General Discussion

General DiscussionMessed up Matchmaking.

Messed up Matchmaking. in General Discussion
Sad Sam ;(

    I know that the Matchmaking is decent in Dota 2. It's good, and quite fair, but I also know that it can mess up sometimes and do some stupid shit.

    I mean, look at that match, check the QoP stats. Why the fuck am I put with that person with a 40% win rate. That is literally the WORST percentage I have ever seen in my life. Everybody on my team has a lower Win% than the opponents.. Why?

    Woof Woof

      decent HAHAHA pls dont make me laugh start playing solo and then tell us how decent it is


        This is because qop is one of those lowlifes who loses a lot of games on purpose so he can play against players far weaker than him and get high KDA all the time.

        Hopefully you guys at least reported him for throwing.

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          Am I missing something? in that game I'd say the QoP did fairly good.

          Sad Sam ;(

            You've gotta watch the replay. Could've won by tearing down their two ancient towers, but no, she had to blink away and start attacking someone else. I followed, because she'd just die, then we'd all die just as bad.. Maybe I shouldn't have done that. Either way, she created the problem.

            It's really annoying how she was put on my team. I mean seriously, 40%.. My friend can only play Skeleton King, and his skills aren't even REMOTELY Decent, and he's on a 47% win rate. I do solo queue a lot, and I find the MMing just fine. You just have to keep the swearing to a minimum, and cooperate.

            P.S., Relentless, could you send me an add on Steam? I'd like to have a game or two with you some time.

            Ming (Zufälliger König)

              i have 47%
              im fucking bad


                If I'd guard the fountain and with the gpm I'd buy courier/wards/tps/dusts/gem for the rest of the team, I think I'd have more then 40% win rate...

                If we ignore the stats, I'd say the game was quite balanced. I mean you can't get something more balanced then 1h+ game with 134k vs 126k gold at the end :)

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                  By player skill, yes it was, but QoP was a thrower. He was clearly the best dota player in the game by a lot, but he intended to lose the game from the beginning. He built up little by little ksing whenever he could while not helping in close fights. It was just a matter of time before he saw his chance, then in the critical moment he caused his team to die so that he could lose and keep playing against far weaker players and do it again and again.

                  I just played a game with a player like this myself. The thrower played SD. He called "solo mid or feed", then walked bot. He fed first blood before creeps spawned by walking into the enemy team that we could see and I said 5 seconds earlier, "back up, centaur with haste". Used disruption to set up kills for the enemy centaur and laughed about it. Then he was sure to wait around and ks with his ult a few times so he would appear to have better stats...and that was it, 3 people got fed up and disc, he chalks up a loss and his next game is easier.

                  Also added Terrier, but keep in mind the reason I rejected it the first time is you are in Australia and I am in the US. We wont be able to play without someone lagging badly.

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                    Fun fact - I know the QoP personally. Was on my buddy list up to a couple of months back where I deleted him. He has a habit of abandoning games if the lineups are bad. Overall a decent player, but he's severely handicapped by an outrageous attitude problem.

                    P.S. Check out this replay where he resorts to racism because I was queued on the other side:


                      I know the feeling. Look at the last 5 min of this game:

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                      Training in Progress

                        Why do you even blame QoP when your LD is terrible. You queue with people who are your calibre.

                        Sad Sam ;(

                          I know my LD isn't that good, but that's not why I made this thread. I made it because the QoP made ME lose. If you're off topic, get out.


                            i think it could be the case of qop, being a decent player gettting a decent kdr. not worrying about win's but losses cause he gets put with easier people