General Discussion

General DiscussionMofkn Trent.

Mofkn Trent. in General Discussion

    Idk about you guys, but every game seems to have Nyx or trent, two of the most Bullshit heros to play against.
    It pretty much means you auto lose mid, cause a nyx comes past and manaburns you, The treant heals your opponant, and suddenly you can't do shit.
    Just saying those heros are the most bullshit heros, and really need balancing.


      need balancing? treant is the most useless hero in the game, it's just the armor that's good and he actually need buffs instead of nerfs lol

      ❤ Ashley ❤

        why are you complaining when you pick treant yourself?


          because of armor, easy gg bum bum


            noob wisp picker


              nice smurf vaikiss I love you too <3


                wanna counter treant? pick furion avoid fights only push the lanes.


                  Picking heroes with burst damage nuke and prolonging the game past 20 minutes is so hard. Tree 2stronk.


                    ^yo listen to this guy he is pro


                      yeah he isnt wisp picker

                      tveni tveni

                        pick bloodseeker vs both gg2ez


                          Dont play AP mode. It is boring and u will avoid wisp+slark+treant retards-abusers. Pub=fun. No fun in picking in AP mode. If u wanna pick, go to CM. But most of abusers will be for sure anally raped in CM mode=)