i play against ppl with same MMR

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                              This is not going to be an easy fix issue as I have friends from Level 70 - Level 1 so when I party up the range we could get would be super easy for me or too hard for my friends. I would just enjoy the game for what it is and just show grace in defeat.


                                If what you're saying is true, and it's a problem with the game and how it does matchups, everyone would be stuck in the bottom bracket and would have the same problems as you. You have to take some element of personal responsibility here.


                                  If your teammates suck and you know you can't win,just play for the lulz.I personally get Dagon 5 on any hero if a loss is inevitable.


                                    Find a group of online friends that you feel you can depend on in a game and go play with them and have fun :D

                                    F@iry ♥h L@L@

                                      it doesnt matter if you outfarmed their carry but lose when in war. the key is teamwork and the hero you pick. sometimes its btter to do item such as AC or shiva to support your team rather than deso. it depends on situation.

                                      Ples Mercy

                                        Usually when this happends its bcause of u not ur mates. This is a teamgame, it means when u win ur lane alone and do not play with ur team, u will most likely lose.

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                                          why is this faggot bumping 1 year old threads.

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            Atum is a fucking dick


                                              looking at your last few games, you have like 2 losses on your profile page?


                                                "Oh, a necromancer!"

                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!