General Discussion

General DiscussionYou know its over on the first 5 seconds of character selection

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You know its over on the first 5 seconds of character selection in General Discussion
Kiwi Mantis

    This happens to me a lot and the biggest reason why I never play alone.
    As soon as I enter character selection, at least 3 guys on my team hits random and the enemy team never chooses a hero(slight exaggeration) till the very last moment, at which I type "This game is over before it even begun."

    When this happens to me, I almost always lose(NO exaggeration).

    Theres ZERO team composition or planning(especially when they randomed support heroes). AND 2 minutes of free enemy planning and counter picks.

    I really wish VALVE would allow DOTA 2 'random picks' for EXPERIENCED players only. SERIOUSLY! And if they did random, it would pick one of their top 15ish best played heroes. PLUS restrict random to the first 2 players per team who hit random. This gives the 3 other players a chance to plan it out.

    I always pick at around +0.30 (30 seconds after the PLAY button activates). And always counter at least 2 players.

    Does anyone else hate those people I call 'randomers'.
    And does anyone else pick late and counter pick a lot?

    Sometimes I play the same hero 5 games in a row just cos its the best counter for that game.


      I always pick last, sometimes even after the creeps have spawned and try to get the best possible hero for the current lineup.
      I also do not get the point of randoming in all pick. You get 250 gold but you risk the entire game.
      You have all random if you wish to practice other heroes.


        today, i was horny to play some carry, cus all games ended me up being the solo mid player, and the carry failing with 150 creeps in 50+ minutes, so one game 2 guys randomed, one got spectre and the other got naga, then i randomed to get an SF, and the game ended with 1 support who couldnt get wards + courier + up the courieri got ganked like shit from nyx and huskar, and the game ended up with me intentionally feeding, maybe only 2 deaths were intentional only(out of 12) :P
        the next game i called out, ME CARRY DUMBS, and played a carry thanks to god


          Dude, play only cm and rd if you don't like being outpicked in the last second!

          Kiwi Mantis

            Yeah I(and some friends) have had bad experiences with CM. Like Captains refusing to give the hero that I can play and think they are the boss! or russian captains or captains who dont know what to do and banning the wrong heroes. OMG!

            The alternating picks between players in RD is nowhere close to the planning you can do on AP. The first 2-3 players are often counter picked. "Oh Ill choose axe! :) ... Oh no! they chose batrider! GG..."

            In AP, Ive seen many professional ENEMIES who pick at +0:30 and choose stunners, tanks and Nukers + counter pick(My team has no idea sometimes as they are already in game and have no idea what the enemy picked). And my team chose early+random. I mean whytf am I even playing solo?

            My bro plays solo a lot and he gets a lot of losing streaks. I believe he has a 5 win streak and a 14 lose streak. Worse on his HoN accounts. And yes HoN is a bad game because of their PSR system. The more you lose, the worse it gets and one or two losing streaks is all you need to enter HoN hell mode(The sand pit, impossible to get out alone). Hate that game.


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            Kiwi Mantis

              I recon that the best mode would be what LoL normal mode has. The removal of counter picks altogether. When the timer is done, your hero pick locks and game starts.

              Your team can coordinate picks and you have no idea what the enemy is choosing, so you dont even look at their side and concentrate on your own team composition. Plus my favourite idea there. Hero vs hero picks where you can show off your own hero skills against the guy who chose the same hero as you. For example, axe vs axe or drow vs drow. LOL! Id love to see PL vs PL duke it out. XD

              OH And one thing im annoyed with in DOTA2 and have no idea how to get working:
              HOW do you voice chat in character selection??? I try but it just wont let me say anything. I have to hold the voice button before character selection all the way till I enter game to be able to talk. Sometimes I think Valve did this on purpose just to enforce chaos. I mean the team playing at an internet cafe talking to each other and planning gets 20+ winning streaks and victimize those who are solo.

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                and so there are a lot of pro players who random first thing, it's just a pub you can't expect some people KNOWING how to counterpick anyway

                Kiwi Mantis

                  And I agree Tom... Ive got a friend whos plays HoN and DOTA2. and he's the kind of guy who likes to 'finish' games so he believes that the best way to 'finish' DOTA2 is to play EVERYTHING. SO his favourite feature is RANDOM in AP. He knows all heroes but never sticks to one and is never good at any.

                  When the Greevling maps came out, he played DOTA 2 non-stop and he only picked two heroes, Huskar/URSA.
                  If you remove the reason for random, you get people who play their best even if it isnt team positive.

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                    i hate people who random too, valve should not allow people to random in AP games, if u wanna random go AR games =.=


                      I always find funny when I see stack of 5, with "pro" picks getting their ass kicked by a bunch of randoms. Games like this one:

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                        picks suck? /console disconnect, early abandon, problem solved


                          these are pub games.. ppl tryy soo hard in pub games.. this is why dota needs a system like diference between ladder matchs and fun matches.


                            @Mathismight, i did this like 4-5 times, and i got into LPQ, so dont do it alot :D


                              People in lower brackets shouldn't worry about what 'counters' what. Just play.

                              Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                i think its just that, op sucks

                                Ken Bone

                                  Wait a minute? OP says they're gonna lose, before the game starts and then they lose? How strange. This may be way out in left field, but do you think giving up has anything to do with losing? Perhaps, you can talk to your teammates, coordinate lanes, and encourage teamwork. As long as 1-2 players are making picks to balance the lanes and diversify your team dynamic, your team will be fine.

                                  my guess is the OP sees the random picks, gives up and probably picks a 5th carry, then complains the whole game.


                                    Look at this faggot playing publics alone and expecting people to have no fun cuz HE WANT PRO CARRY GAME.

                                    Derp Face

                                      i do agree that some pubs don't even know how to PICK hero and they just simply random it == i have experienced that feeling too when i was in low level like around 1-10 and of course my skill level back there is still "normal" . but i do find valve's matchmaking system is very fair because now i am high leveled like 50-60 u wont got something u call a NOOB pubs leh. i rarely meet stupid teams alrd since i was included in the very high skill level :) so just handle ur rage and be patient :)

                                      Kiwi Mantis

                                        I agree with most people here. Had another game with 2 randoms and 5 late enemy picks again. Another random ES in my team as well. No team carries and enemy +0:10 picks with pudge and ursa...

                                        The two randoms fed the enemy as ussual.

                                        And Yes, I do give up sometime after I realise how bad the guys who randomed are. But I do try up to the point that major negative KD is a possibility then I stop trying. Late game finger pointing is always the outcome. And having a major negative KD helping a useless team will just attract unwanted finger pointing. And having no carries with pudge(who didnt random) up everyone's arse.... lol

                                        And thx Kyle, yeah Ill be patient.

                                        And heres something for u guys...

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                                          Most people here think you're a faggot.

                                          Kiwi Mantis

                                            @Stache'd - Ok I DONT always say "This game is over before it even begun." when people random. but I am rarely wrong. And I dont give up unless (See post just above).

                                            Kiwi Mantis

                                              I know lyna. most people think youre a lesbian. XD

                                              Should I swear to show some masculinity/stupidity(Lack of IQ/vocabularity) like some people? I really CBF...

                                              OH BTW... Im NOT looking for PRO carry games, Im looking for >>> AP <<< games without the random button.

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                                              Derp Face

                                                Chill out guys D: to be honest I found this post a bit fag too lol. But hell yea some day u will clash with this kind of siuation :p @lyna


                                                  I think randoming should be removed from AP mode. That would solve a lot of problems.

                                                  Kiwi Mantis

                                                    I think I need to start adding fkn swear words to my fkn posts... lessen the fagginess...

                                                    Yeah FK you all noobs who random! Gonna fkn hunt you down and rape your mother, your sister and your fat face.


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                                                      Go all random instead, stop trying so hard to win. Just get that delicious gold

                                                      Ken Bone

                                                        When they suck with the hero they picked, the game will be hard. But if three people all random supports: you just pick a carry. and encourage the other non-random to also pick a carry. If one or two of the randoms have unfamiliar heroes, ask them to lane with an experienced carry. (Don't force them to solo mid lane) Random just means that the team strategy may not be your common meta in Pubs (2-1-2 with a ganker mid, and a carry-support on each side) The standard meta is a dominated strategy anyways! Maybe lead your team into an offensive trilane or a roaming gank pair.

                                                        IMO There is definitely room for random picks on a team. but players and strategies have to change in response. You just have to learn to play more roles, and more strategies.

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                                                          I made a tool ( to compute the probability of winning based on team composition from statistics of high skill bracket games. It shows very clearly when "the game is over before it even started". Try it out! Additionally, you get smarter pick and ban suggestions.

                                                          Woof Woof

                                                            ^ felt like 1999 again


                                                              Kiwi keep playing AP OR ELSE figure out how to play the heros that usually make CM draft. Right now there's only a hand full... It can't be that hard studying them and playing them so that u can be effective contributor for your team... If you do come across captains that are completely stupid just report them for not having a game plan or descent composition... But my opinion on playing CM is, STFU and play the way the captain wants u too, stop being a selfish douche that wants to do what he only wants to do, after all CM is for competitive play and the captain just wants everyone to play to 1 strat, HIS! and if u think not learning how to play them isn't your thing... then consider yourself a NOOB!