General Discussion

General DiscussionWARLOCK

WARLOCK in General Discussion
Ken Bone

    Warlock has almost 60% winrate this month in recorded matches. Other "OP" heroes had not reached a 60% winrate before causing a tumult within the dota community. Will the outcry for a "nerf" be on its way? Or does a squabble only spread when the total appearances of a particular hero becomes a significant percentage of all dota2 games?

    Also I would like to know why Warlock is winning? Is he just an amazing, versatile support? Or maybe he just preferred by better players? Used often in 5 stack strategies? I would like to hear other reasons you can think of that explain his incredible prowess in winning games.


      His ultimate + some sort of nukes or stuns and it's gg.


        60% winrate in pubs because his ultimate takes up the entire screen, people let the golem hit them. Fatal bonds has always been strong. He's a really strong hero with a very low skill cap, and I believe that accounts for his high winrate.

        ∞ regen

          Drow reached 60% a while ago.

          As for Warlock, its because he can't miss his ult and fatal bonds is really strong in a team fight. If pub players would actually change their builds to deal with Warlock by building diffusal, he would go way down.


            get naga, use ulti as soon as he drops his golems, kill golems, turn off ulti, rape their faces, though naga isnt that gd hero nowadays


              Nerf plx


                He is not OP, but usually is picked by players that know what they are doing, unlike other heroes like pl and trax.


                  Warlock is idiot proof, more so than Drow used to be. Unless you're dropping the rock for solo kills you can't screw up with him. He isn't OP though, just strong in pubs that put so much emphasis on team-fights; He can't accomplish a whole lot against split pushing and keeping him from reaching 11 & 16 respectively keeps him from being a problem since the Rock will die pretty much instantly.

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                    @Infinite Regen - This
                    + This is not hero being OP, his ult is just a crowd control. In my opinion peoples just understand how to use him, this may be effect of pros picking him in competitive matches. Peoples can just watch the skill builds used by them (Yes 4 Rocks @ AGHA + Refresher), and try to mirror them in their games. Look at how the play style changed in last months, he is now played on mid in pub games and this is consequence of mirroring the competitive matches, he is no longer babysitting a carry. - Sorry for my eng, I am to tired to think about gramma :/

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                      He has good stats gain. good skills. bonding is so OP with AOE teammates. upheaval is basically the second ult. the real ult can be game turning. and good source of $$ with his ult summons.
                      and most importantly, as a support, he's very item and farm independent. I am a noob and i can get Agha + Refresher with only ~300 GPM in a typical 40 min game. that means lots lots of love and high winrate in pub games.


                        Easy hero to use by the way like zeus put him mid in pubs and he will own like no prob.

                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!