General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy not everyone interested turn their access to private

Why not everyone interested turn their access to private in General Discussion

    Here is something to fix the situation...
    1) Contact Valve and ask them to change the default and instead throw it as a pop on entering the game (which is hard to achieve)
    2) Irrelevant of how the first step goes, put a note on the homepage of dotabuff on how stats help you improve your game and ask them to turn their profile public
    3) But if the the first step happens, give a choice to the users to make their dbr to be public or private.. Give that choice to the users..

    qb MagicFingers

      yeh default public or atleast ask


        Why are you so desperate to know people's DBR or stats? Why can't you play a game with someone and then judge by yourself how well the player performs? Do you need graphs to make a fair call on player skill?

        Sacred Relics

          Shine Bright Like'a DIAMOND!!! Go plz RIOT FIX!

          BlackVulcan 

            @Gozuu No. When I start a game, sometimes I check my teammates' Dotabuff profiles to check their competencies, and have a general gauge on their ability. It's very useful especially in a solo queue.

            If you mid, how do you know who to gank? Not all players say immediately when they're having a hard time, most only say they need help after sufficiently feeding the enemy, in which case things can go sour. How do you know whether you can depend on this person to properly follow up?

            Sure, you learn that as the game progresses, but it's always better to know his core competencies(or at least a general idea) before the fight as it allows you to better adapt to a given situation.

            The same can be said for enemies as well.

            In the words of Sun Tzu, "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself,
            you will succumb in every battle"


              @BlackVulcan: The only issue is that you check players with their statistics and then valuate them based off numbers, that aren't always a correct measure of skill. You should not base your decisions on numbers - you should base your decisions on how people play.

              An example would be Heroes of Newerth, which have fully public stats, both rating, k/d, win % and such. Every single game, you see people whining about the worst rated player, taking a carry or going mid. Even though this player might be fully capable of kicking ass at the level he is playing at, this player is being harassed based on numbers rather than his current performance.

              When I play DotA2, I am relieved that I don't have to hear whiners every game complaining about statistics. I am actually able to enjoy this game and have fun instead of listening to stat-whoring. I have full trust that Valve is able to make an internal matchmaking system that rank players based on various factors that actually determine a skill level, rather than "Whoever got the highest k/d ratio, should play carry and the worst win % & k/d should play support".

              Yes, it would be awesome with a ladder system implemented by Valve which shows public ranking (for those who should chose to do so) but having a fully public matchmaking system with statistics which are pretty much personal to each single game is such a bad idea which you can see from LoL or HoN.

              The only issue I actually have, is with people who won't communicate. I couldn't give two pots of piss if someone wants to go 5-threads Lifestealer, as long as he is a teamplayer and able to communicate and show effort in winning.

              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                I Agree with Gozuu. I never had problems with that until stupid people assume KDR is the top stats. When in essence it's wards/game & assist, and creep+neutral kills per game. Sometimes those people who go by DATA are just a bit arrogrant or failed to articulate in a non-hostile socialable manner to their teammates. I remember when players would only play carries to UP their KDR since it was the MAIN stat people gauge. I just get upset when playing carry the supports would not buy wards and when you check their stats it's like under .2 wards per game.

                I'm glad they made public stats private, which means the data will be bell curved a bit.


                  u don't get this ppl! valve blocked THE WHOLE SYSTEM OF STATS SHARING - ALL STATS! - it means dotabuff is NOT updated by ANY stats from valve; unless u enable it inside the game (options->game->enable stat sharing to 3rd party smth..)
                  i might be wrong but that's how i understand what i just read
                  sry 4 my eng
                  GJ dotabuff | wtf valve?


                    oh and also u can mute ppl (imo valve should also add the option to disable pinging on map)
                    / anyway u cant fix stupid ppl they will always be somewhere


                      You understood right aquilforce. By making that privacy setting ingame defaulted to "private", they just blocked the whole stats system (what's the point of recording stats of the little minority of players who enabled it to "public"??)

                      So many ppl on this forum just didn't understand this and are still arguing : 1/"I don't want my DBR to be public QQ" or 2/ "Valve is keeping our privacy thanks Valve God!"

                      Guys :
                      1/ DBR is private omg stop annoying everyone with useless debates (yes I'm talking to you, author of the 3rd post of this thread). Stats existed right before this debate, and nobody never flamed you cause of this. So nobody will flame you in the future cause they won't be able to see your DBR. End of debate.

                      2/ Read the agreement about what Valve owns(everythin) and what you own(nothing) on your Steam account. Then maybe you'll change your mids about keeping privacy.

                      Овај коментар је измењен

                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!