Especially if u get an NP, who maxes tp and sprout, and sometimes doesnt get nature's call..
if they invent some mode, where each player gets the chance to ban one hero from the pool, then be able to pick after banning 10 heroes, i would definitely ban NP every game, Because he is total shit and no one can play him right, just go 30 minutes farming thinking he is a freaking void or antimage, then starts joining the fight (10% chance) and dies as soon as he tps in the mid of the fight
i just request a fucking banlist ingame like the old sistem JUST THAT no reports, no random mm no a complicate balance system, just a fucking banlist
MAPZOR, you're one odd duck. I don't know what tear you're in, but NP very rarely is played that way in my neck of the woods.
do u mean this:
or this:
I am from top 1%, and i got low number of games, so it matches me with retards..
@フリアンUninstall now. Thanks!
@NofugginwayJosh Not sure what tier you play at, but where I play (very high skill. Not sure if that means anything meaningful) at that is a somewhat common way to play natures prophet (probably around 20% of the time a team can go 4v5 into mid game a prophet does this). If the team can 4v5, then a prophet can does this with quite a bit of success. It only starts to be a bad way to play prophet if the team has weak laning and weak midgame. Prophets ganks suck anyways.
@Infinite Regen tnx for ur opinion i apreciate it
@MαρzøƦ random games, i suck with tinker
MM goes full retard every now and then, had a mate go on a 13 game losing spree. I played in a few of the games, and for some weird reason, we were going up against a lot of 60% players (with at least 500 games) in all these matches, even as dual queue...although he does have a 56% win rate, the guys we were up against were clearly far too good to be paired with us as far as statistics are concerned.
You can't delete Dota. You are addicted to it.
BTW: in 36 hours (if Valve won't kill it).
@infinite: I'm not sure either, not sure anyone but the powers that be really know about such things. That said, it does help when a team has a jungler (not just NP) that can be left in the jungle to farm. The whole time the rest of the team is getting more XP and then the jungle is getting farmed. Now if they're getting ganked a lot then that changes the balance of things, but an efficient jungler can help the team xp and gold advantage widen. If you're having a prophet fail at ganking, they're probably doing it wrong. There are a number of ways to do it, but in a way it's like sniper's ulti: The goal is to keep the people in your lane low so that if NP ports in and sprouts one of them they die and the other is too injured to put up much of a fight or dies in the process. It's especially helpful if you already have a stun or something like bane's nightmare. It also works well if he goes to gank mid - your guy gets a little wounded and the other teams mid comes in for the kill only to get stuck in position by being sprouted for longer than he wanted to be. That's not even if they're sloppy enough to take tower damage. One of the things I am working on in my NP play is keeping an eye on the lanes so that I can show up at the right time without having to coordinate it in advance. It's getting easier because a lot of my farm mechanics are getting sort of on auto-pilot so I don't have to think about the jungling portion of it and can just look around the map. That said, a team that will coordinate with you can and does go a long way. "I have invise rune and am going bot to gank, tree man, can you join us?" with enough heads up to make sure I have enough mana to pull some shenanigans and we're golden.
@OP, u said this "just look my tinker in the last game OMFG WHY GABE WHY"
so i thought u meant ur last game with Tinker u played rly gd, but still u lost, maybe u meant another hero :/
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i trust in mm but this 2 days THIS FUCKING 2 DAYS. IM FUCKING DONE WITH THIS SHIT.
2 days of trolls, baddies and arrogance, i cant win 1 vs 5 every fucking game, i know its in beta, but please PLEASE.
deleting dota right now.