General Discussion

General DiscussionAbout DBR being public

About DBR being public in General Discussion

    Make it so that other players only see the general Ranking (Diamond,Platinum,Gold,Silver and Bronze) and not the exact number.Only the owner should have access to exact number.
    Also add an option that allows the player to make the exact number public or not (for E-PEEN shows)

    Just dont turn this to another HoN, cause it was terrible.

    That would be a good aplication of the idea. Thanks, love the site keep up the good work.



      100% public.

      ∞ regen

        This would be an acceptable alternative to having it private. Completely public isn't something I want the keyboard warriors on my team to have access to.


          You guys are so afraid of having bad stats I don't understand. Like if you plan on playing a game, don't you try to be good? I just think about how good I can make my stats, not if people are going to flame me because I'm bad. Who cares about those who flame? I'd just mute, so easy.


            Yeah only the people who want private stats are the ones insecure about their record


              I think the main reason to make it 100% public (at least for me) is to set milestones with my friendthat I think are superior to me or someone that you admire. By watching my MMR getting better than them would be really satisfying :)


                Welcome to DOTA. You suck.

                Someone looking up a number isn't going to change that. Only you can.

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                Cheeky Nandos

                  I don't understand how people can't see why this is such a big deal...

                  Looks what mmr has done to heroes of newerth and league of legends.

                  It makes players track down one anther to judge them based off a f***in number.

                  Most of the people fighting for this to be private are not afraid of there stats being shown they simply just don't want to deal with the flood of morons stating how bad and how good people are.

                  The only reason people would want to see anther players would be to view a pro's or stalk someone in their game if you want to view a friends just ask him or have him screen shot it Please dota buff I know you had a poll but think about what you are doing. You can possible crush even more new players in a genre where new players have a hard time fitting in as it is.

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                  Robinz Nutz

                    I really think it should be optional whether or not you want to make it public or private~ as i can see some people looking up their team as soon as they finished loading to see if they are 'better' than everyone else.


                      y u afraid son?


                        ^ exactly.

                        Woof Woof

                          agree 100%, competitive game with public stats is a joke


                            Make it optional! I don't want to compare myself with others and other compare me with themselves!


                              Allow people to manually turn it off, but leave it public by default.
                              It doesnt really matter either way, the infomation will never be 100% accurate.
                              The only people who will hide their rating are those who dont want to be judged, but they are making themselves obvious by making their own ranking private.


                                The reason people don't want it public is the 'I know better' attitude demonstrated in this thread. Getting better is only a tertiary objective. This is a game -- the primary objective is to have fun. If public ratings generate discontent and bitching in-game and ruin peoples fun, then it's bad.

                                I'm bad and I don't care who knows it. But I don't really want to hear bitching before the game starts if I happen to random Faceless Void.

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                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!