General Discussion

General Discussion[iMp] Impulse eSports: Looking for High Level Players

[iMp] Impulse eSports: Looking for High Level Players in General Discussion

    I am the manager of Impulse eSports. Our team has established itself very well in the NA & EU Stracraft 2 scene. Now were looking to move into DOTA 2. At the moment we are looking for high level players in the North America region that are interested in joining a team.

    A lot of time is going to be spent looking for the right group of players, based on skill and attitude. In order to do this we are using the guild function to group interested players. Myself and another manager are watching games, and talking to players. It's no secret that many team fail because of "team dynamics". The most important part of a team is a solid foundation of respect. If you are a player with a tendency to rage on teammates when things don't go right this is not the team for you.

    The goal of our team will be to practice and enter leagues. If this is something that you are even slightly interested in. Feel free to contact me, and I can answer any questions for you.

    Steam: iMpMarine
    Skype: Theque2020

    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!