General Discussion

General DiscussionShould i change anything in this naix jungling guide?

Should i change anything in this naix jungling guide? in General Discussion

    I would like some constructive feedback on anything in general that could be better or if im doing something wrong



      Much more of an item guide than anything else...very hard to go wrong for a hero like Naix in that respect.


        I think you should max rage first, even when you are jungling.


          ^Depends on what is happening in the game.


            dont max feast
            u just need a lvl 1 feast do farm jungle, and upgrade open wounds grants u ganking ability and upgrading u rage grants u survivability. anyway, 1 point in each on lvl 3 is necessary

            Also mordigan is quite situational, but in most cases its ok. It is a core on 1 of his 2 or 3 viables builds


              Coutones, a good joke


                About the guide:
                Starting Items: Stout Shield/Quelling Blade. You don’t need any healing items (Tango/Healing Salve), it’s just a waste of money if we are talking about N’aix.
                Early Game: Gloves of Haste/Hand of Midas/Boots of Speed/Orb of Venom/Magic Stick.
                Ability build: 2/3/1/2/1/4/1/1/2/2/4/3/3/3/+/4


                  no regen = u can't gank at all + u presume that ur going to make pulls and that will be no wards on camp/ganks on u... good joke

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                  le charismeur

                    salve gives more regen and you're not taking damage inbetween camps anyways

                    core should be phase drums maelstrom

                    max rage


                      Do you really think that N’aix needs Tango/Healing Salve for gank?
                      Let’s imagine: N’aix (Lvl 3) uses “Open Wounds” on the enemy hero and activate “Rage”. What’s next? 3 vs. 2, one of them slowed down by 70% (first two seconds), N’aix immune to magic for 3 seconds. Do you think someone will attack him?
                      No comments.
                      No need to answer anymore, it was just my opinion. Good luck.


                        best choice i guess
                        u can go midas if possible


                          murs, we are talking about jungle guide.


                            u cant jungle with LS if feast not maxed, or at least 2 lvls, or u will lose too much health, unless u pull every wave, which is a waste of time, maxing rage is better, but not for jungling, i think the idea about a jungling LS is bad..
                            and ofc u NEED a salve, at least one, @TheHardGoodbye, no salve = 100% getting killed when ganked..
                            unless playing against pubs


                                actually, after seeing this post i've discovered that most pros max feast... maybe its a better choice, i dont know. But we have to consider that most pro don't go jungle naix.

                                few example of last lifestealer's match of some pros:

                       (2 points only)

                                by the way, haven't seen the replays of these matches

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