General Discussion

General Discussionjakiro icepath bug

jakiro icepath bug in General Discussion

    So i was playing and at the end of the game, i saw like big pretty big numbers on my screen, and was like wtf because opposite team were fed, but no crit or whatever, so not possible.

    So i check my deaths damage and saw jakiro HUGE icepath damage, game ended so i wasn't able to screenshot it but got damage log.

    where should this sort of thing be reported??

      Овај коментар је избрисан.
      The Twisted Light

        It is not a bug. The source of damage that kills Meepo damages Meepo clones for the rest of their HP, no matter the type or maximum damage cap


          I'm not sure but I think this is more related to Meepo.

          - I see a 7 damage static field in the list. That means that one of your clones was almost dead (at around 70 HP)
          - Then the 75 damage kills that clone.
          - Then the other clones are killed (loses all HP: 754 and 909) and it seems like that the death of the clones are also registered as the damage from Jakiro

          You should watch the replay again. If you still find that there was too much damage from Jakiro, then post it in "gameplay bugs" section.


            Ok thanks for the input everyone

            Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

              You can report bugs in the forums. If you're not sure whether it is a bug, they have a subforum Gameplay Bugs > Mechanics & Gameplay Bug Brainstorming

              Woof Woof

                ^ holy shit Typhox what happend?
                Mirana Lost Match an hour ago