General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is the average game length in Dota2?

What is the average game length in Dota2? in General Discussion

    Or is there a way to see the average game time for yourself? Just wondering if there are any statistics on this.


      If you look at this:

      you can see a lot of very short matches. I don't know what happens in these matches, but the average is about 12-15 mins. Normal matches last 25-40 mins.


        Yeah, I've noticed that most are like that.

        But I think a lot of those games have leavers. Maybe Dotabuff keeps track of your personal game length.


          35~ mins is average

          Papa Het

            i'd say anything below 30 minutes was a stomp, below 20 min a superstomp with leavers. Balanced matches usually take around 40minutes I guess, 50 minutes and more is long imo.
            I think it's not that simple to find an avarage, because if you count all the leaver-games it's probably around 25 mins. Just look at the link from dire_amphibian, rarely a game over 30 minutes on the first couple of pages


              10-25 is too short (minimum is 6 characters)