General Discussion

General DiscussionTop 50 Pub Teams with 20+ games

Top 50 Pub Teams with 20+ games in General Discussion

    I would like to see Dotabuff list the top teams for team MMR with the same sort of restriction they made for individuals. Here is an example of what this could look like. When a team gets to 3 games their rating just reflects the individual MMR of the members, not really how well they play as a team. If your rating is significantly off you could win as many as 20 points per game, and teams often play against other teams 400 points above or below them. So I picked 20 games as a cut-off.

    Highest Team MMR with over 20 games played.

    5367 SeriousMouseGaming 34-3
    5151 MalayAllStar 36-6
    5013 inphinity +4 17-4
    4989 madjicK Gaming 37-3
    4970 Zero Respect 19-11
    4969 antimage+bottle 20-1
    4914 Why Leave ? 26-7
    4868 BashBash 21-7
    4855 Gotei 13 27-0
    4855 insidiousidol 20-1
    4837 FXOpen E-Sports 21-1
    4834 Cog Blockers 71-4
    4831 Doter next Door 50-9
    4824 Dying Wish 22-3
    4812 blablabla2 18-12
    4805 Monsters University63-10
    4779 GizMo Gaming 17-3
    4778 Treaba Buna 17-3
    4778 FUREUR MultiGaming 54-9
    4765 Savva <3 Egorku 21-16
    4753 Look at it GO!! 23-10
    4750 DisemAndBowelment 15-9
    4743 We haz soumi 27-1
    4718 MikeChanDota 23-2
    4707 nEophyte 32-17
    4704 Daymare eSports. 47-8
    4697 The Windmonk Stack 19-3
    4695 Imaginary Gaming 82-18
    4693 Bargholz Bitches 15-10
    4682 DIMAGA TEAM 44-15
    4680 Telepathy 38-7
    4679 Pork Buns 28-6
    4679 oS Gaming 20-5
    4674 Fishballl 34-13
    4669 Nerd Commando 30-9
    4666 New Guys 27-20
    4663 Jung, Brutal, Gutaussehend 29-7
    4658 Yateh+4 21-9
    4653 Team Horza 34-8
    4653 RGESC Water 19-8
    4649 nyx3x 29-12
    4649 Kiparisai 26-8
    4646 Four-Four-Two 37-9
    4643 tG 3 17-5
    4639 XIBU ZHANGSHI 24-20
    4638 beruna 16-7
    4637 i name my kid herb 19-4
    4634 Kim Jung Ilvan 15-6
    4632 Cant Describe 28-9

    Because so few of the top teams have more than a handful of games, and often contain the same players just rearranged slightly, this takes us all the way to #267 on the current list. So the number of teams is inflated by about a factor of 5 over those that have really established a record.


      why? it's not like anyone cares about TMM anyway


        as karake said.


          ah Yes, the old "I don't care therefore no ones does" argument. It nice to see someone still using that. We get so many of the same tired, repetitive troll comments its good to see something a bit different.

          Congratulations to the teams that made my list and also to the now 77,389 teams who are making some attempt to play dota as it really should be played instead of just soloing into a game with random people.

          Bot Tyrone

            Most of the teams that are actually good don't play tmm much.

            edit: and considering that most of the very high level games are stack vs stack anyway...

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            tveni tveni

              This isn't any more relevant because TMM is a garbage system that nobody uses. First of all, wins after the initial 3 games give you +0-1 rating while losses net -20 so the difference between a 3-0 team and a 20-0 team will be like... 5 points.

              I remember when we played TMM for the first time on iRock and got 4856 rating baguette was like 2 spots ahead with 5-0 or smtn... we didn't play any games, like 2 months later baguette was 34-3 and dropped behind our 3-0 team on the list, lmao.

              The system is a joke a kid could make and valve made it just to settle things down after the dotabuff drama. They left it with a shit algorithm and it's currently just another pointless ''rating'' thing they've done to the game, along with performance bars and hall of fame which both make no sense whatsoever as well and even a 10 year old kid would've made a better system.

              So yeah I'll be the one to do a long post to explain to you why nobody gives a damn about TMM. It's just an average of all the MMRs of the players combined, nothing else

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                like i said yesterday

                no serious team takes tmm seriously because there is much better ways to scrim (in europe) starting with skype chats / mutual team agreements for scrims / cups that goes every single day and so on


                  Swiftending your tiny amount of personal experience does not represent the system. It worked that way in your example simply because Baguettte was over rated. Plenty of teams have gained or lost a lot of rating points after playing many games. Baguette has a ton of wins and handful of losses but they played all these games against teams rated 400 to 700 points below them. So the wins are worth no points or a couple points and the losses to teams that should never be able to beat them really hurt.

                  This is why the list should only show teams with large number of games played. If your team really deserves a 5k+ rating, and it probably does, you will gain points. Of course you will not gain points for beating vastly weaker teams. This is why we really need a challenge system where you can get matches against teams that really are competitive. Currently it just matches the top 2 rated teams in the que and its very rare for 2 teams ranked in the top 50 to be in the que at the same time.

                  Yes, Vaikiss I know that lots of private games go on like this. I often watch them, rarely play in them...but those kinds of games should be counted in the rating system. Dotabuff can play a role in making that clear so Valve actually implements it and you get credit for your private matches.

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                    If dotabuff tries that, they are done, Volvo and their retarded logic..


                      Oh, hey look at those random pub teams competing eachothers.