General Discussion

General DiscussionConsole command does not work anymore

Console command does not work anymore in General Discussion

    After recent updates, I cannot turn on range display anymore. I had it automated with a autoexec.cfg file. Since that stopped working, I deleted the .cfg and typed the command into the console, but that does not work either.

    The weird part of it all, is that the range display still works in practice mode. Anyone know what happened and how to fix this?


      They disabled it in real matches in the 6.78

      Овај коментар је измењен

        Sucks... I just realized this profound tool 4 weeks ago too....


          valve killing dota


            Damn that sucks that they disabled it. It was so good.


              idk, still works for me

              Woof Woof

                valve devs = incompetent 100%

                ie hall of fame that displayed same heroes over and over + 99% of players there were pretty bad+ unknown