General Discussion

General DiscussionHello, Im Genbu.

Hello, Im Genbu. in General Discussion
VAC banned >]

    Hello everyone,

    Im Genbu, rl name Kevin.
    Im 25y old, heterosexual.
    Im vietnamese, im living in eu.
    and im looking for good players/friends/carry for the sake to learn from you.
    My favourite motto is ,,whatever you play you must play to win".

    Actually Im still freshman at Dota 2, so I dont know have much friends now.
    I was playing dota 1 mostly on garena, I had, I have good social network of good players there.
    But I switched to dota 2 and what Im missing is ,,friends/teamates" now.

    i play mostly on friday overnight and weekend.
    My favourite role is mid, but im not playing mid always,
    I love to play support as well.

    My most favourite heroes are:
    carry(magina,alche,void,spectre,skeleton king)
    support(rubick,lina,sand king,jakiro)

    if you are experienced player like me from dota 1 or u are already expericend on dota 2
    and you know what you want to play and your desire is play to win so feel free to add me.
    steam ID: genbucz

    ,,I do sound like tryhard player,but honestly im not.Whatever I play I play to win, thats what kind of man I am."

    Have a nice day

    Ming (Zufälliger König)

      idgaf who u are, u make midas on invoker, you're fucking bad


        midas on invoker its rly good in some cases, lvlup faster wich u need cuz invoker is lvl dependant hero

        on: u can add me we can play sometimes


          i mida midas on invoker too

          Hakuna Matata

            @Ming: Are you some expert on DotA or what? If he wins with that build, who gives a fuck he gets midas or shadow blade. He has a higher win rate than you so far.

            Овај коментар је измењен
              white lies

                ^lol, outcarried by support wth :D

                VAC banned >]

                  Ming: Midas I usually decide in 5 mins of the game, if side lanes are losing so I should prepare for the late game, Invoker is one of the hero I believe that he can turn up the flow of the game.I dont go for midas without reason :)

                  Darkly: I dont even remember how did I manage to get so much items in that game :) just pure luck I guess

                  Peewee: I had to outcarry that game, if I remember it right, our carry didnt know how to last hit, I was so nervous so I was roaming and farming as much as I can :)


                    midas is legitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

                    POG U POG CHAMP

                      Ming's post mostly give me cancer


                        Hello Kevin and welcome to Dotabuff. It's fun here.

                        Not sure what your sexuality has to do with much but I'm very glad you mentioned it.

                        Have fun.