So you got an abandon, which is considered a loss here. Is it really that complex?
Or you think that people who abandon games, and then have their team end up winning should get wins? I know you rejoined and won, but this is what would happen if things were changed.
Oh wait, every game you are losing you abandon, so your win rate over here will be 100%.
Think dude..
Yes. It's very complex.
Why are abandons considered a loss on dotabuff? They should be considered ABANDONS.
I won the game, after returning when my internet came back, even though it was 4v5 because someone left after they ran out of pauses and it became safe to leave, and it counts it as a loss.
If someone abandoned that much they'd be in LPQ.
No its not complex at all, and abandons counting as losses here makes a lot of sense. There are only two outcomes, a win and a loss. The Dota 2 Client does not show the number of losses you have, nor does it try and create (at least one we can see) a win rate. This site does.
Nice third paragraph, maybe you could read this line a few hundred times "I know you rejoined and won" - I didn't think it was that ambiguous, is it? What did you think I meant by that? (nice edit lmao)
So what? One could easily make a smurf account, win as many games as possible in a session, every time they are going to lose, they abandon - end the session/return to their main until the account is out of LPQ. And that's not even the point, the point is that the win rate would mean even less than it already does, which is not a good thing.
Also congrats, you probably have the worst stats out of any smurf account I've seen. And you have more than 1000 games on your main/not including the other games you played in the last 3 months on what I can guess is another smurf account.
It clearly knows the game was an abandon, and marked it as a loss.
It marked it as a win for 3 of my allies.
It can distinguish an abandon, and should mark them as such.
I'm 6-1 on it. I don't see how that's the worst. A single loss as a warlock with a 0/18 on the team.
1 game wasn't counted, and another one gave me a loss due to this abandon, as you can see.
You're really bad at this.
Ok, I'll say it one more time.
ABANDON (not early) = LOSS
And no it should not distinguish, as it will make the stats we have at the moment even more useless.
They are more useless at the moment.
It's counting games where someone returned after internet issues, and carried the team to a win, as a loss.
It should say they're abandons.
Wouldn't it be clear if someone has 200 wins, 0 loss, and 250 abandons, that they're leaving every losing game?
Who is dotabuff to decide abandons = loss?
Holy shit...
If you abandon and your team wins, DOTA 2 counts it as both a loss AND abandon.
It's that simple.
Last I checked, when dota used to list your losses before the UI change, it had "win, loss, abandon" separate.
Now it just lists wins, but still in your profile it marks something as an abandon.
What's so complicated about that?
Post that to the dev. forum then.
Doesn't change the fact that as of now, DOTA 2 will record it both as a loss and an abandon.
So DOTABUFF's doing nothing wrong.
There are two outcomes for a game that do not involve early abandon.
There should be nothing else, and unless you would like to state why there should be, shut the fuck up.
Even in the client an Abandon counts as a loss, its just another counter showing how many of your losses were from abandoning a game.
ie. Abandon = Loss. But not all Loss = Abandon.
It's not separate, even before.
When you abandon, it adds 1 to both the abandon and loss category because abandoning any games automatically makes it considered a loss.
I got a loss when someone on the ENEMY team got an early abandon... my whole team left because it said it wouldn't even count, but it counted as a loss here.
Stagnation, I understand that the game counts it as a loss to your MMR, but it(dota2) still separated the stats in your profile previously, and it still separates them currently in your history.
If dotabuff wants to factor in abandons as losses in win%, fine, but it should still say win-loss-abandon on your record(IE 33-20-5 abandon = 60% winrate) and list abandon in the history. Then others can at least consider abandons as fuzzy if abandon rate is low.
Dotabuff is doing something wrong.
Yes, that would be nice.
Abandons should still show as abandons, though. I don't understand the argument against this except the "doesn't affect me, not a problem" people spouting off for no reason.
Well, they should count to your win% as a loss like others pointed out, but they should still be separated from loss in the win-loss(-abandon) and show as an abandon in match history.
Abandons are losses. The dota2 client doesn't even need the abandon counter, there are only wins and losses. Abandons are merely a subcategory of losses.
And lets be honest, the only reason you want this is because you are sad about your stats on your smurf account.
Yes it does need the abandon counter in dota2, and dotabuff should have it as well.
I'm sad about the stats on my mains from abandons too. I just haven't played that in 3 months since I got busy with things and now need to make an ixdl account because of the silly rules that go by winrate instead of bracket.
I'm going to be over 55% on the smurf regardless, but that doesn't make it any less silly that dotabuff doesn't list abandons.
Least not forget that you're the guy that thinks a single loss when they're not playing carry every game is bad. It's not amazing, but it's not bad, and better what you have.
"At least a 55% win rate. This is proven by either a screenshot of your Dota profile, or a link to a stats website. This is only a valid proof if your total games are >300."
my smurf acc, well, I don't even know if it counts, only had about 20 or something games on this account when I made it. Only got 3 games on it, games were boring as.
and yes I chose the highest setting (the one with heaps of experience or w/e)
40-29 is your main? Lol.
04, wat? I thought that's what everyone did. You have to either make a smurf if you have around 1k games played, or you play in a stack.
(Almost) Everyone with 55%+ and 1k+ games are people who play in stacks. You can't solo and get better even if you're Dendi with how the MM system is designed.
Take Stagnation for example, huge winrate in stacks, low in solo. It's how the MM works. I haven't seen most people with high win rates play solo. TC I've rarely seen pub without at least one person, for example.
I see nothing about ixdl rules about playing on a smurf. What's the different? A 200+ win account with 55% is a 200+ win account with 55% smurf or not. And getting 55% wins on a 200 win account is super easy.
Yep, I waited until they introduced aussie servers. That's a big deal though aye?
Pretty sad that you go 8-9 on Tinker on a smurf account in your second game despite having over 1000 games.
And you would think that after a while you would start playing with people, maybe not in stacks, but just pairing up with a person or two that you enjoyed playing with and play a few games with them from time to time. If you are playing solo queue in 100% of your games and you have lots of games played, then you are either a complete fucktard, or you suck balls at the game. You seem to meet both though.
I stopped playing for 3 months. Tinker is hard as your second game played in so long, yo.
I'm not good at all heroes though sure since I never played dota before, and I mostly random. But I went from not playing dota to being in the top 3% in about 700 games on this main, while playing solo or just with bad real life friends that make me lose more than I win solo. Seems like I did okay at Tinker in the past though
1 or 2 people is stacking, by the way. It greatly increases your chance of winning if you're of the same skill level.
I wouldn't care about win ratio. I'm happy about being in the top 3-5%.
But ixdl lets in 25th percentile players as long as they have 55% wins, so whatever, I have to make a smurf and care about win% now instead of my MMR.
But the abandon thing has nothing to do about that. A few abandons won't keep me from 55%. It just brought to my attention that it's silly that dotabuff doesn't show abandons.
No he's right. If you win or lose after you abandon it should just count as an abandon, it shouldn't count as both at any point
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Uguu Wizard, Druid = me.
Says Radiant Victory, and I got a loss.