Because MM puts you with the people of the same skill. Only potential difference is that you MIGHT understand the game and try to do your best (I don't know your skill level so I can't say definitely), while other players who potentially play at the same skill as you just don't give a fuck and do whatever the fuck they want.
Or MM just hates you.
I understand your rationale completely but that simply can't be the case because the people I'm playing against are bad, but my team mates are absolute fuckwits. If I was against similar skill level players I wouldn't be able to rack up such good scores and I wouldn't constantly be put with 4 retards. But thanks for attempting to explain.
You seem like a decent carry. On my level of play, usual problem is that most teammates are OK, its the person who picks hard carry sucks balls.
I think Dota is just too complicated to account for many,many factors of playing.
I also don't understand how are you 47% winrate. Even when I started, I couldn't go below 50% solo.
It seems like based on this forum that either a) There are players like you who play good class, but for some reason don't contribute to the team enough to get 50% or b) MM discriminates agaisnt certain people.
My advice, just make a new account, and carry yourself to very high (I have a twinkie that I play when I'm playing with girlfriend-carrying urself in low level pubs to very high is VERY simple). Maybe that will put you against/with players of similar skill. If thats not the case, once again its either a) or b).
Seeing how people complain about MM on this forum sometimes really makes me think its something psychological as well. Often times when you play with bots you feel like your team bots are much worse than enemies. But really, unless valve does some magic voodoo bullshit, they should be skill level. Someone with more free time than me can probably come up with a good theory of this phenomenon.
Well actually, I played up to about 400 games on this account then stopped playing because I felt I had learned enough of the game (I only started dota in september of last year) and wanted to start again to see what my true win-rate would be. I was up in the very high bracket in 5-7 games, at which point I was in smurf games only, 5 smurfs v 5 where everyone would pick carry and I was stuck supporting (and as you said, the carries that sucked completely ruined games) that drove me mad so I decided to come back to this account as people tend to pick better teams, even if their abilities are worse (my hope was that as I'd put in about 100 high quality games on smurf accounts and became very good at normal/high matches, and decent at very high I theoretically would have been able to get up to high/very high on this account). However, on my return I got put with morons constantly. My win rate used to average at 50%, it even went as high as about 55% whilst I was learning, but since I've become a better player my win rate has just dropped and I REALLY don't understand why and it bugs the hell out of me.
I contribute well to the team, especially when I'm in mid like I was for my Storm Spirit games, I barely farm past level 6 and just constant gank, watch the replays if you have time.
Btw, I completely understand the psychological argument, but I don't think it fits for me. I mean, you can't seriously tell me that my team mates are on par with the enemy team?
No, when u play with bots, and u feel they r retards, it is actually u the one who cant play well, or dont fit properly in the team, bots got a weird playstyle, might sometimes dive in tier 4 towers for no reason, if u r noob, u wont dive with them, and they will all die because of u, and gonna report u also
What relevance does that comment have on anything as that is not a point raised nor a point relevant to this topic? Terrible merely mentioned that there is a psychological element to this, nothing else.
This forum is full of trolls. I mostly use this forum as comedy forum, since those trolls are very entertaining.
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This always happens to me.
^ in this game, I pointed out to bane that he shouldn't cast nightmare when we are 3v1 ganking because it backfires on us, so he proceeded to nightmare me throughout the rest of the game.
Look at the team-mates scores. Every single game I'm placed with 4 feeders who can't organise a piss up in a brewery.
I'm not trying to say I'm an amazing player, I know I'm not. But match-making is fucking disgusting. I have a hideous win-rate and instead of trying to improve it valve puts me with these shitters constantly and instead it gets worse.
You can flick through my recent match history, it's riddled with games like the ones shown there but those ones are perhaps more extreme examples.
I'm really fed up of playing, doing great, trying hard, and losing because every other team mate has at least a negative score, sometimes 5 times more deaths than kills or more (and I know KDA doesn't tell the full story BUT it does show feeding)