General Discussion

General DiscussionHorrid winrate with Sniper but...

Horrid winrate with Sniper but... in General Discussion

    I really enjoy him. It's not necessarily that I'm a bad sniper player its just either its a lost game despite my contribution or I get counter picked with heavy gankers. I want to get better at him so do you think I should play some more Sniper?


    Pandamonium(You Died)

      Sniper shit hero. He has some learning curve to him, and he can carry hard if gets farm + items, but too squishy, and carries who can farm faster/kill earlier and just generally output more damage.


        sniper shit hero if u dont have 4 players to back u up don't even bother playing with him or rely on luck for enemies to suck

        I come from the dark

          Never seen sniper players really.

          Cos i quit if some dickhead picks him.


            @bad to the bone
            Do you have a list of heroes that cause you to quit the game? Do you pause and check them off each game before starting so you know whether you can play or have to run and hide?

            Sniper is difficult to play successfully on a consistent basis because he is very weak early. I have found however that I can do pretty well despite pub level support if I build a tanky sinper designed to fight early and max shrapnel. I'm at 70.6% win with 4.38 KDA average doing this. Sometimes you get focused, but it takes so many resources that everyone else will have a lot of room if that happens. People do not expect a sniper to be able to stand there and kill you when you attack him.

            I like to get Ring of Aquilla, Drums, Manta, Treads...tanky items that let me fight early and have the mana to cast plenty of shrapnel and take aim to zone people back from towers. The speed boost from manta drums is also very good for juking out of tower dives. Shrapnel also is excellent for flash farming stacked camps. If supports don't stack for you, do it yourself. Don't get lifesteal until you have serious dps. Don't get bkb. If you are getting stunned then you are to far forward in the fight. Shadow blade can work some games, but usually it just encourages you to take bad risks and makes you to weak to stand and shoot in a fight.

            I love to pick sniper against melee carries that like to try to pick off supports (PA, Riki, AM, Niax, Sven...etc) If you just stand back far enough and then focus on using headshot on the enemy carry when they dive in...use your attack as if it is an extremely low cd stun. It bashes magic immune heroes quite reliably. If you keep your support alive for an extra 2 seconds you can win a lot of fights.

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            I come from the dark

              Ofc I have a list. I wait for other players to choose heroes and only then I press play. That way i don't get lp for leaving since I haven't chosen a hero. It's called common sense and is one of the reasons i don't have a shit winrate even though i play on my own mostly. If you must know the list is:
              Antimage, bloodseeker, broodmother, drow, huskar, lifesteeler (although he is new on that list after his open wounds were nerfed), meepo, medusa, invoker, morf, naga, PA, razor, riki, spectre and ofc sniper. This is not set in stone if I see that retards picked a combination of hard carries i leave too, so it depends.


                @bad to the bone .... u make me sick


                  @ Bad to the bone

                  Wow you sure go to extreme lengths to avoid games. You really avoid games in which huskar, lifestealer, or invoker are picked? These heroes are picked quite often. If you do quit games so often..... I think your time spent queuing and dodging is equal or greater than actually playing the game.

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                  I come from the dark

                    Well I don't care if they are picked by opposition if that's what you mean. On average I dodge 1 out of 3 games.

                    Only started avoiding Lifesteeler lately. But invoker and huskar for sure, especially invoker.


                      Because Invoker is deadly in everyone hands


                        Hahaha well maybe I should start leaving matches early as after my win streak I entered the land of scrubs :P


                          @ Bad to the bone,

                          Invoker is not too hard to play. Are you in high matchmaking or below?
                          I'm surprised you didn't name Clinkz and Morphling. Those two heroes have less win rate than 43% invoker.

                          Bad Intentions

                            i eat snipers for breakfast :]