General Discussion

General DiscussionI am looking for a team!!

I am looking for a team!! in General Discussion

    is there any teams i can join?! the reason i am looking for a team is i want to group up parties and play! i play in us east!


      Are you trolling? I mean AC on WD? Basher on viper? Shadow amulet on clinkz?

      If you are serious, then you should start reading some guides. This is a good place to start:

      Good luck!

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        dude i am just looking for some teams to play for fun as a group...and that's how i win. i just started dota 2 this year...


          you dont really win tho thats the problem lol

          ❤ Ashley ❤

            42% no thx


              I created my own team any ways. its full already. :D

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                Hey man sign your team up to my tournament. It does not have any minimum skill base and all the match pools are created in a way that all teams have a chance at winning. There is prizemoney, potential sponsorship and the games will be casted by various Youtube personalities including Pyrion Flax so if you do well in the tournament you will get lots of attention by alot of people. Join up and have some fun.



                  no..sorry i only play for fun i dont play tournments.


                    State your server.
                    I wont play with u but i have a great piece of advice, dont buy tranquil boots and heart on every hero.

                    And dont buy the recipe first, save it for last -_-"


                      1-2 kda, 42% winrate mhm... Practice with bots, please.

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                        yes, i rly advice u to return to bots, or start bots, play like 1000 games with bots, then get back to real dota :D