General Discussion

General Discussionmy best invoker game after 40 games of invoker non-stop

my best invoker game after 40 games of invoker non-stop in General Discussion

    if u have time please download the replay and watch it, i played as a exort invoker.
    (i know many people criticize this build as the easiest build for invoker, mainly because of the base damage reduction. But here is a good showcase of how precise meteor combos can be more than enough to contribute to an early gank) by all means invoker is still the hardest hero in the game and undoubtly i am proud of this achievement.

    Woof Woof

      i would say meepo

      TriDrex The First


        TikTok Uncle

          i would say meepo also


            noobs stomping noobs. noobception


              Good job. I'm glad all your hard work paid off.


                euphoric smile: yes it was, 55 games in total( as of now) and 40 games striaght
                chris: i dont see what right you have to say that about other people
                bang bang/ seohyun: meepo is an extremely situational hero which is easily countered, he is extremely fun to play if you know how but his str gain is just sad
                relentless: yea im really glad it paid off... phew but im sure theres still a ways to go to mastering him totally, which i personally think his potential is set unbelievably high.


                  Sorreh, I expected this to be some thread where people compare their epenis size.


                    ah... id hate my first thread on dotabuff to be like that lol, luckily it didnt :p


                      Invoker is am amazing hero with more potential than any other. I got to play a few games with grimorum recently and rewatched the replays to see him work. Amazing stuff.

                      I hope you keep working on your Invoker. Its a really fun hero and I always like to see good invokers, even if they are beating me. :)

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                        I see Spectre game after ur 5th game with Invoker, u liar, i report u to valve !!


                          This is ur Grimorium,
                          and check his profile, shitty player, he can definitely with Invoker, but only Invoker


                            i said 40 in a row i didnt say total did i?
                            edit: any good player will posses skills which is needed to be a good player (map awareness/good coordination/flexibility) however you win and lose some i dont expect even dendi or chuan to not feed sometimes.

                            relentless: haha yes i do get that feeling(that was more than a week ago! XD) when i see a good invoker on the enemy team i just cant seem to get myself to hate them, they just play SO well and you know what they have to do to execute whatever they did, whether its a full 5 man ice wall meteor blast or plain macroing a refresher orb(which i find extremely hard still)

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                              it is just me or most of the players think invoker is hard to play ?
                              IMHO cyclone+sunstrike+meteor+blast is quite simple.

                              OT, glad for you, invoker really is OP in a good hand.


                                Well, I have almost never played invoker. But I can cast a 3 spell combo. Maybe if I practiced 4 would be no problem. However there is an extremely high skill ceiling on the hero. It's one thing to be standing in my base, ready to defend a push, and get my invokes all lined up and ready and then throw down. It totally different to bump into a smoked-up team in the woods and pull out and place beautiful complicated appropriate, well timed, well placed spells in seconds. That sort of thing takes a lot of talent and a ton of practice besides.

                                In that sense, the max potential of the hero...invoker is harder than any other hero. Only rubic is comparable and even he is not that close to invokers skill ceiling. For instance in the last game I played with grimorum he had one fight where he disabled 3 people with tornado, and 1 with hex, targeted his forge spirits to kill the support and a sunstrike, saved our carry on less than 100 hp, hit a meteor-blast to finish off the supports, then ghosted out of there about 0.3 seconds before silencer ulted to stop him. All this was like 3 seconds of time. I had to watch it twice on 0.25 speed in the replay to see how he even did it.

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                                  404: i understand what you mean, a monkey could learn a 3 spell combo pretty easily but then again it really depends how you use it, i for one take eul as my first core item before aghanims. i dont consider myself a 'pro' yet but im sure that i have at least some decent experience.

                                  relentless: theres no doubt that grimorum is one of the best ivnoker players our there, as this replay you mentioned is already proof, but id like to mention that spell combos are usually just to initiate, in other words its just the start of the fight, with aghanims ( i usually have this by 25 mins if not less)you will be able to cast all 10 skills in 14 seconds (excluding ghostwalk) but this is not the point, what requires to be THE perfect invoker player is to be able to use the 10 spells each carefully place and executed at the right time, every time which i find almost impossible, ive had my moments such as 1v5/insane escapes but the potential of invoker is undoubtedly the highest among any hero, with his utility he can render a team useles and turn entire tides of battles. i dont think invoker can ever be mastered, because his potential is just too high(+ i cant seem to find anyone switch orbs as fast as a macroer)


                                    Yeah, grim always gets accused of macroes, but you watch on .25 speed you can see even he is just barely slower. Each orb is separate. However I have seen him do a chain of 39 spells and activatable items in about 30 seconds in one of our old games in dota 1 years ago. He is faster not just because of his fingers, but he skips all the uneeded orbs. For instance when he does a quick unplanned invoke from tornado-emp to deafening blast-meteor. He will just hit (i dont know what hotkeys he really uses but you get the point)...
                                    F-G-E-R-F-E-R-F, so 8 keys, while most people would do F-G-Q-W-E-R-F-W-E-E-R-F, so 12 keys and 50% longer to press. He explains how to do this on some youtube video, but just knowing is a long long way from changing the way you think about invokes and practicing enough to do it.


                                      this is gold relentless, the secret to grimorums awesome play! :D
                                      no really i think its got more to do with a quick brain telling you what to do and when then your fingers, well i wouldnt totally ignore it because grimorum IS the best invoker player i have seen so far, his plays are big and he has probably one of the highest skill in invoker among the dota community, as for the finger switching..... ill have to look into this, i will probably look back into this after i have watched the video.
                                      so far what ive been doing is using the new qwer keys instead of the old odta 1 legacy keys, somehow i find it easier(my fingers arent clanked up anymore! yay!) but i wonder how does this make a difference, usually when i cast a spell i would have alrdy have it invoked since i usually predict what the next move is, so im basically continuosly invoking spells and using then on time which i think is right, but by no means do i spam them, i happen to invoke a totally new spell in the spur of the moment when a teamfight suddenly goes unexpected, thus where this new finger tapping technique comes into play...
                                      edit: is it posssible that you could link me the video?:p not sure where to start looking.

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                                        He has a channel
                                        All the videos are there. Also I think he wrote some guides, not sure where all of them are.

                                        Here is an old one from dota 1

                                        I think he just wrote a new one for dota 2 and current meta...soon to be published, but I forgot where. Maybe its up already...i think is was dota2 magazine, seems you have to subscribe to see it.
                                        hmm not sure I want to subscribe to check my memory. I'll just ask him.

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                                          Attention seeker is impressed by you guys. Keep on doing this :)


                                            an attention seeker would want attention not a discussion.
                                            relentless: thanks alot for the links im going to check it out right now,it seems i have a ways to go with invoker, so ill just keep piling the games up!
                                            again thanks for your time finding the links, i really appreciate it! :)


                                              not that good

                                              also cook > grimorum


                                                grimorum's invoker is nothing compared to ferrari's.


                                                  we cant quite compare it, since ive never seen grimorum play competitive, while ferrari has, therefore their experiences are different.(im just assuming that grimorum has not done competituve, i have no idea)


                                                    I went to most insane build on invoker....i was bored :3


                                                      ive seen this build before (divine.... i wouldnt risk it XD)
                                                      ghost walk cold snap with radiance, works like a charm!
                                                      nice score btw bro!

                                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                                        Divine on Chen better

                                                        PS. stole it from my juggernaut who died to fountain :P


                                                          Hahaha thks axial and mapzor but i bought it :P so urs doesnt count huehuehue xD


                                                            cool story bro

                                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                                              this one i rly bought a divine on chen:

                                                              i went divine on invoker before, but its not worth it to post it here


                                                                i remember having a divine on invoker before too, but that was after i was certain i wudnt die


                                                                  Well played.. Im Also Trying to Pump up my ratio On Invoker practice is the key!!

                                                                  Woof Woof

                                                                    u should practice in custom lobby with cheats on so u can develop feeling of spells in 20minutes instead of 20games