General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for 3 players to join our team (BE/NL)

Looking for 3 players to join our team (BE/NL) in General Discussion

    Me, {trace}Stevie, and my friend {trace}ϟBRAINFREEEEZEϟ are looking for people to join our team.

    We are not looking for extreme skills, just decent skill because we are tired of playing with random idiots that always feed or don't even speak English.

    Me and Brain are both from Belgium(Flanders) so we speak Dutch. While speaking Dutch is not really required it would help a lot in coordination etc of the team. Mic is not really required either.

    I like to play support role and Brain likes to play carry role, so if you want to join our team you should be able to play roles that fill in this team composition (e.g. mid, offlaner, ...)

    If you want to join our team you can contact us through this forum post, or easier, contact us through Steam:
    {trace}Stevie (Support):
    {trace}ϟBRAINFREEEEZEϟ (Carry):

    I will keep this post updated if people join our team and what roles they play.
    Thanks for reading, hope to see you in our team soon!


      I speak English + and I'm always looking for people to play with, feel free to add me.

        Овај коментар је избрисан.

          My name is ivan,Im from Serbia.
          Im looking for a team, i like to play support,offlane and mid.

          i'm skilled player, you can look in my statistik

          Feel free to add me :)


            Sign up your team to my tournament. There are lots of people that are single registrations and are looking for teams. They are good players so go talk to them. Lots of youtube personalities will be casting the tournament as well so your team will get lots of attention if you do well.