General Discussion

General DiscussionLaguna Blade

Laguna Blade in General Discussion
Spinach Rag

    'Sup homos...

    If Lina is a fire-based hero, why is her ultimate lightning based?



      Because she's not lightning based..

      She's a mix of Fire and Lightning elements... Hence "Firey Soul" and "Light strike aray" (which, contrary to it's name.. is fire)..

      read the description on the spells, for instance "focus the sun's energies, causing air to combust at will"


        maybe lina is an electric mage to begin with, but using her power she can create fire, which is more devastating and powerful than mere electricity


          Heh, nice link ;D

          Pandamonium(You Died)

            In anime Laguna Blade was a black blade. Plus usually mages adept at fire are also to some degree adept in electricity.

            Spinach Rag

              I see, so she's kinda like Jakiro except her elements are adjacent instead of opposites?


                Hottest fire is blue, like on stoves and shit. Scientific fact.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  That is like the one in The Last Airbender. If your fire gets too hot, it's suddenly a lightning. Lightning is like a next level fire.


                    it isn't lightning idiot it's blue fire

                    Spinach Rag

                      Wow, lots of smart people in here.


                        its not lightning or blue fire, its thunder

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          Calm down Chinese dude. Or Japanese I don't know.


                            With enough heat, you can create plasma, which is ionised, --> electricity runs much easier in it
                            -> supposed that in this world there's a strong electric field (much stronger than on earth) --> you get a lightning running through the plasma.


                              if the sun is orange why is the sky sometimes black or blue

                                Овај коментар је избрисан.

                                  sun is black just like jesus


                                    Sun is orange because fusion of Hydrogen atoms into Helium creates energy with a spectrum that peaks in the orange/red wavelengths. Sky is blue because 'stuff' in the atmosphere absorbs this energy and re-emits it in the blue parts of the spectrum...or because it absorbs more of everything else other than blue making it look blue as more of that gets through....or because it's a reflection of the sea....or because the moon man painted it that colour. Take you pick.


                                      ^ I actually thought it was due to light refraction from the atmosphere, which is why the sky changes 'colour' when the sun is close to the horizon.

                                      Pandamonium(You Died)

                                        its ok guys, they will teach that to you in grade 10 or w/e (depends on how retarded ur learning system)

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