General Discussion

General Discussion"Early Abandondment. No stats will be recorded."

"Early Abandondment. No stats will be recorded." in General Discussion

    Counts as a loss for both side of the teams....

    heff to be mad

      true, I got 2 matches where it was abandoned by someone from the enemy team and now I have 2 loses
      in-game I have 4-0 and on DOTABUFF I have 4-2, it sucks...


        It is a loss for the entire Radiant.
        It is a loss for Medusa.
        It is a win for Lina, KotL and Huskar.
        The 5th Dire player's profile is not public.
        Interesting. Maybe DB only counts it as a win if you stay till the end.


          why u heff to be mad

          GOTCHA HAT!

            its lose for medusa and team wich left first, its win for thos who didnt left and played till base
            and still you can see that mach in your game history but you arent getting any points like +1 for win or +1 for lose

            Овај коментар је измењен

              It should be so that any game you win while only people form your team leave early the stats still count, I just had a sick 3v5 as luna with Gpm and XPM higher than my record but it didn't count because someone from our team left

              Erkekliğin 10da 9u kaçmaktır

       I left the game due to power cut, my team win still it is a loss for me.
       Drow left, his team win, it is a win for him.
                ? DB must be drunk


                  go home DB, u r drunk, no DB cant be 100% accurate bcus not every thing is provided to them


                    but those few matches gonna ruin their smurfs you know :D


                      ya i know xD, they trying to get imba 80+ winrates, but DB not allowing it :P